Agenda item

Better Health, Better Care and Better Value Programme Update

Report of Andy Hardy, University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire (UHCW)


Liz Gaulton, Acting Director of Public Health will report on the Proactive and Preventative Workstream


Andrea Green, Coventry and Rugby CCG will provide an update on the Proposals for Improved Stroke Services  


The Board considered a report of Andy Hardy, University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire (UHCW) which provided an update on the Better Health, Better Care, Better Value programme and workstreams.


The report highlighted that the programmes of work would reflect the priorities of one strategic, place-based plan being developed across Coventry and Warwickshire by the Health and Wellbeing Alliance. A refreshed concordat had been drafted which had been discussed by the Place Forum earlier this month. The report highlighted that the Upscaling Prevention pilot was to be used as a catalyst for place-based care, putting prevention and self-help at the heart of all change programmes. 


The report set out progress with the following transformational and enabling programmes of work:



Upscaling Prevention

Maternity and Paediatrics

Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing

Planned Care

Productivity and Efficiency

Urgent and Emergency Care




Digital Transformation



Liz Gaulton, Acting Director of Public Health reported on the Upscaling Prevention workstream. This work programme was to focus on two core elements: (i) Local Government Association (LGA) Upscaling Prevention and (ii) Community Capacity. The Proactive and Preventative Programme position statement which outlined the revised role and purpose of the workstream was set out at an appendix to the report. The year 2019 was to be a Year of Wellbeing. Work aligned to Upscaling Prevention included the NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme which was being rolled out across Coventry and Warwickshire from April. Targeted support for people identified as at high risk of developing Type 2 diabetes would include education on healthy lifestyle, help to lose weight and physical exercise programmes. 


The report indicated that Coventry and Warwickshire had successfully bid to be one of eight areas to take part in three days of action learning organised by the National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO) and the Kings Fund. The local partner groups who participated were detailed. The programme included overviews of system leadership and the behaviours required to work across a system; coaching skills; and presentations from all the areas represented at the event. Taking part in the programme confirmed the importance of making an impact at the operational level. The Board were informed that Voluntary Action Coventry (VAC) had been working with CWPT on a piece of co-design around anxiety and depression pathways within the mental health workstream. Reference was made to a very productive workshop which resulted in a better joint understanding of the reasons for blockages within referral pathways and the need for better cross-sector partnership workings to address the causes of poor mental health. 


Andrea Green, Coventry and Rugby CCG, provided the Board with an update on the proposals for Improved Stroke Services. Local clinicians and commissioners had been working on proposals to improve stroke services locally. A proposal was shared with the public over six weeks from 15th June to 28th July, 2017. The feedback from this engagement had been fed back into the proposals and the commissioners would shortly be seeking assurance from NHS England as to whether the pre-consultation work was robust enough to progress to the next steps which would involve public consultation later in the year.


RESOLVED that the content of the report and the updates provided at the meeting be noted. 

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