Agenda item

Whitefriars Lane/Whitefriars Street - Lease Surrender and Regrant

Report of the Deputy Chief Executive (Place)


The Cabinet Member for Jobs and Regeneration considered a report of the Deputy Chief Executive (Place) which indicated that the Coventry Boys and Girls Club, located in Whitefriars Lane for over 50 years, have been looking at how to secure the renewal of its currently ageing premises and the future of its work in the City Centre. Newark Developments Ltd, on behalf of Watkin Jones PLC, have been working with them since September 2014 to try and achieve the redevelopment of their site and a further two adjacent property interests.


The Council has been approached with an opportunity to not only assist with retaining the valuable work of the Coventry Boys and Girls Club in the City Centre by securing their future property needs but also to increase its own rental income received from the land it owns.


This would be achievable by allowing the redevelopment of the Council owned site. The site is currently subject to two long ground leases, one of which is to the Coventry Boys and Girls Club. Watkin Jones have secured conditional contracts with both parties to acquire the leasehold interests.


To create a comprehensive redevelopment which includes the provision of a new building for the Coventry Boys and Girls Club and a student housing scheme, it also requires the incorporation of additional adjacent land. Watkin Jones PLC has also secured a conditional contract to acquire this freehold interest.


In order to facilitate the development, the Council is being asked to accept a surrender of two existing leases and the regrant of two new long leases.


The adjoining privately owned parcel of land currently comprises a multi occupied terraced block of student housing fronting Whitefriars Street and this is where the main proportion of the new Coventry Boys and Girls Club will be constructed. The proposal is that the freehold interest in this land will be transferred to the Council at nil consideration in order that the Council can grant two new leases across the whole combined site, one to the Coventry Boys and Girls Club and the other to Watkin Jones PLC for the development of the student housing. To ensure the delivery of the new facility for the Coventry Boys and Girls Club, the lease will provide that the student housing cannot be built until this new facility has been constructed and the Club relocated to this new property.


A corresponding private report detailing confidential financial matters was also submitted for consideration (Minute 7 below refers)


Further to recent national events, the Cabinet Member for Jobs and Regeneration raised concerns and sought assurances at the meeting regarding ensuring that the new purpose built Club and student housing scheme were independently inspected to confirm they were compliant with building regulations and that any materials used for the buildings were fire resistant. This stance was supported by both the Deputy and Shadow Cabinet Members for Jobs and Regeneration.


RESOLVED that the Cabinet Member for Jobs and Regeneration:-


1.  Subject to securing planning consent and agreement with the Coventry Boys & Girls Club for the provision of their new building approves the surrender of the two existing leases and the granting of a new 154 year lease on the terms outlined in this report, together with any additional terms required to address the Cabinet Member for Jobs and Regeneration’s concerns regarding ensuring that the buildings are independently inspected to ensure compliance with building regulations. 


2.  Delegates authority to the Director of Finance and Corporate Services to complete the necessary documentation, following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Jobs and Regeneration and him being satisfied regarding any additional terms to address his concerns as outlined in Recommendation 1 above. 


3.  Delegates authority to the Deputy Chief Executive (Place), following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Jobs and Regeneration, for any subsequent variation in terms.


4.  Requests that officers from Planning and Property Services use all powers available to the Local Authority to ensure that the concerns of the Cabinet Member for Jobs and Regeneration are addressed through the legal and development process and are suitably enforced.



Supporting documents: