Agenda item

Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) - Priorities for 2017/18

Presentation of Iona Old and Claire Hindson, DWP who have been invited to the meeting for the consideration of this item


Councillors L Bigham and C Thomas, Cabinet Member and Deputy Cabinet Member for Community Development have also been invited along with the following representatives:


Janet Gurney, Coventry Law Centre

Ed Hodgson, Citizens Advice Bureau

Alan Markey, Coventry Independent Advice Service

Glen Smailes, Job Shop


The Committee received a presentation from Mary Dunleavy, Claire Hindson and Iona Old, Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) which outlined their priorities, challenges and opportunities for 2017/18 and informed how partnership work was supporting their aims. Janet Gurney, Coventry Law Centre, Ed Hodson, Citizens Advice, Alan Markey, Independent Advice Service and Glen Smailes, Coventry Job Shop also attended the meeting for the consideration of this item. A paper from Janet Gurney and Alan Markey setting out potential partnership issues for consideration was tabled at the meeting.


The presentation highlighted that the unemployment rate had fallen to 4.7% which was the lowest since 2005. Coventry had 4,430 claiming work intensive benefits, 855 being 18-24 which was a significant positive change since 2010.


Information was provided on the Jobcentre Plus Offer. Support for claimants included a universal job match; a named Jobcentre Plus contact with experience of recruitment in the local area; attraction campaigns and opportunities to get involved in local events; opportunities to recruit via a sector specific route-way; and offers of work experience or work trials. Examples of recent individual cases where claimants had been supported were highlighted. 


The Committee were provided with an understanding of universal credit and given details on the benefit cap. The full role out for Universal Credit in Coventry was due to take place in April, 2018.


The presentation referred to the new Disability Confident scheme, which involved working with employers to increase their understanding of disability; challenging attitudes towards disability; removing barriers for disabled people; and ensuring disabled people had the opportunities to fulfil their potential.


The Committee were informed about the support provided by Jobcentre Plus which included disability employment advisers, work choice and Access to Work, a national programme which helped to overcome barriers that disabled people come across when moving onto or retaining employment. Detailed information was provided on the benefits of Access to Work, the eligibility criteria and the types of help available. Information was also provided on the Mental Health Support Service and the help available from the Access to Work programme. Examples of several success stories were provided where individuals had been assisted with Access to Work grants.


The presentation set out current partnership working which included support for schools and troubled families. The presentation concluded with a summary of departmental objectives.


Members questioned the representatives on a number of issues arising from the presentation and responses were provided, matters raised included:


·  Information on sanctions placed on claimants and how long the appeals process took

·  The support provided by DWP for troubled families including attendance at children centre partnership board meetings

·  The involvement of the DWP with the new family hub models

·  The relationship between DWP and the local Law Centre and Citizens Advice Bureau

·  The opening hours for Job Centre Plus and the position of the Tile Hill office

·  Clarification about the working age population and the classification of university students

·  Further details about the budgeting support available for claimants

·  Clarification that there was not a duplication of services amongst the partner organisations

·  A suggestion that a representative from DWP be asked to sit on the Health and Wellbeing Board

·  A request for a briefing session for all Members of the Council on Universal Credit

·  Further information on how the work of Job Shop compliments the work of DWP

·  Details about the 18-24 year olds entitled to benefits but not claiming and the reasons for this

·  The financial support that would be available to help people manage when they are moved on to Universal Credit.


Representatives from the DWP agreed to provide the Committee with additional information about the Disability Confident scheme and a definition of the working age population. 




(1) The presentation be noted.


(2) Councillor Caan, Chair of the Health and Wellbeing Board, be asked to consider the appointment of a representative from the Department of Work and Pensions as a member of the Board.


(3) Arrangements be put in place for a Members Briefing to understand how Scrutiny can support effective engagement in the run up to the introduction of universal credit.


(4) Information be circulated to Members to enable them to signpost residents with issues to the appropriate agency and also inform them about the various options for support.


(5) A copy of the letter sent by an MP to his local schools informing about the support offered by Job Centre Plus to help potential NEETS students be circulated to members.   

Supporting documents: