Agenda item

Under 18's Conceptions - Current Situation in Coventry

Briefing Note of the Director of Public Health


Councillor Ruane, Cabinet Member for Children and Young People has been invited to the meeting for the consideration of this item.


The Committee considered a briefing note of the Director of Public Health which provided an update on the under 16 and under 18 conception rates in Coventry and outlined the actions being taken which aimed to continue to reduce the teenage conception rates in the city. Councillor Ruane, Cabinet Member for Children and Young People and Councillor Clifford, Deputy Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Services attended the meeting for the consideration of this item. Kerry Beasley and Natalie Hutton, Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership Trust, were also in attendance.


The current under 16 and under 18 conception rates in Coventry were higher than both the national and West Midlands average although data from recent years suggested that the city was sustaining a downward trend.


Research had demonstrated that under 18 conceptions were associated with a wide range of complex factors. In 2009 the National Support Team reviewed the practice in Coventry and provided guidance to decrease the number of under 18 conceptions. The briefing note set out the actions now being undertaken in response. Under strategic leadership and accountability, reference was made to the redesigned sexual health service which was recently retendered and to the development of a city wide Sexual Health Action Plan, a copy of which was set out at an appendix to the briefing note.

The key priorities were also detailed. A Sexual Health Programme Board had been established to monitor the delivery of the Action Plan.


Information was provided on relationship and sex education in and outside of school settings; the support available to parents to enable them to discuss relationship and sex; young people friendly contraceptive services and condom schemes; training for health and non-health professionals; targeted prevention for young people at risk; and communicating strong messages to young people.


The Committee questioned the officers and Cabinet Member on a number of issues and responses were provided, matters raised included:


·  A concern about the support provided for vulnerable young people at The Foyer

·  Concerns that Grace Academy didn’t promote the C-card and how relationship education is being taught

·  A request for Ward Councillors to be informed of the situation in their Ward including potential hot spots

·  The importance of educational opportunities and raising low aspirations

·  A request for information on Local After Children and details relating to different ethnic groups

·  The partnership work with the two local universities

·  The support being given to Looked After Children to enable them to gain apprenticeships or to continue studying after leaving school.




(1) The review of the current data available regarding teenage pregnancy in Coventry be noted and the actions outlined in the briefing note, aimed at continuing to reduce the teenage conception rate in Coventry, be endorsed.


(2) Officers to explore the possibility of making more local data relating to Wards and hotspots available to Members, subject to data protection and confidentiality requirements.


(3) Officers to explore the possibility of identifying more detailed data where it helps understanding and targeting of actions, including Looked After Children and ethnicity, subject to data protection and confidentiality requirements.


(4) A briefing note be circulated to Committee members providing an update on the current position at The Coventry Foyer including how concerns raised are being addressed.

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