Agenda item

Greenspace Strategy Progress Update

Briefing Note of the Deputy Chief Executive (Place)


The Business, Economy and Enterprise Scrutiny Board (3) considered a briefing note of the Deputy Chief Executive (Place) on the progress being made in the development of the City Council’s Greenspace Strategy which was due to terminate on 31st March 2018.


In March 2017 Community First Partnership were commissioned to develop a Greenspace Strategy for the City Council in accordance with an agreed scope. A review of local, regional and national policy affecting greenspace provision and management had been completed and a report issued in July 2017. A review of the existing strategy (2018 -2018 Greenspace Strategy) aims and objective achievements was also been completed and issued in July 2017.


The first phase of the consultation process that included a number of surveys, stakeholder meetings and workshops, had been completed. The findings resulting from the consultation processes were reported and summarised in Appendix A to the briefing note. A second phase of consultation comprising two workshops, took place in early February 2018. These provided an update on work to date on the formation of the strategy, explored emerging themes and prioritised recommendations. The results of the workshops would be documented shortly.


A quality assessment based on Green Flag Award methodology has been undertaken on a total 223 open spaces. The results of this extensive piece of work was reported in Nov 2017 and a summary of the results were detailed in Appendix A to the briefing note.


A fundamental building block for the Strategy that would inform planning policy and local standards, extensive work had been required to update the mapping dataset and which had changed considerably due to development with some sites having been lost and others partially lost to development. Since 2008 mapping had focused on Council owned and managed land, this dataset needed to be expanded to cover all green spaces regardless of ownership. Further classification of these sites had also been required. The 2008 strategy recorded 521 spaces totalling 1960 hectares but did not fully consider the accessibility of spaces. Based on understanding of the supply of accessible green space, there was a similar number of accessible green spaces within Coventry but the area had decreased significantly from 1980 hectares to 1376. The final dataset was completed in January 2018 along with the quantity analysis report.


A number of immerging themes had been identified resulting from the earlier surveys and consultations and these were summarised in Appendix A to the briefing note. These themes had been used as a basis for establishing strategic recommendations and priorities as part of the second phase of workshops.


The delivery programme for the Strategy, set out in Appendix B to the briefing note, anticipated that the draft would be produced by the end of February 2018 for public consultation and the final by early April 2018. The end dates however, could vary slightly depending upon public consultation on the draft Strategy.


The Board discussed various aspects of the Strategy and the work undertaken to date. They questioned the Officers and agreed that the following be addressed in the report to the Cabinet Member for Public Health and Sport:

a)  Quality Assessment – Criteria scores depressed by the inclusion of sites which are abandoned and/or derelict and which are not being maintained – provide clear explanation of issue and the effects on the scores

b)  Wild flower planting in the City – elaborate on success of project

c)  Green Space – further emphasis and promotion of space as an asset, not a liability

d)  How the Green Space Strategy links with the Tourism Strategy

e)  Recognition of the extensive work of officers on the Strategy


RESOLVED that the Business, Economy and Enterprise Scrutiny Board (3):


1)  Notes progress in the development of the Greenspace Strategy as detailed in the briefing note.


2)  Notes the information contained in the appendices to the briefing note covering:

a)  Household and stakeholder consultation

b)  Quality Assessments undertaken

c)  Draft Strategy


3)  Notes the delivery programme, set out in Appendix B to the briefing note.


4)  Agreed that there were no further recommendations for submission to the Cabinet Member for Public Health and Sport.

Supporting documents: