Agenda item

Coventry's Draft Carers Strategy 2016-19

Report of Gail Quinton, Executive Director of People


The Board considered a report of Gail Quinton, Executive Director of People which sought endorsement for the Carer’s Strategy 2016-19, a copy of which was set out at an appendix to the report.


The report indicated that a carer was someone who provided unpaid care for a family member or friend, who due to illness, disability, a mental health condition or an addiction, could not cope without support. The 2011 census identified 32,101 carers in Coventry, of these 3,100 were young carers under the age of 25. The economic value of the contribution made by carers to the city was estimated at £680m.


Coventry’s multi-agency Carers Strategy expired in 2015. The new draft strategy had been developed through a multi-agency approach including health partners and voluntary sector organisations who played a key role in supporting carers. The carer reference group had also been engaged in the process. The strategy reflected the following four priorities set out in the national carers strategy:

·  Identification and recognition

·  Realising and releasing potential

·  A life alongside caring

·  Supporting carers to stay healthy.

For each of these priorities a number of improvement areas had been identified based on feedback and evidence and further information was set out at an appendix to the report. Improvement activities included:

·  Developing and implementing a Carers Charter

·  Clarifying the pathway for carers and simplifying processes for registering and signposting carers

·  Increasing Carers’ Clinics and information available in GP surgeries

·  Improved co-ordination with other parts of the health and social Care System including urgent care and end of life care.


The Board were informed that two workshops had been held to provide the opportunity for feedback on the draft strategy as well as being presented at various carer groups and Board meetings and feedback had been very positive overall with improvements being widely supported. The Board noted that the strategy now included links with the Sustainability and Transformation Programme to ensure synergy with the major change programme across the health and care system.


Members expressed support for the consultation work that had been undertaken. Concerns were raised about the number of over 65s caring for spouses and the challenges involved with supporting these carers if they developed health issues as well, an issue which was likely to escalate with increasing life expectancy. There was a concern that the strategy didn’t take account of these elderly carers. There was an acknowledgment of the importance of the STP and partnership working to improve healthy life expectancy for Coventry people. Further discussion centred on the communication with carers, particularly individuals who were not receiving any support.

Councillor Abbott, Cabinet Member for Adult Services informed about the activities that had taken place in the city during the Carers Week 2016.




(1) The Coventry Carers Strategy be endorsed, with the manner in which the strategy has been developed with a wide range of stakeholders being noted.


(2) The Strategy be updated to include more references to older carers.


(3) Members of the Board to take responsibility for arranging sign off of the Strategy through their respective governance arrangements.

Supporting documents: