Agenda item

Re-provision of Coventry's Indoor Bowls Facility

Report of the Deputy Chief Executive (Place)


The Cabinet considered a report of the Deputy Chief Executive (Place), that would also be considered by the Council at its meeting on 16th January 2018, on proposals for the re-provision of Coventry’s Indoor Bowls Facility at The Avenue Bowls Club, Gaveston Road, Coventry.


A corresponding private report detailing confidential aspects of the proposals was also submitted to the meeting for consideration.


In September 2014, Coventry City Council unanimously approved investment in a new city centre destination sport and leisure facility and approved a ten-year partnership Sports Strategy for the City, underpinned by a new Indoor Facilities Strategy, Playing Pitch Strategy and Aquatic Strategy. Coventry’s Indoor Facilities Strategy highlighted the need for the Council to work with key bowls clubs and the National Governing Body to explore the feasibility of future sustainable provision for indoor bowls in the City.


Within the initial ‘Sports Investment Model’, £1m was earmarked for investment in bowls re-provision. Following detailed feasibility work and further discussions, the proposed level of investment increased to £2.05m as this level of investment would enable re-provision of the existing six rink indoor bowls facilities from Coventry Sports and Leisure Centre, along with enhanced changing facilities, toilets and office accommodation at the club site, designed to encourage and support growth in participation. This work was part of a strategic, City-wide development approach to key sports and public leisure facilities.


The proposal for the development of an Indoor bowls facility at The Avenue Bowls Club, Gaveston Road, Coventry, subject to planning permission, was supported by the existing and proven, strong and sustainable Club governance, with a sustainable business plan that would deliver an on-going annual rental income back to the Council. The facility mix for the facility was for: six rink Indoor Bowls Facility; male and female changing; office accommodation; first aid room; changing places toilet; and connecting foyer. The site development plan for the proposed Bowls Club was outlined in Appendix 1 to the report.


Locating the Indoor Bowls Facility at The Avenue Bowls Club would consolidate an indoor and outdoor bowls offer on one site, as well as offering 12-month access to indoor bowls provision, which would benefit those who preferred to bowl indoor rather than outdoor during the summer season and further contributed to the sustainability of the business plan.


The proposed development would significantly enable the development and enhancement of facilities designed to support and encourage growth in a range of forms of participation in bowls across the city (e.g. Junior Leagues / Regional and National Competitions/ Casual Bowling / Health Programmes) within a strategic, city-wide development approach to key sports and public leisure facilities


RESOLVED that the Cabinet:


1)  Notes the intention of officers to submit a planning application for the development of a new six rink indoor bowls facility at The Avenue Bowls Club, Gaveston Road, Coventry.


2)  Recommends to the Council that it approves, in principle, the addition of £2.05m to the capital programme for 2018/2019 onwards, £0.12m of the £2.05m relating to management and design development costs as indicated in paragraph of the report, for the development of a new indoor bowls facility at The Avenue Bowls Club, Gaveston Road, Coventry.


3)  Delegates authority to the Deputy Chief Executive (Place) and the Director of Finance and Corporate Services (Section 151 Officer), following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Public Health and Sport and the Legal Services Manager, to undertake all necessary due diligence and to finalise the commercial terms with The Avenue Bowls Club for the grant of a building lease of the land to Coventry City Council for a term of up to 150 years to facilitate the construction of the building, which following construction would be under-leased to The Avenue Bowls Club, (or to a new company) to operate the new indoor bowls facility, subject to the agreed amount paid for the under lease, meeting the Council’s obligation to achieve best value consideration pursuant to s123 of Local Government Act 1972.


4)  Authorises the Deputy Chief Executive (Place), following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Public Health and Sport, to explore and negotiate any further benefit that could be derived from a more formalised commercial relationship with The Avenue Bowls Club.


5)  Approves that the Council procure the design team and associated consultants as well as the contractor for the construction of the new facility.


6)  Delegates authority to the Deputy Chief Executive (Place), following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Public Health and Sport, to agree the award of the contract following the completion of the tender process contained in Recommendation 5 above.

Supporting documents: