Agenda item

Coventry and Rugby CCG 2019/20 Commissioning Intentions and 2018/19 Annual Report

Report and presentation of Andrea Green, Accountable Officer, Coventry and Rugby CCG and Matt Gilks, Director of Commissioning


(Please see the following link for additional information )


The Board considered a joint report of Andrea Green and Matt Gilks, Coventry and Rugby CCG which provided an update on the 2018 Annual Report and the process to develop the 2019/20 Commissioning Intentions. Particular reference was made to performance against the NHS constitutional standards; updates to work programmes to enhance health and wellbeing and improve outcomes; and the process to developing a refreshed set of commissioning intentions following extensive engagement and feedback. A copy of the Annual Report Summary 2017/18 was tabled at the meeting.


The report indicated that the CCG’s plans to improve the health and wellbeing of their local population for 2019/20 were set out in the context of ongoing and significant financial and clinical workforce challenges. These commissioning intentions had been developed in line with extensive engagement with clinicians, stakeholders and the public; the health needs of the local population as defined in the local Joint Strategic Needs Assessment; and national health deliverables for 2019/20.


The commissioning intentions would also set out the strategic direction for the CCG within the context of the local system, looking at ways for all health and care providers to work more closely together. To reflect the more collaborative approach, the CCG were working closely with Warwickshire North CCG and South Warwickshire CCG to develop commissioning intentions to benefit everyone across Coventry and Warwickshire.


The resulting refreshed commissioning intentions were published in September 2018 and had been divided into groupings based on the Better Health Better Care Better Value work streams as follows: primary care, out of hospital, maternity and paediatrics, urgent care, planned care, mental health and self-care. As part of the process, a full stocktake of progress against these priority work stream areas had been undertaken. The Board were informed that a summary of progress and key achievements to date were included in the commissioning intention documents.


Andrea Green provided an update on the CCG performance against NHS constitutional standards, which saw the CCG performing well on cancer waits for diagnosis and treatments. Two waiting time standards were not achieved – referral for treatment waiting times for non-urgent and A and E waiting times. She also provided the Board with an update on some of the achievements for the year which included improving the link between mental and physical health; a new scheme to help improve the detection and diagnosis of asthma; dementia pop up clinics to improve support for dementia sufferers and carers; the implementation of prescription ordering direct; educating parents on the importance of safe sleeping for babies; a second round of engagement for the redesign of stroke services; and new services for CAMHS.


Further information was provided on the commissioning intentions and key priorities. Joint working was now at the forefront, with the Health and Wellbeing Concordat and the Better Health Better Care Better Value programme providing building blocks for future system strategy. Services would be delivered locally, managed locally and planned locally through partnerships.


Members discussed the ability to deliver and meet future demand for CAMHS. The importance of partnership working to improve the system for young people was emphasised, including working with the two universities as well as listening to the views of children and adolescents.


There was an acknowledgement of the importance of engaging and working with local communities including the hard to reach. The board discussed their role in helping to get the voice of the people heard. The need to share and use information was highlighted.




(1) The progress being made to deliver the CCG 2018/19 commissioning intentions for Coventry be noted.


(2) The key messages from the 2018/19 Annual Report be noted.


(3) A report on the ongoing work of CAMHS be submitted to a future meeting of the Board.   

Supporting documents: