Agenda item

Feedback on the Local Plan and City Centre Area Action Plan - Proposed Modifications Consultation (March 15 2017- April 28 2017)

Briefing Note of the Deputy Chief Executive (Place)


Councillors Bigham and Thomas, Cabinet Member and Deputy Cabinet Member for Community Development have been invited to the meeting for the consideration of this item


Further to Minute 41, the Committee considered a briefing note of the Deputy Chief Executive (Place) which provided a summary of the feedback and consultation responses received to the statutory period of public consultation between 15th March and 28th April, 2017, relating to the proposed modifications to the Draft City Centre Area Action Plan (AAP) and the Draft Local Plan. An addendum note providing a summary of responses which had been received after 3.00 p.m. on 28th April was tabled at the meeting. Councillors Bigham and Thomas, Cabinet Member and Deputy Cabinet Member for Community Development attended the meeting for the consideration of this item.


The briefing note indicated that during the public engagement planning officers worked with the Communications Team to ensure a comprehensive communications strategy was delivered. Detailed information was provided on the six public drop-in sessions, five of which were held in areas most affected by the Local Plan proposals with the sixth session being held in the city centre library. The briefing note included a table with dates and venues for these sessions along with approximate attendance levels and key areas of discussion. A full summary of the areas discussed was set out at an appendix to the report.


The Committee were informed that a briefing note had been circulated at the Westwood Ward Forum and a further briefing note was provided to support ongoing consideration of the Plans within the Wainbody Ward.


The strongest objections to the Local Plan were again raised in the areas around Cromwell Lane, Eastern Green, Whitley and Keresley, with objections to the principle of developing on Green Belt land and specific issues relating to proposed development sites. Other key areas for debate included infrastructure; the relationship of existing homes to the proposed developments; ecology and biodiversity; and a desire for a greater focus of development on brownfield land. 


With regard to the City Centre Area Action Plan, discussions were limited and the plan appeared to have gained genuine support. The most notable areas for discussion were city centre car parking, student accommodation and new leisure and retail opportunities.


The briefing note detailed the additional engagement activity that had taken place which had generated e-mails, phone calls and letters with most concerns relating to the development of green belt land at Keresley, Eastern Green and Cromwell Lane.


The Committee were informed about the community response to both plans. 174 responses had been received, 151 of which were from local residents or community group with 2 responses from Ward Councillors. The major concern was loss of green belt land to development, particularly at Cromwell Lane, Eastern Green, Whitley and Keresley. In general the responses mirrored the feedback from the drop-in sessions as well as the responses received at last year’s consultation stage.


The briefing note also referred to the 17 other responses, 16 from companies and organisations and 1 from a neighbouring Council.


Following the consultation process, a small number of minor changes were proposed for both plans which aided clarification and certainty of the Plans. Further details were included in a second appendix to the briefing note. Due to their nature it was not envisaged that further consultation would be required in relation to the amendments. 


The addendum informed of the additional 55 representations received after 3.00 pm on 28th April, meaning a total of 229 responses were received. The Committee noted that these additional responses would be included in an updated report. The Committee also noted that one of the responses was from Solihull Council. In general the additional comments mirrored the issues previously identified and resulted in one minor amendment to the Plan.


Members questioned the officer on a number of issues and responses were provided, matters raised included:


·  The issue of which comes first, development or infrastructure

·  An assurance about the proposed population growth figures and housing needs statistics for the city

·  Further information about affordable housing requirements for housing developments with Coventry having a 25% target and Warwickshire 40% and whether Warwickshire’s 40% could help to deliver Coventry’s 25% target

·  Clarification about the difference between social housing and affordable housing

·  The importance of having efficient broadband speeds for new developments and who has responsibility for the associated costs

·  The availability of brownfield sites for development as oppose to using greenfield sites 

·  As the same issues were continually highlighted, were the same people attending the individual drop-in sessions

·  Further details about the consultation and responses from other neighbouring local authorities and the importance of highlighting that responses haven’t been submitted because of all the co-operation between the authorities

·  The importance of monitoring variation orders in respect of new developments and the affordable housing element

·   The position relating to the Whitley water table and planning developments in the area

·  The importance of providing larger affordable housing for families within new developments.


Members placed on record their appreciation of all the work undertaken by officers involved in the consultation process.




(1) Having considered the content of the briefing note, its appendices and the addendum, the submission of all representations and summary notes of public drop in sessions and the schedule of proposed minor changes to the Secretary of State’s nominated Inspector for her consideration as part of the on-going Public Examination of the city’s draft Local Plan and City Centre Area Action Plan be endorsed.


(2) Paragraph 7.8 of the report be expanded to include that the co-operation of other local authorities working in close partnership has meant there has been no requirement for them to provide responses.


(3) Planning Committee be requested to monitor planning applications where variation orders are requested.


(4) The issue of ensuring that development of the necessary infrastructures to support planning developments and the required timescales be considered by the Communities and Neighbourhoods Scrutiny Board (4).


(5) The official explanation for the terms ‘affordable housing’ and ‘social housing’ be circulated to members.

Supporting documents: