Agenda item

Petition - Wallace Road, State of Grass Verge and Request for Parking Solution for the Shops

Report of the Deputy Chief Executive (Place)


To consider the above petition, bearing 60 signatures, which has been submitted by Councillor G Williams, a Bablake Ward Councillor, who has been invited to the meeting for the consideration of this item along with the petition organiser


The Cabinet Member for City Services considered a report of the Deputy Chief Executive (Place) concerning a petition bearing 60 signatures which was submitted by Councillor Williams, a Bablake Ward Councillor, who attended the meeting and spoke on behalf of the petitioners along with the petition organiser Mr T Fox who was also in attendance. The report had been requested by the petition organiser following receipt of the determination letter. The petitioners were requesting that the Council address the state of the grass verges on Wallace Road and look into a suitable parking solution for residents and customers of the shops on Wallace Road.


The report indicated that Wallace Road was a local distributor road between Keresley Road and Sadler Road in Bablake Ward. On the southern side, there was a parade of shops opposite the junction with Dickens Road. Wallace Road was on a bus route. A safety scheme was consulted on and implemented in 2008/2009 in response to safety concerns raised by residents. This included the current parking arrangements outside the parade of shops. On a recent site visit, it was noted that some of the bollards installed at each end of the verge outside the shops were missing and as a result, vehicles were accessing the verge adjacent to the footway and parking off the carriageway. It appeared that some vehicles were also driving along the footway to pass other vehicles parked on the verge.


The determination letter had advised that that Wallace Road was already on the list of requests for consideration for a verge protection scheme. Due to the number of requests received for similar schemes city-wide, requests had to be prioritised in line with the verge protection policy and were dependent on the availability of funding. Wallace Road did not qualify for inclusion in the 2018/2019 verge scheme programme. Therefore, it would remain on the request list for consideration for inclusion in a future year’s programme with all local residents’ requests taken into consideration in any future scheme.

Mr Fox spoke in support of the petitioners indicating that there had been many problems in the area that had prompted residents’ concerns. He referred to
problems with speeding on Wallace Road that had resulted in approximately seven road traffic incidents in the past 12 month period involving motor vehicles, motorcyclists and cyclists, although no fatalities. A bus had been seen traveling along the road at 50mph. Vehicles were creating a dust when travelling along Wallace Road due to gravel on the road surface. Double yellow lines on the Dickins Road junction were not being enforced. Many residents were parking on their front gardens without having a vehicle crossing installed and those that had paid for a crossing installation felt let down that no enforcement action was being taken in this issue. Parking at a nearby school was also causing issues.


The Cabinet Member indicated that she had received an email from a resident of Wallace Road who was opposed to the requests of the petitioners. They felt that the grass verges were a necessity for parking for those who had no alternative and the implementation of traffic measures could result in other problems arising.


Councillor Williams indicated that a lot of work had been done on Wallace Road at a local level including: a Community Speed Watch carried out, consultation with shops/ business owners, and Police patrols in the area for speeding issues. He referred to an email he had been sent by residents who supported the requests set out in the petition and also outlined their support for the use of vehicle activated signs in the area. Councillor Williams requested that the double yellow lines on Dickens Road be enforced, he also invited the Cabinet Member to visit the Wallace Road business owners for further discussions.


The Council’s Traffic Management officers informed the Cabinet Member that a consultation had taken place with residents of the area in 2008/09 that had resulted in the current arrangements that were in place at the shops, however there had been a lack of support for traffic calming in the area therefore this was not pursued.


RESOLVED that the Cabinet Member for City Services:

1)  Notes the petitioners’ concerns.

2)  Endorses that the actions confirmed by determination letter to the petition spokesperson (as detailed in paragraph 1.6 of the report), are undertaken.

3)  Approves the reinstatement of missing bollards outside the parade of shops on Wallace Road (as detailed in paragraph 2.2 of the report).

4)  Request that the area continues to monitored.

Supporting documents: