Agenda item

Petitions (6 in number) - Request for Traffic Calming Features in Longfellow Road and Safer Crossing Points for Pedestrians

Report of the Deputy Chief Executive (Place)


To give consideration to the following petitions, all sponsored by Councillor J McNicholas, a Lower Stoke Ward Councillor, who has been invited to the meeting for the consideration of this item along with the petition organisers:


i) Install Traffic Calming Measures through Poets Corner, 18 e-signatures

ii) To Create a Safe Crossing for Pedestrians on Longfellow Road, 39 e-signatures

iii) Road Safety, Request for Speed Bumps, 47 e-signatures

iv) Create Speed Bumps on Longfellow Road, 236 e-signatures

v) Install Traffic Calming Measures on Longfellow Road, 1,934 signatures (plus 2,352 signatures from an external petitions website)


The Cabinet Member considered a report of the Deputy Chief Executive (Place) concerning six petitions, all sponsored by Councillor J McNicholas, a Lower Stoke Ward Councillor, who attended the meeting and spoke on behalf of the petitioners. Councillor R Singh, also a Lower Stoke Ward Councillor was in attendance and spoke in support. The petition organisers were all invited to the meeting. Carrianne Caress attended and addressed the meeting along with several other local residents. The other petition organisers were unable to attend, however Emily Hopkins-Hayes had submitted a written representation prior to the meeting and her concerns were reported. The petitioners were requesting traffic calming features in Longfellow Road and safer crossing points for pedestrians.


The report indicated that the six petitions, bearing a total of 4,626 signatures, requesting traffic calming measures on Longfellow Road were started by the family and community following the death of two young brothers in February 2018.   The individual petition signatures were as follows:


Install Traffic Calming Measures through Poets Corner, 18 e-signatures

To Create a Safe Crossing for Pedestrians on Longfellow Road, 39 e-signatures

Road Safety, Request for Speed Bumps, 47 e-signatures

Create Speed Bumps on Longfellow Road, 236 e-signatures

Install Traffic Calming Measures on Longfellow Road, 1,934 signatures (plus a petition with 2,352 signatures from an external petitions website).  


The petition with the largest number of signatures was requesting that the Council install traffic calming measures on the road such as pedestrian crossings, speed bumps, and chokers/ chicanes (kerb extensions). The other five petitions referred to the tragic accident and requested measures to address careless and speeding drivers and measures to provide safer crossing points for pedestrians.   


The report informed that Longfellow Road was a local distributor road and bus route connecting Walsgrave Road with Hipswell Highway, and was subject to a 30mph speed limit. The school crossing patrol on Longfellow Road ceased in January 2016 as Ravensdale Primary School was unable to continue funding the service. Mobile vehicle activated signs were installed on the approach to the location that the school crossing patrol previously operated from. These signs collected speed data from passing vehicles and would be replaced with permanent signs as part of the proposed scheme. The Cabinet Member was informed of a previous petition requesting a traffic management solution for the road, including the replacement of the school crossing patrol, which had been considered at the Cabinet Member for City Services meeting on 26th June, 2017 when it had been agreed to trial the mobile signs.   


A review of the personal injury collision history of Longfellow Road showed that in the last three years 6 injury collisions had been recorded. Speed surveys undertaken on the road between 2015 and 2017 recorded an average weekly speed between 25.6mph and 26.7mph eastbound and 24.5mph and 31.8mph westbound. The mobile signs currently on site regularly recorded vehicles travelling in excess of the speed limit. Police investigations revealed that the driver of the vehicle involved in the tragic incident in February was driving while under the influence of drugs.


The report referred to the Local Safety Scheme programme which funded road safety schemes based on sites where there had been six or more personal injury collisions reported to the Police in the previous three years. At the previous Cabinet Member on 19th November, 2018 a report was approved which enabled a traffic calming scheme for Longfellow Road to be brought forward for implementation in the current financial year.


The proposals were to install 2 raised tables on the road, one at the junction with Morris Avenue and one at the junction with Mellowdew Road/ Shelley Road, hatched road markings along the centre of the road and several pedestrian refuges. The installation of physical measures should slow inappropriate vehicle speeds and create safer pedestrian crossing points. The scheme had been drawn up following meetings with the family and representatives of Ravensdale Primary School. The exact locations of the crossing points or refuges would be determined following wider consultation with the community, bus companies and other key stakeholders. The Cabinet Member was informed that this consultation would be undertaken early in the New Year.     


Councillor McNicholas outlined his support for the proposals and referred to the installation of cameras on Ansty Road and the need to ensure that displacement of traffic didn’t occur on Longfellow Road. Councillor Singh highlighted the requirement for monitoring to ensure that the measures installed were effective. Councillor   Sawdon suggested the reduction of the speed limit on Longfellow Road to 20mph.


Carrianne Caress detailed the difficulties faced by parents when crossing Longfellow Road while taking their children to Ravensdale Primary School and the problems for elderly residents when crossing the road.


Discussion centred on importance of having the support of the police while attempting to reduce speeding across the whole of the city. It was agreed that consultation would be undertaken with the community regarding the size of the refuges. Members expressed support for the proposals and placed on record their thanks to all involved with the development of the scheme.       




(1) The petitioners concerns be noted.


(2) The implementation of a traffic safety scheme on Longfellow Road in 2018/ 2019, subject to consultation, be approved.


(3) It be endorsed that Longfellow Road continues to be monitored as part of the annual collision review.

Supporting documents: