Agenda item

Transforming Care Partnership

Report of Pete Fahy, Director of Adult Services


The Board received a briefing note of Pete Fahy, Director of Adult Services, which sought the support of the Board for the programme of work that was underway across Coventry, Warwickshire and Solihull to deliver the Transforming Care Programme (TCP). The note summarised the background to the TCP, the implementation and achievements to date and highlighted the requirement for submission of a delivery plan to NHS England by 1st July, 2016. Key risks associated with the programme were also identified. The draft plan for submission to NHS England was set out at an appendix to the note. 


The briefing note indicated that Transforming Care was an NHS led programme with cross sector support which aimed to improve the care and support for people with learning disabilities and/or autism and mental health problems or behaviour that challenged.


In September 2015 Coventry and Warwickshire with Hereford and Worcestershire submitted a joint fast track plan to NHS England and Coventry and Warwickshire subsequently received £825,000 from NHS England to deliver against this plan.


In December 2015 the programme was varied by NHS England introducing a new requirement where all areas of England were to confirm new partnerships, develop a new plan including bidding for a share of an additional £30m of funding. The new partnership included Coventry, Warwickshire and Solihull and required a revised and combined plan to be submitted by 1st July, 2016. Consequently Coventry was now part of the fast track programme and a Transforming Care Partnership.


The fast track plan set out three phases of implementation and work had focussed on the delivery of the first phase which required the establishment of an intensive support team to create community resilience in order for the nine bedded assessment and treatment ward at the Caludon Centre to be decommissioned. To test the robustness of this team, the beds admissions were suspended on 31st March, 2016. Key achievements were highlighted and the Board were informed that the fast track plan and the progress made were considered a national exemplar.


The Transformation Care Plan submission required by 1st July needed to demonstrate how the partnership planned to fully implement the national service model by 31st March, 2019. This model set out how people with learning disability and/or autism who display behaviour that challenges are to be supported in community settings so reducing the need for long term in-patient facilities. The delivery of the model required whole system response and partnership working to deliver so was to be endorsed by the Board. The plan focussed on the second and third phases which extended the model to children and young people and people with autism who do not have a learning disability along with people with forensic needs.


The Board were informed that it was an ambitious programme required to progress at pace with a lack of clarity in some areas. There was a risk management plan in place and there were two key risks associated with delivery of the plan: delivering the trajectories and financial sustainability.


Members raised a number of issues arising from the briefing note including:

·  further information about the risks and challenges to the programme

·  what the Board could do in support the programme

·  clarification about the numbers of individuals that the plan would support.


Councillor Abbott, Cabinet Member for Adult Services expressed her support for all the successful partnership work. 




(1) The Coventry, Warwickshire and Solihull Transforming Care Partnership Transformation Plan which delivers the values and priorities of the TCP programme be supported, whilst recognising that plans cannot have final sign off until greater clarity exists on the funding arrangements.


(2) Briefings on progress be submitted to future meetings of the Board to include the management of the financial implications and trajectory delivery risk across the health and social care economy associated with the delivery of the Transforming Care Partnership.

Supporting documents: