Agenda item

Annual Report of the Work of Outside Bodies - West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA)

Report of the Leader, Councillor Duggins


The following will report at the meeting:


Martin Reeves, Chief Executive of WMCA

Councillor G Duggins, WMCA Board

Councillor J Mutton, Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Councillor S Bains, Audit, Risk and Assurance Committee


The Committee considered a report of Councillor George Duggins, Cabinet Member for Policy and Leadership, concerning on the work of the elected members appointed to three of the West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) Committees over the preceding twelve months and detailed their attendance at meetings. Martin Reeves, Chief Executive attended and provided an update on the latest position with the WMCA. Councillor John Mutton, the Council’s representative on the WMCA Overview and Scrutiny Committee was also in attendance and gave a brief summary of the Committee’s work.


The report indicated that the WMCA was a statutory body, established on 17th June, 2016 which facilitated the collaboration and joint working between local authorities to drive economic prosperity for the area. Coventry was one of the seven constituent members. From May, 2017 the WMCA would be operating as a Mayoral Combined Authority.


For 2016/17 the Council’s representatives were:

WMCA Board – Councillor Duggins and A Khan (substitutes Councillors O’Boyle and Maton)

Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Councillor J Mutton (substitute Councillor R Singh)

Audit, Risk and Assurance Committee – Councillor Bains (substitute Councillor N Akhtar).


The WMCA Board co-ordinated the work of the WMCA to achieve its identified priorities across the region. Each of leaders of the constituent authorities had distinct responsibilities. The Committee were informed that Councillor Duggins was the portfolio lead for skills and productivity. He was also a member of the newly created West Midlands Growth Company.


The report set out the WMCA economic, skills, transport and housing priorities. The Authority had established three commissions to create a blueprint to deliver economic, social and public sector reform. The commissions were addressing mental health, productivity and skills and land. In April 2017 the WMCA published its Review and Annual Plan 2017/18 which highlighted progress to date and set out its objectives. The Plan included significant projects aimed at regeneration and economic growth. For Coventry this included resources of £150m to support the City Centre South and Friargate schemes and £284m for the Connecting Coventry programme.


The report referred to the work of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee which had met four times over the last year and had been consolidating its terms of reference and formulating its work programme. The work programme concentrated on the outcomes of the three commissions to address mental health, productivity and skills and land along with budget scrutiny.


The Audit, Risk and Assurance Committee had met on three occasions considering a number of reports and policies of the Authority.


Martin Reeves reported on the implications of the appointment of Andy Street as West Midlands Mayor and drew attention to Councillor Duggins’ role on the new West Midlands Growth Company. He highlighted the potential for Coventry to be at the centre for the skills agenda, referring to the recent Skills Conference held in the city.


Members questioned the officer and member on a number of issues and responses were provided, matters raised included:


·  What plans were in place to ensure that the new mayor wasn’t just concerned with Birmingham and would have a presence elsewhere in the region and would promote the whole area

·  The options for having WMCA meetings outside of Birmingham, access to report and agendas and whether meetings were open to the public

·  The plans for marketing the Combined Authority area

·  Further information about the relocation offers and proposals for Channel 4

·  Concerns about the slow development of Scrutiny at the CA and the importance of giving local authority scrutiny specialised roles

·  The future role of Councillors in light of the CA

·  Clarification about Councillor Mutton’s role which included asking questions on behalf of Coventry Councillors.




(1) The update on the work of the West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) be noted.


(2) Appointments to the WMCA Board and Committees continue to be made to the organisation in line with legislative requirements.


(3) Coventry to be kept at the forefront of the Skills Agenda for the WMCA.


(4) Coventry’s profile to be embedded in the West Midlands offer when marketing the region to attract new and relocating businesses.


(5) Coventry’s Scrutiny arrangements to play a significant role in the scrutiny of the WMCA, including the role of the mayor, and, if appropriate, Coventry to take responsibility for one of the WMCA scrutiny priorities.


(6) The new mayor, Andy Street, to be offered accommodation at the democratic centre in Coventry.


(7) The National Audit Office paper on the governance and operation of Mayoral Combined Authorities be circulated to members following its publication at the end of the pre-election period. 

Supporting documents: