Agenda item

Coventry Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2016 - 2019

Report of Dr Jane Moore, Director of Public Health


The Board considered a report of Dr Jane Moore, Director of Public Health which provided an update on progress on the development of Coventry’s Health and Well-being Strategy for 2016-19.


Ben Diamond, West Midlands Fire Service, referred to the priority to reduce health and wellbeing inequalities and to the commitment of Sir Michael Marmot and Public Health England to continue to work with Coventry for a further three years. It was the intention to raise Coventry’s profile as an exemplar city for reducing health inequalities, measuring progress against local and national indicators. A launch event was held on 23rd March, 2016 with all partners in attendance.


Partners would continue to work on existing projects along with the following two additional priorities:

(i) Tackling health inequalities disproportionally affecting young

(ii) Ensuring that all Coventry people, including vulnerable residents, can benefit from ‘good growth’ which will bring jobs, housing and other benefits to the city.

The membership of the over-arching Marmot Steering Group has been increased to reflect these new priorities and now includes representatives from Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce, the Department of Work and Pensions and the Local Enterprise Partnership.


Indicators were currently being developed alongside the action plan for the next three years.


The Board received an update from Danny Long, West Midlands Police on progress with the priority ‘to improve the health and wellbeing of individuals with multi complex needs’. A Multiple Complex Needs Board had been established, chaired by Danny Long, to provide a re-designed, integrated and co-ordinated service for those experiencing two or more of the following: substance misuse, mental ill health, violence and sexual abuse.


The approach of the Board was evidenced based and work was being undertaken to map provisions of services as well as linking in with national initiatives. The Board aimed to ensure that the city would be given the necessary powers, responsibility and accountability to improve the lives of those most excluded due to their needs.


A Multiple Complex Needs Network was also to be established with a wider membership to collaborate, share best practice and promote and enhance service delivery.


Danny Long reported that the first meeting of the Board was scheduled for 15th July. He referred to the intention to consider the issue of prevention and to the outcome of allowing individuals to retain a sense of independence, self-worth and self-esteem, taking personal responsibility for their futures. It was the intention that individuals would share their experiences so service users would help to shape services.


The Board discussed a number of issues arising from the report including:


·  Support for the work of the Multiple Complex Needs Board

·  How the data collection would link to the data that was collected by West Midlands Police

·  How would the issue of homelessness be covered by the programme

·  Concerns about the intention to make financial savings when the scope of the review might determine that early investment was required to take pressure away from services

·  If there was the potential to analyse significant data to be able to predict issues such as incidents of violence and sexual abuse.


RESOLVED that the direction of travel and the completion of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy be endorsed. 

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