Agenda item

Progress Update on the Implementation of the New Domestic Violence and Abuse (DVA) Commissioned Services for Coventry

Report of the Executive Director of People


The following have been invited to the meeting for the consideration of this item:


Councillor Lucas, Chair, Local Government Association Safer and Stronger Communities Board

Councillors Gingell and Caan, Cabinet Member and Deputy Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Services

Councillors Townshend and Fletcher, Cabinet Member and Deputy Cabinet Member for Policing and Equalities


Further to Minute 42/13, the Committee considered a briefing note of the Executive Director of People which provided an update on the implementation and performance of the new commissioned Domestic Violence and Abuse (DVA) Services in the city which commenced on 29th September, 2014. An update on key areas of development in relation to the city’s overall approach to DVA was also detailed. Councillor Lucas, Chair of the Local Government Association Safer and Stronger Communities Board and Councillor Townshend, Cabinet Member for Policing and Equalities attended the meeting for the consideration of this item.


The new services included the Single Point of Access (SPA) services for Coventry which aimed to provide a one-stop contact point for victims of domestic violence. There were four key providers, each providing a specific element of the service model as follows:

·  Refuge - helpline/single point of access and victim community based support

·  Safe and Supported Partnership - victim supported accommodation

·  Barnardo’s Defuze - children and young people’s service

·  Fry Housing Trust - perpetrator service.

Fundamental to all services was the focus on the safety of children who could be subject to domestic violence. All services ensured that information was shared across providers and statutory agencies to ensure that no child was missed and services were linked appropriately to support affected children. 


The Committee were informed that the implementation of the services had been overseen by an Implementation Group comprising all partner organisations and the providers themselves. All issues had been raised and resolved through this group.


As part of the contract, providers were subject to a range of contract monitoring/management processes which included a requirement for providers to show key outcomes achieved for people accessing the service. 


The briefing note detailed key performance data from the first quarter of the contract. All services had met the targets and key performance indicators required by the service specifications. The improvements provided by the new services were highlighted along with the key areas to progress. 


The Committee questioned the officers on a number of issues and responses were provided, matters raised included:


·  An acknowledgement of the complexities often involved with cases of domestic violence

·  Further details about performance data including the numbers of women and children moved out of their homes; the number of social care cases which had been concluded due to the removal of abuse; if any cases had not been supported; and the help available for same sex relationships where abuse was occurring

·  If providers were aware of victims who needed support but hadn’t sought help and the reasons for this

·  The potential for victims to be able to make free phone calls to the helpline when using a mobile phone and the option to be able to make contact via text messages

·  When a phone call was received, who was responsible for determining the advice to be given and the level of support required

·  The emergency out of hours support

·  The support available for cases of domestic violence and abuse linked to forced marriages. 


Councillor Lucas placed on record her appreciation of all the work undertaken by Councillor Fletcher which included attending the Implementation Group meetings and also supporting the staff induction events.




(1) The progress of the new commissioned services against key performance indicators be welcomed.


(2) The strong support and leadership from the Council and the success of the partnership be welcomed.


(3) Consideration to be given to enable victims to be able to make free calls to the helpline while using a mobile phone and to be able to make contact via text messages. 

Supporting documents: