Agenda item

Care Quality Commission Local System Review

Pete Fahy, Director of Adult Services, will report at the meeting


The Board considered a report of Pete Fahy, Director of Adult Services, which summarised the outcome of the Care Quality Commission (CQC) local system review and sought approval of the action plan arising from the identification of areas for improvement by the CQC as a result of the review. A copy of the action plan was set out at an appendix to the report.


The report indicated that the CQC required the review, its outcomes and resulting action plan, was owned and monitored by the Health and Well Being Board. The review took place between 4th December 2017 and 14th March 2018, with a whole system approach being taken focusing on how people moved between health and social care, with a focus on people over 65 years of age. The review was formally completed with a Health and Well-being Board summit which discussed the findings and commenced action planning for the next steps. The final report was published on 15th March 2018.


In summary, in the course of the review the CQC found that there was a system wide commitment to serving the people of Coventry well and that Coventry was at the beginning of its journey in ensuring all services worked well in a ‘joined up way’.  However, the review also highlighted some areas where further work was needed to ensure all those responsible for providing health and care services worked effectively together. These areas were described in the Areas for Improvement section of the CQC report.


The action plan contained seven sections which group together the areas for improvement arising from the CQC review as follows:

·  Vision and strategy

·  Engagement and involvement

·  Performance, pace and drive

·  Flow and use of capacity

·  Market development

·  Workforce

·  Information sharing and system navigation.


The action plan had been developed in a manner that was intended to give clarity and focus to the existing work groups and programmes in place as opposed to creating a separate and standalone set of activities. Some of the work within the action plan was complex, required input from a range of stakeholders and could also require resources for implementation that would only become clear as the work progressed. Therefore, many of the dates for completion were uncertain and/or indicative at this stage.


The Board were informed that the action plan was required for submission by 10th April, 2018. The Director of Adult Services placed on record his thanks to members of the Board for their support during the course of the review.


Members expressed their thanks to all the officers/ representatives who took part in the review process and in particular to the lead officer Pete Fahy. Clarification was sought about the arrangements for reporting back on progress with the action plan since a number of Boards had responsibility for various elements of the action plan including what would be reported to this Board. The requirement to keep all Board members up to date with progress was highlighted.   




(1) The submission of the action plan, set out at the appendix, which addresses the areas identifies for improvement in the review grouped into the seven themes agreed at the Health and Wellbeing Board summit held on 14th March, 2018 be approved.


(2) It be noted that as the action plan is not a standalone piece of work, and complements work already underway across the system, that updates and progress reports will be sought from the relevant existing body and brought to the Health and Wellbeing Board in a co-ordinated way. 



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