Agenda item

Improving Accommodation for Older People Consultation

Briefing Note of the Executive Director of People


The Board considered a briefing note and received a presentation of the Director of Adult Services which provided an overview of the improving accommodation for older people consultation, outlining the approach taken and highlighting the feedback to date.


At their meeting on 11th August, 2015 Cabinet approved a consultation on the ceasing of care services from Housing with Care schemes in the city. The four schemes at Frank Walsh House, Skipton Lodge, Halford Lodge and Farmcote Lodge, were owned by Whitefriars Housing, with the care services provided by the Council. The overall objective of the proposal was to support the long term improvement in accommodation for older people within the city. These older schemes provided a standard of accommodation below that which would be expected from a modern facility. The Board were informed that there were currently 40-50 vacancies within the Housing with Care stock in the city as people were being supported to remain in their own homes. New modern facilities were being developed in the city.


On the site at Frank Walsh House, there were also two learning disability day services, Jenner8 and the Community. Those affected by the proposed closure of these two day centres were also being consulted. Details of the numbers of service users and staff affected by the proposals were highlighted.


Prior to the formal consultation commencing, a series of engagement meetings were held with service users and their family carers to explain the reasons behind the proposals. Consultation commenced on 25th August and concludes on 17th November. Group meetings had taken place and sessions had been arranged for people to talk individually to Council staff. Grapevine had been commissioned to consult with service users of the two day centres. To date 230 people had been directly consulted with and 40 on-line responses had been received.


The Board were informed of the emerging themes arising from the consultation which included concerns about the potential upheaval of a move; requests for financial support; requests to close less than four of the schemes; concerns that the same levels of support wouldn’t be available and the impact this would have on family carers; a desire for the day services to be able to continue; and a recognition of the quality service currently provided by staff.


The Board noted that feedback from the consultation was to be presented to Cabinet at their meeting on 5th January, 2016 along with recommendations following the consultation.


Members raised a number of issues arising from the presentation and responses were provided, matters raised included:


·  What were Whitefriars proposing to do with the buildings once the schemes closed

·  Were positive messages being put across in the local media regarding the objectives for the proposals

·  What was the current views of service users who experienced the previous closures at Jack Ball House and George Rowley House

·  Would the proposals ensure that future requirements for accommodation could be met

·  Clarification that all hand written and e-mail responses would be taken in to account


RESOLVED that the work completed on the consultation to date be noted.

Supporting documents: