Agenda item

Petitions- Save Allesley Park Library and Save Stoke Aldermoor Community Library

Report of the Executive Director of People


To consider the following petitions:


(i)  Save Allesley Park Library - 168 signatures, submitted by Councillor B Singh, a Whoberley Ward Councillor who has been invited to the meeting for the consideration of this item.


(ii)  Save Stoke Aldermoor Community Library – 7 signatures. The petition organiser has been invited to the meeting for the consideration of this item.


The Cabinet Member considered a report of the Executive Director of People, which responded to a number of petitions which had been presented to the Council asking to reconsider making cuts to local library services.


An e-petition headed “Save Allesley Park Library from Government forced cuts” bearing 168 signatures was sponsored by Councillor Singh, a Whoberley Ward Councillor, who was invited to the meeting but was unable to attend.


A further e-petition headed “Save Aldermoor Community Library” bearing 7 signatures was organised by a local resident, who was also invited to the meeting but was unable to attend.


The Cabinet Member noted that the City Council currently operated a Library Service comprising Central Library plus 16 community libraries, a mobile service and an at home service. The petitions referred to individual libraries:


  Aldermoor Library located in Acorn Street, Stoke Aldermoor - one of the City’s smaller libraries, which was re-located to a building previously used as a shop (part of a small retail development) in October 2007.


  Allesley Park Library - a modern purpose built library, part of Allesley Park Neighbourhood Centre in Whitaker Road, Allesley Park. The library opened in July 2011 and the building was shared by a local GP practice and Pharmacy. The Centre was adjacent to the Wilfred Spender Centre. 


The petitions submitted related to genuine concern from local residents regarding the level of service reductions that may need to be considered by Coventry City Council. It was a reality that the City Council would have to make significant reductions in the amount of money it spends as a result of Government funding reductions. These reductions have required the Council to carefully consider all the various services it spends money on and this must include libraries. 


The way in which library provision was provided across the city may be considered within service reviews. The challenges faced by the City Council present the opportunity to reflect on changing patterns of library use, and the changing needs of library users. The Council was currently exploring whether there were any alternative models of delivery which may retain services but deliver significantly reduced costs to the Council. Options would include the co-location of different services and opportunities to co-operate with statutory and non-statutory partners in the City.


It was noted that no decisions had been taken regarding the closure of any of the city’s libraries and that any future proposals to make changes to the library service would be subject to public consultation. Officers would work over the coming months with the various groups and individuals who had expressed an interest in library services to see if they can work with the Council to deliver a better service at reduced cost.


In considering the report, the Cabinet Member requested that an offer be made to meet with residents from Stoke Aldermoor and Allesley Park in relation to the Libraries within the neighbourhoods should this be required.


RESOLVED that the Cabinet Member for Education notes the petitions and requests that Officers write to the petition organisers to advise them of the Council’s current position and assure them that the petitioners will be encouraged to participate in any discussions in relation to the future of library services in Coventry.


Supporting documents: