Agenda item

Outcome of the Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership Trust Care Quality Commission Inspection

Report from Simon Gilby, Chief Executive of Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership Trust


Juliet Hancox, Coventry and Rugby Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) has also been invited for the consideration of this item


The Board considered a report and presentation from Simon Gilby, Chief Executive of Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership Trust (CWPT) on the outcome of the recent Care Quality Commission (CQC) Inspection of CWPT and the Trust’s Action Plan in response. Councillor Abbott, Cabinet Member for Adult Services attended the meeting for the consideration of this item along with Jed Francique and Anita Morgan, CWPT and Matt Gilks, Coventry and Rugby Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG). Councillor Mal Mutton was also in attendance for this item.


The report indicated that the comprehensive inspection took place between 11th and 15th April, 2016. The Inspection team consisted of around 80 people including inspection staff along with doctors, nurses, allied health professionals, managers and experts by experience. The team met with patients and carers receiving services as well as staff who provided care and support services.


The CQC gave a rating across its 5 Core Inspection Domains: Safety, Effectiveness, Caring, Responsiveness and Well Led. The overall outcome for the Trust was ‘Requires Improvement’, with the domain ‘Caring’ rated overall as ‘Good’. The CQC had also rated each type of service provided by the Trust, of the 14 services inspected 6 were rated as ‘Good’ and 8 were rated as ‘Requires Improvement’. Further details were set out at an appendix attached to the report. The Board were informed that community health services for children, young people and families and end of life care were both rated as outstanding for caring. The report also detailed the issues of good practice highlighted by the Inspection Team.


The Board noted that the CQC had issues one warning notice which focussed on the Trust’s arrangements for managing eliminating mixed sex accommodation requirements which needed to be addressed. The Trust immediately put in place arrangements to ensure that patients within an area of mixed sexes had the appropriate risk assessments and care plans in place and were monitored daily. The Trust had also reviewed its policy arrangements. The Trust were also issues with three requirement notices and the actions required by the Trust to make to improve services were detailed.


The CQC had hosted a Quality Summit for partner agencies when the findings of the inspection were presented and the actions to be taken in response. The Trust’s detailed improvement plan had been submitted to the CQC on 12th August 2016.


The presentation indicated that the inspection had been a positive experience and CWPT had welcomed the report and accepted the findings. The Trust were pleased that areas of success and good practice had been identified and recognised that there were areas which required attention. The immediate actions taken were highlighted. Further information was provided on what the Trust was proud of along the improvements to be made. 


The Board questioned the representatives present on a number of issues and responses were provided, matters raised included:

·  What was being done to address the issue of low staff morale

·  A request to have the opportunity to see the action plan

·  Further information about the timescales for the CQC inspections

·  If there were any concerns about particular areas that were failing or issues not being moved forward

·  A concern about the dental service in the city, in particular residents who were in pain waiting for an appointment while others presented at A and E and got immediate help

·  A request for a report back on the implementation of the action plan

·  The budget spend on agency staff and the future targets for savings in this area

·  If there were any local commissioning issues associated with the potential reduction in agency staffing

·  How the Board could support CWPT

·  A request for additional information about training, development and performance management of staff. 




(1) The update on the CQC Inspection and the Trust’s Action Plan be noted and the details of the Action Plan be circulated to members when available.


(2) An update report on progress with implementing the Action Plan be submitted to a future meeting of the Board in approximately six months included detailed information about the training, development and performance management of staff.


(3) Additional information about the anticipated future savings on Agency Staff be circulated to members.  

Supporting documents: