Agenda item

Quarter Three Internal Audit Progress Report 2015-16

Report of the Executive Director of Resources


The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director of Resources, which provided an update on the internal audit activity for the period April to December 2015 against the Internal Audit Plan for 2015/16.


The Committee noted that the key target facing the Internal Audit Service was to complete 90% of it work plan by the 31st March 2016.  At the end of December 2015, the Service had completed 62% of the Audit Plan against a planned target of 64%.  The Committee further noted that whilst the performance was only slightly behind target, the service’s ability to complete delivery of the plan had been impacted by unplanned absences in the team since December 2015.  In response to this, it was intended to amend the Internal Audit Plan for 2015/16 given the view that the impact of these absences could be offset by changes in the audit plan either as a result of audits being delayed, deferred or postponed and where days allocated in the plan were not reflective of need.


Table two within the report provided a list of the audits finalised between October and December 2015, along with the level of assurance provided.  Appended to the report was a summary of findings from key audit reports completed and, in all cases, relevant managers had agreed to address the issues raised in line with the timescales stated.  These reviews would be followed up in due course and the outcomes reported to the Committee.


In considering the Appendix to the report, the Committee raised particular concerns in relation to the Sickness Absence Compliance Review and the Pertemp Master Vendor Follow-up.  With regard to the Sickness Absence Compliance, the Committee questioned the appropriateness of the requirement to carry out return to work interviews within 3 days and the need for these to be undertaken face to face given the new ways of working across the Council and more functions being carried out remotely.  They requested that Human Resources be requested to review the target of 3 days and whether the return to work interviews could be undertaken in other ways than face to face meetings.


With regard to the Pertemp Master Vendor Follow-up, the Committee were concerned about the continued difficulties in ensuring the pre-employment checks were completed and sought assurance that requirements for DBS checks and ensuring that agency workers were legally entitled work in the UK were undertaken before being placed in employment within the Council.  The Senior Auditor agreed to undertake further investigations and report back to the Committee Members.



RESOLVED that the Audit and Procurement Committee:-


1.  Note the performance at quarter three against the Internal Audit Plan for 2015/16.


2.  Request Human Resources to review whether the target of 3 days in relation to return to work interviews is still fit for purpose and whether the interviews had to be carried out face to face.


3.  Request that confirmation be sought from Pertemps that requirements for DBS checks and ensuring that employees were legally entitled to work were completed prior to agency staff beginning work with the City Council.

Supporting documents: