Agenda item

Coventry's Smokefree Strategy 2015-2020

Briefing note and presentation of the Director of Public Health


The Scrutiny Board considered a briefing note and received a presentation of the Director of Public Health introducing the proposed Smokefree strategy for Coventry. A copy of the draft strategy which covered 2015-2020 was set out at an appendix to the briefing note. The issue was introduced by Councillor Clifford, Chair of Coventry’s Smokefree Alliance. Councillor Gingell, Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Services attended for the consideration of this item.


Results from the household data survey indicated that 22% of adults in the city smoked. Smoking was still the biggest cause of preventable death in the country and was directly responsible for approximately 400 deaths in Coventry each year. It was also the biggest cause of inequalities in death rates between rich and poor.


Coventry’s Smokefree Alliance was set up to provide a partnership forum to initiate, co-ordinate and develop a coherent approach for Coventry. The Forum met on a quarterly basis and representation was outlined. The previous Smokefree Strategy ran from 2010 to 2013 and produced many achievements including increased numbers of people stopping smoking with the help of commissioned services; high levels of compliance with regulations governing the sale of tobacco products and smoking in enclosed public areas; improved awareness of shisha as a tobacco product; the creation of smokefree areas at schoolgates, playgrounds, early years settings and University Hospital Coventry and Warwickshire; and a reduction in the numbers of pregnant mothers who smoked.


The main aim of the new strategy was to reduce smoking prevalence to 14% by 2020 and less that 5% by 2035, which was in line with national goals. The key priorities were:

i) Promote non-smoking as the social norm in Coventry

ii) Help more tobacco users to quit

iii) Protect priority groups from smoking related harm – pregnant women, children, people with mental health conditions and people with long term conditions

iv) Effectively respond to smoking related behaviours such as vaping and using shisha

v) Providing leadership and developing a workforce competent to help reduce the harms of smoking.


The Board were informed that the Smokefree Alliance was developing an action plan to deliver the strategy and would be accountable to the Health and Well-being Board. The draft strategy was to be considered by Cabinet and the Health and Well-being Board as well as the partner organisations.


The Board questioned the officers on a number of issues and responses were provided. Matters raised included:


·  Clarification about the accuracy of the statistics which stated that smoking was the largest cause of preventable premature death, particularly in light of people having a number of linked conditions eg smoking and obesity

·  Further information about the introduction of the no smoking policy at the hospital including the implications for mental health and vulnerable patients who smoke

·  The importance of school outreach work to help achieve the vision of a smokefree generation

·  What legislation and additional actions could help to reduce smoking prevalence across the city.




(1) Councillor Lucas, in her capacity as Chair of the Local Government Association Safer and Stronger Communities Board, be asked to raise the following issues at national level:


a) Who will have responsibility for enforcing the smokefree legislation due to come into force on 1st October, 2015 when drivers will be banned from smoking in private vehicles when children are present


b) The introduction of smokefree areas at school gates, playgrounds and parks which will be more beneficial if introduced on a national basis.


(2) Councillor Kershaw, Cabinet Member for Education, be requested to work with School Governing Bodies to promote smokefree environments both inside and outside of school premises.


(3) Additional information on the leading causes of preventable death be circulated to members of the Board.   

Supporting documents: