Agenda item

West Midlands Combined Authority Mental Health Commission Report

Report of Simon Gilby, Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership Trust


The Board considered a report from Simon Gilby, CWPT which drew attention to the launch of the report ‘Thrive West Midlands’ of the Mental Health Commission established by the West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) on 31st January, 2017. A copy of this report was attached at an appendix to the report. The Board were asked to receive the report, considering its fit with local strategic priorities and any actions that Board would want to take.


The report indicated that the WMCA established the Mental Health Commission in late 2015. The WMCA had identified poor mental health and wellbeing as a significant issue for the region, not only in terms of the effects for individuals and families but more widely on the communities and the economy of the area. It identified the enormous distress for people, greater demand for public services and reduced productivity as key factors and identified improving mental wellbeing as a priority area where the WMCA could deliver public sector reform.


The Commission was made up of independent and respected experts drawn from the fields of mental health and was chaired by the Rt. Hon. Norman Lamb MP. To advise it, the Commission established a Citizens Jury comprising people with experience of mental ill health. Support was also provided by a Steering Group set up to ensure links with the broader stakeholder community. Senior representatives from local authorities, CCGs, health trusts and the police provided additional advice.


The Board were informed that, alongside taking submissions from stakeholders, a number of engagement events were held.


The report was described as an Action Plan for Change and set out how the region could reduce the impact of mental health, build happy thriving communities and supporting those who experienced mental ill health. The key themes covered supporting people into work and whilst at work; providing safe and stable places to live, mental health and criminal justice; developing approaches to health; and getting communities involved.


In advance of the public launch on 31st January, the Commission Chair had written to stakeholders asking for commitment to the proposed actions through signing up to a Concordat.


Members of the Board raised a number of issues in response to the report including:


·  Support for the work undertaken by the WMCA

·  Acknowledgement of how the issues in the report dovetailed to the three priorities of the Board

·  The work undertaken at the Council to skill up staff to support employees with mental health issues

·  Clarification about the thresholds included in the mental health assessments to be able to access support

·  The role of the two universities in relation to mental health including preventative and proactive actions currently being undertaken to support students and the wider community

·  Further information about the links to the STP and the future commissioning arrangements

·  Clarification that once partners had signed up to the concordat then work would commence on the development of a detailed action plan

·  Concerns about the issue of homelessness since this often compounded mental health issues

·  The monitoring and scrutiny arrangements

·  The importance of having an action plan to support people with mental health to secure employment    


RESOLVED that the Board sign up to the Concordat and the Commission report ‘Thrive West Midlands’ be endorsed.  

Supporting documents: