Agenda item

Health and Well-being Strategy

Dr Jane Moore, Director of Public Health will report at the meeting


Further to Minute 21/15, the Board received a presentation from Sarah Billiald, Collaborate which provided a summary of the Board’s development day held on 27th November, 2015 and sought approval for agreeing the next steps for the development of the Board and for determining the priority themes for the Health and Well-being Strategy.


The presentation set out the current focus and operation of the Board along with the opportunities for improvement and change required to move forward the work of the Board, for example rather than reacting to issues and fixing problems to shaping services and creating opportunities; or shifting from statutory sector provision to multi sector provision. There was a reminder of how the session had focused on the individual assets in the room, the Board’s purpose and what the unique contribution of the Board was. The presentation also provided a summary of the key barriers that the Board would like to tackle and detailed the key issues raised in relation to these barriers. It was suggested that further Delivery Clinics be held focussing on the Board’s priority areas in order to progress the improved ways of working and a collaborative delivery framework was set out.  The presentation concluded with a reminder of the following key priorities which had been discussed at the last Board meeting, having been developed by the Marmot Steering Group and the Health and Well-being Strategy Steering Group:


Mental Health

Substance Misuse

Children and Young People


Resilience of the Health and Social Care System

Violence and Abuse

Economic Growth


Further information on these priority themes was tabled including possible areas for focus and cross cutting issues.


Andy Hardy, UHCW put forward the option of creating one Accountable Care Organisation for the city as a potential priority for the Board to consider.


Members of the Board split into two breakout groups and discussed which of these individual priorities would be most appropriate for the Board to tackle as their main priority topics for inclusion in the revised Health and Well-being Strategy. Both groups reported back on their discussions highlighting where they felt greatest impacts could be achieved. Arising from this feedback, the following two areas were agreed as priorities for the Board:


·  Resilience of Health and Social Care Systems, including the suggestion of having one Accountable Care Organisation for Coventry

·  Improving the Health and Well-being outcomes for those affected by the toxic triangle – substance misuse, domestic abuse and mental health




(1) Dr Adrian Canale-Parola, Coventry and Rugby CCG and David Williams, NHS Area Team, to produce a paper providing information on options for improving the resilience of the Health and Social Care System including the feasibility of an Accountable Care Organisation for Coventry for discussion at a development workshop arranged for the morning of Wednesday, 20th January, 2016.


(2) Arrangements be put in place to hold full day development workshop to consider how the Board can lead on improving the Health and Well-being outcomes for those affected by multiple complex needs (substance misuse, domestic abuse and mental health).