Agenda item

Better Health, Better Care, Better Value Programme Update

Report of Rachael Danter, Programme Director, Better Health Better Care Better Value


Andy Hardy, University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire (UHCW) will report at the meeting   


Andy Hardy, University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire, introduced an update report on the Better Health, Better Care, Better Value programme and workstreams.


The report referred to the recent appointment of Sir Chris Ham as the Independent Chair for Better Health, Better Care, Better Value, who had just started in his new role.


The Board were informed that good progress had been made with the Integrated Care System roadmap and the latest stocktake with NHS England had taken place on 14th December. The Better Health, Better Care, Better Value Board had agreed to work towards 14 strategic objectives that would help drive change in Coventry and Warwickshire. One of those objectives was the development of a Provider Alliance operating model. The four NHS providers were currently working together to implement this.


The report set out progress with the following transformational and enabling programmes of work:



Proactive and Preventative

Maternity and Paediatrics

Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing

Planned Care

Productivity and Efficiency

Urgent and Emergency Care




Digital Transformation



In respect of the Cancer work programme, the report informed that the West Midlands Cancer Alliance had awarded £688,144 transformation funding to Coventry and Warwickshire STP to ensure that best practice was followed with four key tumour sites (lung, colorectal, prostate and upper gastrointestinal) and for living with and beyond cancer.


The Alliance was funding £15.2m across the West Midlands, including Coventry and Warwickshire, for transforming cancer care. One of the largest programmes was the digitalisation of pathology, which had been allocated approximately £8m. This would involve pathologists capturing digital images of slides of tissue sections, which could then be shared immediately with experts across the region meaning faster diagnosis for patients and better information and collaboration for clinicians.


The Better Health, Better Care, Better Value partners were working together to improve take-up of cervical screening.


Regarding the proposals for the review of Stroke Services in Coventry and Warwickshire, residents from the area attended an options appraisal event on bedded rehabilitation last month. More than 40 people attended, including staff members who would be involved in delivering a future improved service. Feedback from the event would be utilised as part of an ongoing process to confirm the options for bedded rehabilitation before going out to public consultation.


Professor Daly, Coventry University, informed about the development of the system wide clinical strategy. A framework had been developed to support the delivery of the Better Health, Better Care, Better Value Plan. The strategy set out the current issues being faced across Coventry and Warwickshire’s health and care system and identified priority areas where services could be improved. Three priority areas identified were frailty, mental health and musculoskeletal services. 


Dr Sarah Raistrick reported back on the successful event held at Coventry Rugby Club on World Mental Health Day on 10th October. More than 100 service users, partners and other stakeholders were updated on the mental health and emotional wellbeing work programme, the progress made to date and the ways in which they could get involved. The event featured a market place showcasing local services and had breakout sessions to discuss specific elements such as crisis cafes and a Psychiatric Decision Unit.


Simon Gilby, Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership Trust, drew attention to the expansion of the Coventry Street Triage Service, where mental health nurses accompanied police officers to incidents where police thought people needed immediate mental health support. The service was to be piloted in Warwickshire.


Members also discussed dementia training for GPs. 


RESOLVED that the content of the report be noted.




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