Agenda item

Better Health, Better Care and Better Value Programme

Andy Hardy and Brenda Howard, University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire (UHCW) will report at the meeting


The Board considered a report of Brenda Howard, Programme Director for the STP, which provided an update on the Better Health, Better Care, Better Value programme. Brenda Howard and Simon Gilby, Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership Trust (CWPT) attended the meeting for the consideration of this item. Councillor Abbott, Cabinet Member for Adult Services was also in attendance.


The report informed that the Sustainability and Transformation Plan (STP) programme had recently been re-named ‘Better Health, Better Care, Better Value’ which reflected the triple challenges facing health and social care, as originally set out in the ‘Five Year Forward View’ report. Also, it expressed more clearly the shared ambition for the aspired outcomes.


The Board had agreed its support structure to enable the transformational and enabling work streams to deliver their priorities and objectives and recruitment was underway. The governance arrangements for the programme had been reinforced and further information was set out in an appendix to the report. The work of the Clinical Design Authority had been reframed and a Programme Delivery Group had been established to support the Board. The Board were informed that it had recently been decided that mental health services should be designated as a transformational work stream and arrangements were now progressing to establish this. In addition it had also been decided to establish a cancer work stream as part of the approach to planned care.


The report provided detailed information on progress, including individual priorities, with the following transformation work streams: maternity and paediatrics; urgent and emergency care; mental health; proactive and preventative; productivity and efficiency; planned care and cancer.


The report also referred to the enabling work streams. Work force challenges would be an issue for all work streams and the workforce group had established three key areas of focus: career pathways, leadership, and new roles and new ways of working.


In relation to Estates, the Estates Group had established three key areas of focus: premises stocktake, resources required to deliver the future model and the efficiency delivery of infrastructure functions. The group was progressing discussions on a Health and Wellbeing Campus model for George Elliot Hospital and a workshop for partners across the system was hosted on 11th July. An updated briefing on the Estates Strategy was set out at a second appendix and included background information on the Naylor Report and referred to local plans and key priorities.


The report also highlighted the recent communication and engagement sessions which had taken place.


The Board questioned the representatives present on a number of issues and responses were provided, matters raised included:


·  Clarification about the engagement on improving stroke services in Coventry and Warwickshire, in particular that views from the event meetings would all be taken into account despite several of the meetings happening after the end of the engagement period on 16th July

·  Concerns about the letter sent to all residents in the city explaining how their medical data would be shared and giving them the option to opt out via their GP at any time – incorrect contact telephone number, certain properties not receiving the letter and the over complicated content of the letter

·  How would the views of the less heard groups in the city be obtained during future engagement/ consultation exercises

·  Further details about the current position on delayed discharges from hospital

·  Details about the good relationship between partners working together to reduce the numbers of delayed discharges

·   Concerns at the expectations that the transformational work streams would be delivered by existing staff who were already struggling to meet demanding workloads

·  With reference to the governance structure chart, how did the Health and Wellbeing Board and the Joint Health and Overview Scrutiny Committee have oversight of what was happening at all the various Board/Groups/Forums, how would outcomes be recorded and how would the public get information and feed into the process

·  Clarification about the roles of the Health and Wellbeing Board and Scrutiny, especially in light of the powers of the Health and Overview Scrutiny Committee to hold the health service to account

·  The suggestion to have a City Council representative on the STP Board

·  Clarification about the acronyms in the report and the request for a glossary for future reports

·  Further information on the plans to share medical data across the health system, how this would be achieved and details about data collection

·  Concerns about a pod system now being used at a local GP practise for patients when ordering their prescriptions

·  An understanding of the reasoning behind the change of name for the programme and how would the focus of the programme remain on health and quality rather than finance

·  The inclusion of clinicians in the development of plans/proposals

·  The importance of informing the Board of timelines for engagement/ consultation on any new proposals which can then be built into the Board’s work programme.




(1) The update report be noted and the direction of travel be supported.


(2) Simon Gilby, Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership Trust to investigate the concerns raised about the circulation of the letter from the partner organisations concerning the sharing of medical data sent out to all Coventry homes including the incorrect contact telephone number, the numbers of properties who hadn’t received the letter and the over complicated content of the letter.


(3) Reports/ presentations on the individual work streams of the Better Health, Better Care, Better Value Programme be submitted to future meetings of the Board as appropriate.


(4) The Chair, Councillor Gannon to discuss with Andy Hardy, University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire, the possible appointment of a Councillor representative on the STP Transformation Board.

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