Agenda item

Delivering the Jobs and Growth Strategy - End of Year Progress (16-17) and End of Current 3 Year Strategy (2014-17)

Report of Deputy Chief Executive (Place)


The Scrutiny Board considered a report of the Deputy Chief Executive (Place) regarding delivering the Jobs and Growth Strategy, which was also due to be considered at Cabinet on 4th October 2017.  The report detailed progress at the end of year 2017-17 and also the end of the Strategy 2014-17.  The report detailed how the council planned to use its resources to make Coventry a city that supported businesses to grow and ensure that residents shared in the benefits of a sustainable growing economy.


The report noted that the Economy and Jobs Service, part of City Centre and Major Projects Development division, had over the last 12 months directly contributed to creating 1,340 new job opportunities against a target of 1,219. £63 million pounds of business investment had also been secured for the benefit of the city.  Council Services had supported 413 businesses to grow and develop.


In the past year 7,751 people had accessed employment support.  1,641 people who had engaged with the services provided had progressed into work.  This was a significant achievement.  The majority of these individuals were engaging through the Council’s city centre Job Shop located in Bull Yard.


The Council was committed to supporting young people into employment, particularly those who fall into the NEETS category (young people not in education, employment or training).  In May 2016 the Council began implementing the £8.5 million European Social Fund (ESF) funded youth programme for Coventry, called Ambition.  Since the implementation of the ESF funded Youth Employment Initiative programme, 1,655 young people had been supported to raise their aspirations, develop employment skills or return to education.  In addition the Employment Team had secured a further 3 grant programmes for Coventry, worth £8 million in total which would help transform lives for young people at risk of becoming NEET and adults who needed help to engage with the labour market. 


Over the life of the Jobs & Growth Strategy (April 2014-March 2017) £472.9m of investment had been secured and more than 1,300 local businesses received assistance, 798 were supported to change their recruitment practices and employ local residents.  More than 5,500 inactive and unemployed people were now in good quality and sustainable work as a result of this Strategy and over 1,000 NEETS had been supported back into education, training or work. 


There had been significant achievements over the last 3 years and a new strategy was being developed for 2017-20 which would reflect the opportunities and challenges for Coventry over the next 3 years.


The Board discussed the following:

·  Funding for the new strategy over the next 3 years

·  Working with Universities in the City

·  The number of people of working age in Coventry

·  The number of people helped to improve skills

·  Encouraging graduates to stay in Coventry


The Board were reassured that funding had been allocated until 2020 and that there were potentially opportunities with other funding being investigated including China and West Midlands Combined Authority.


The Board requested the next report include information about funding and student retention strategy.


RESOLVED that the Scrutiny Board

1.  Note progress and achievements

2.  Request the following comments be sent to Cabinet on 4th Oct, 2017

a)  the next Jobs and Growth Strategy include consideration of student retention in the city

b)  consider how to support funding for the next strategy particularly in light of Brexit and access to European Union funding sources.

3.  Report back requested in March 2018




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