Agenda item

St. Mary's Guildhall - Strategic Development

Briefing Note of the Deputy Chief Executive (Place)



The Scrutiny Board considered a briefing note and presentation of the Deputy Chief Executive (People) which detailed current activity in relation to the strategic and commercial development of St. Mary’s Guildhall and sought opinions and support of the Board in respect of future plans and proposals.


The briefing note recognised that St Mary’s Guildhall was regarded as a valued cultural asset for the city of Coventry, yet for some time had not realised its full cultural or commercial potential.  As a trading service, the Guildhall was facing financial challenges, with corporate and operational costs exceeding the overall income generated.  The Guildhall also lacked a clear strategic focus and identity in respect of its overall purpose, and how it should be best utilised as an important city asset in the long term.  Action was required to address the immediate financial situation and generate increased, profitable income from the Guildhall that would initially make the asset self-sufficient, and in due course provide additional income contributions to offset other frontline service budget pressures. 


Development works were in progress in two initial areas, the café and the muniment room.  Work was underway to develop and relaunch the existing on-site café in the Undercroft, which had suffered from inadequate trading and under-investment.  Refurbishment of the space, and comprehensive changes to the menus, identity and customer offer were planned, supported by a strong marketing campaign, which would increase footfall and trading performance. Until recent months, the impressive and historical muniment room had been used only for storage, with no regular public access.  A partnership had now been established with a successful external operator to develop ‘shared office accommodation’.  This relatively risk-free venture would see the external partner invest in development of the space and ultimately bring new income to the Council through a commission on scheme memberships, while also providing a facility for the city’s growing community of entrepreneurs, creative industries and flexible workers.  With no capital investment required from the Council (as the scheme was to be funded by the external operator), by Year 2 there was a projected contribution of c21k back into the service.


It was intended that a Feasibility Study be commissioned to review the current situation, explore available options and establish a vision for the Guildhall that delivered a strong cultural asset and visitor experience, together with a business plan that captured capital and revenue investment and the likely income returns that may be achieved from this in the longer term.


The Scrutiny Board considered the presentation and information in the briefing note and the Chair requested an adjournment to allow the Board to visit the muniment room.


The Scrutiny Board discussed the following with the Cabinet Member for Jobs and Regeneration and the Cabinet Member and Deputy Cabinet Member for Community Development as the issues crossed portfolios:

·  Improvements to the café including visual improvements, for example, the removal of waste bins visible through the entrance window at eye level and promotion to students

·  Discovering the asset of the muniment room and other uses for generating income in this room rather than office space

·  Using the Dame Ellen Terry Suite, Mercers Room and old Police Cells in the council house basement

·  Holding events such as Ghost nights or Medieval theme nights


RESOLVED that the Scrutiny Board recommend to the Cabinet Member for Jobs and Regeneration and the Cabinet Member for Community Development:


1) To call for a feasibility study into positioning and developing the role of St. Mary’s Guildhall. This should be as a visitor attraction and heritage venue of distinction, as well as reflecting the fact that the Council House is the democratic centre of the City.

2) That the feasibility study should cover the following areas:

a. A market test to ensure that proposals can be viable in a competitive market

b. Consideration of the management of the Guildhall, including by an external organisation

c. An assessment and audit of vacant and under-used space in the Council House

d. The internal catering service.

3) To include other cultural and heritage partner organisations within the scope to learn from and share good practice.

4) To ensure that changes to the café and Muniment Room are evaluated and lessons learned are included in the feasibility study

5) Once the proposed lease arrangements are concluded, alternative, more appropriate uses for the Muniment Room are considered.

6) That a report be submitted to Scrutiny before the Cabinet Members with recommendations arising from the above, within an interim update to the Business, Economy and Enterprise Board in January 2018.

Supporting documents: