Agenda item

Sustainability and Transformation Plan Update

Presentation from Andy Hardy, University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire and Chair of the Programme Board


Andrea Green, Coventry and Rugby CCG has been invited to the meeting for the consideration of this item


The Board received a presentation of Andy Hardy, University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire (UHCW), delivered by Andrea Green, Coventry and Rugby Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) on the Sustainability and Transformation Plan (STP) Programme.


The Board were informed that the STP was a route map of how the NHS national strategy was to be delivered at a local level and information was provided on the development of this national strategy. The main questions to be addressed in the Plan were: How will you close the health and wellbeing gap? How will you drive transformation to close the care and quality gap? and How will you close the finance and efficiency gap?


The presentation included the timeline for the STP informing of the milestones to date and concluding with the financial template submission to close the financial gap having been submitted on 16th September and the detailed STP with implementation dates and updated financial details by 21st October. Information was provided on the Programme structure and workstreams including the Programme Board and Finance Group. There were five transformation workstreams: proactive and preventative; urgent and emergency care; planned care; maternity and paediatric; and productivity and efficiency. The Board noted that mental health linked into each of these workstreams. The supporting workstreams were also highlighted.  


The design authority had been established with initial work facilitated by PricewaterhouseCooper. Objectives included acting as a sounding board for the emerging whole system vision proposed by the Transformation Board; providing whole system and clinical input into the design of the new system; and designing and agreeing the appropriate programme structure and remit of the workstreams for the next STP check point.


The presentation concluded with the next steps to be taken in respect of workstreams, programme delivery and finance, along with key risks associated with the Sustainability and Transformation Plan which included:

·  No history or track record of delivering large scale transformation across the footprint

·  Potential for reversion to silo approaches

·  Individuals representing organisation against STP/footprint

·  Continued misalignment of regulations, priorities, expectations, processes etc between the respective organisations

·  Current operational and financial challenges against the need to prioritise STP work

·  Funding and access to capital resource

·  Sourcing appropriate capacity to implement the programme of work.


The Board questioned the representative and officer present on a number of issues and responses were provided, matters raised included:


·  How the Scrutiny Board could support the STP Programme Board and feed into the consultation process

·  The costs associated with the involvement of PricewaterhouseCooper who were supporting the initial work of the design authority

·  Clarification about how the cross boundary working would result in innovation

·  Clarification as to whether there would be full public engagement on the STP

·  A concern raised by the Healthwatch Steering Group that the STP was very acute orientated and there needed to be greater reference to social care, community care and the work of GPs

·  A suggestion that the STP needed to have more emphasis on the employees who would deliver the new ways of working, also what support and care would be available for the workforce

·  Was there a significant input from patients and staff in the development of the new national strategy

·  How could the Board be provided with base line information which would allow them to be able to scrutinise how the STP would be delivered

·  The suggestion that preventative care should be a cross cutting theme of the STP

·  Reference to the West Midlands Combined Authority and their priority for mental health and how this linked to the cross cutting mental health theme of the STP

·  Whether there was an opportunity to share the feedback to be given to NHS England 

·  The issue of having political accountability and oversight of the work of the Programme Board

·  A request for detailed information concerning health and wellbeing and finance and quality of service in any future presentations about the STP

·  Whether there was a role for the Board when considering the future.


RESOLVED that the presentation be noted and additional information about the funding for the Sustainability and Transformation Plan for the next five years be circulated to members of the Board.

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