Agenda item

Review of the Health and Well-being Board in 2014/15

Briefing Note of the Deputy Director of Public Health


The following have been invited to the meeting for the consideration of this item:


Juliet Hancox, Coventry and Rugby Clinical Commissioning Group

Ruth Light, Coventry Healthwatch

John Mason, Coventry Healthwatch


The Scrutiny Board considered a briefing note of Ruth Tennant, Deputy Director of Public Health which informed of the work of Coventry’s Health and Well-being Board in 2014/15 and outlined the on-going priorities for the Board in 2015/16. Councillor Gingell, Chair of the Health and Well-being Board attended the meeting for the consideration of this item. Dr Adrian Cara Paronala, Coventry and Rugby Clinical Commissioning Group and Ruth Light and John Mason, Coventry Healthwatch, all Members of the Health and Well-being Board, also attended and outlined their views about the workings of the Board.


The briefing note set out the key statutory functions of the Board under the 2012 Health and Social Care Act. Following a recommendation of the Peer Review by the Local Government Association, the responsibilities of this Scrutiny Board and the Health and Well-being Board were clarified, creating a clearer separation between the scrutiny function and delivery. The partner members were highlighted.


The Board worked to an annual work programme which reflected statutory responsibilities, national requirements and key local priority areas identified in the Health and Well-being strategy. An update was provided on the following key areas of work:


a) Health and Well-being Strategy

b) Health and Social Care Integration

c) Coventry’s Age Friendly City Programme

d) Female Genital Mutilation

e) Primary Care Quality

f) Active Citizens, Strong Communities

g) Reducing Health Inequalities: Coventry as a ‘Marmot City’

h) Safeguarding

i) Local Commissioning Priorities

j) Health Protection


Additional information was provided on the Board’s engagement with patients, the public and wider stakeholders. The links with other key strategic Boards were highlighted and it was noted that Coventry had hosted a joint development session with Warwickshire’s Health and Well-being Board to share priorities and identify potential areas of shared interest.


It was anticipated that the following issues would be included as key priorities for 2015/16:


i) Continued oversight of health and social care integration, including dementia and the implementation of Better Care Coventry

ii) Oversight of the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment and the Health and Well-being Strategy including the development of the next three year strategy

iii) Continued implementation of the current year’s priorities.


The Board questioned the officers and representatives on a number of issues and responses were provided. Matters raised included:


·  Details about the work to involve young people in physical exercise so reducing early cases of obesity

·  The likelihood of obtaining a prosecution for FGM

·  Was the Board operating in the most effective way in light of time lines for work streams and the large amount of business to be covered

·  How would the Board be able to pick any new additional responsibilities

·  The importance of the Board receiving all the necessary information whilst still maintaining their role to provide strategic direction

·  Support for all the work undertaken relating to drugs and alcohol

·  How far should the Board engage with the public and individual agencies

·  How to improve communication to ensure important information reaches the public and voluntary organisations

·  The potential for joint communications with the CCG

·  A concern that health inequalities in the most deprived areas were not being addressed

·  How could the Scrutiny Board offer more scrutiny to the Health and Well-being Board




(1) Having reviewed the work of the Board and the initial priority areas for 2015/16, the key areas of work carried out by Coventry’s Health and Well-being Board be noted.


(2) Details about the activities to promote active life styles, particularly in Willenhall and Stoke Aldermoor, be circulated to Board Members.

Supporting documents: