Agenda item

Petition - Request for Improvements for Greens Road

Report of the Deputy Chief Executive (Place)


To consider the above petition, bearing 36 signatures, which has been submitted by Councillor Williams, a Bablake Ward Councillor, who has been invited to the meeting for the consideration of this item.


The Cabinet Member considered a report of the Deputy Chief Executive (Place) concerning a petition bearing 36 signatures which was submitted by Councillor G Williams, a Bablake Ward Councillor, who attended the meeting and spoke in support of the petitioners. The report had been requested by Councillor Williams following the receipt of the determination letter. The petitioners were requesting that the Council to urgently address the concerns of local residents of Greens Road, Keresley, in particular that the pavements be completely resurfaced along the whole of Greens Road, that drainage issues be sorted to prevent flooding, that double yellow lines be put at both ends of the road and speed reduction measures introduced. Also to look at parking restrictions to address the problems caused by a neighbouring primary school. Petitioners Bridget Scally and Robert Ellison also attended the meeting and detailed their concerns.


The report indicated that Greens Road was a residential road with two short cul de sacs located off; Regiment Court and Battalion Court. Whitmore Park Primary School was located nearby on Halford Lane and the road was not part of a bus route. A review of the personal recorded injury collision history of Greens Road showed that in the last 3 years (for the time period up to 31 December 2016) no personal injury collisions had been recorded.


The Cabinet Member had considered the petition prior to this meeting and in response requested that the issue was dealt with by determination letter rather than a formal report being submitted to a meeting, to be able to deal with the matter more efficiently. A copy of the determination letter was set out at an appendix to the report. The letter advised of the action proposed and approved in response to each of the issues raised as follows:


i)  Resurfacing of footways – following an assessment of the current condition of the footways and taking into consideration the usage and condition when compared with similar footways across the City, the site would be held on the City Council’s forward programme list and its condition would continue to be monitored; it would be scored against all other similar sites Citywide. If the footways on Greens Road received a priority score, they would be included in a future maintenance treatment programme, budget permitting.


ii)  Drainage Issues - the road drainage gullies along the length of Greens Road were cleaned out on 9 November 2016. This process identified that the gullies and ensuing connections were working as required and free-running. However, at the junction of Halford Lane there was a blockage in the Severn Trent Water main piped system which was preventing water from flowing away efficiently at this location. This problem had been passed on to Severn Trent Water who were responsible for this matter and they have indicated that they would investigate and rectify.


iii)  Parking - The junctions at each end of Greens Road (Bennetts Road South and Halford Lane) would be added to the waiting restriction request list for consideration of the installation of junction protection (double yellow lines) as part of next review.


Additional school-time waiting restrictions; as funding for such works was limited, they were prioritised at locations where there was a significant personal injury collision history or where congestion was being caused. Records showed that there had been no personal injury collisions on Greens Road in the last three years. Therefore, it was not proposed to introduce further restrictions, other than the forementioned junction protection double yellow lines.


iv)  Speed reduction measures – due to budgetary constraints requests for road safety schemes were prioritised utilising recorded personal injury collision data and as no injury collisions had been recorded in the last 3 years, Greens Road did not meet the criteria for a local safety scheme. Contact details were provided should residents wish to get involved in the Community Speed Watch initiative.


The implementation of the recommended proposals was dependent on funding and prioritisation with competing locations; therefore the implementation of the recommendations was on-going.


Councillor Williams requested that improvements be made to the pavements informing of several accidents involving pedestrians, requested dropped kerbs to prevent parking and detailed the inconsiderate parking by school staff, parents and visitors. Bridget Scally informed how the footpaths had never been repaired following building works which had resulted in a number of accidents, and how inconsiderate parking had meant her having to walk on the road. She highlighted the parking issues associated with the local primary school. Robert Ellison informed of the very poor state of the road and pavement.


Councillor Innes drew attention to the Council’s reducing financial budget and the necessity of having to prioritise improvement works. 


Councillor Blundell, Shadow Member suggested that a letter be sent to the Head Teacher and Chair of Governors at Whitmore Park Primary School asking them to ensure that staff, parents and visitors park considerately in Greens Road.


Members were informed that when road resurfacing works were being undertaken, residents were offered the opportunity to have dropped kerbs installed, subject to meeting criteria, and this could help to alleviate parking problems.




(1) The petitioners concerns be noted and that the actions confirmed by determination letter to the petition spokesperson are undertaken be endorsed.


(2) A letter be sent to the Head Teacher and Chair of Governors at Whitmore Park Primary School asking them to request that staff, parents and visitors park considerately in Greens Road and the vicinity of the school.

Supporting documents: