Agenda item

Petition Update Report - Juniper Drive Play Area

Report of the Executive Director of Place


Further to minute 10/15 (meeting held January 2015), the Cabinet Member considered a report of the Executive Director of Place with an update on Juniper Drive Play Area petition.  The petition had been signed by 115 residents who live in the vicinity of Juniper Drive.  It called on the Council to update and replace play equipment in the park area Juniper Drive/Woodridge Avenue in consultation with local residents as there had been no update of the equipment for a number of years.


It was noted that most of the equipment at Juniper Drive Play Area was at the end of its practicable life that refurbishment costs were estimated at £29,400 and that adequate play provision was located at Allesley Park just 600m away from Juniper Drive and well within its catchment area.


It was highlighted that the Parks Service budget was to be reduced by £1m from April 2015 and that part of the parks Service Financial Strategy was to review the replacement of equipment when it became beyond practicable repair.


During February 2015 local residents formed the ‘Allesley Green Residents’ Association’.  The report noted that the group had expressed an interest in seeking external funding to remove the old play equipment at Juniper Drive and replace with new.  The Head of Streetpride and Greenspace had attended a residents’ forum in June 2015 to outline the circumstances surrounding the decision to remove the play equipment at Juniper Drive and respond to questions.  The opportunity was taken to reinforce the commitment to delay the removal of the equipment whilst the Association was pursuing external funding opportunities and the offer of Council Officer support in that process. It was reported that since the report was written there had been further development. 


Further meetings between the Association and Council officers have continued with a view to progressing the improvements and replacement of play equipment.  A draft consultation document has also been sent to the Association. 


The Cabinet Member sought clarification from the officer on the use of the £13,000 which was allocated for removing the existing items of equipment and safer surfacing works.  As the Association was in the process of applying for up to £50,000 external grant funding to provide additional play equipment.  The £13,000 has been reserved and may be match funded if the potential bid application covered the removal of the existing play equipment.


RESOLVED, that after due consideration of the report and the matters raised at the meeting, the Cabinet Member: -


1.  Note the progress made by the Allesley Green Residents Association in seeking external funding to remove the old play equipment at Juniper Drive Play area and replace with new.


2.  Endorse the actions of Council Officers in assisting the Association to seek and submit external funding bids.


3.  Agree that the removal of the play equipment at Juniper Drive be postponed until November 2015 (subject to any necessary action arising from safety or maintenance issues) allowing the Association adequate time to explore funding sources.


4.  Agree that the Council continues to inspect and maintain the equipment at Juniper Drive Children’s Play area until May 2016.



Supporting documents: