Agenda item

Progress report on delivery of the Social Value Policy and Procurement Strategy

Report of the Executive Director for Resources


The Scrutiny Board considered a report of the Executive Director of Resources, regarding a progress report on the delivery of the Social Value Policy and Procurement Strategy.  The report was scheduled to be considered by the Cabinet Member for Strategic Finance and Resources on 9 March 2015 and the Scrutiny Board were invited to make any comments or recommendations to the Cabinet Member.


The sub regional Procurement Strategy 2010/2015 was adopted by the Cabinet Member for Strategic Finance and Resources on 16th June 2010 (Minute 02/10 refers).  Subsequently the Social Value Policy was adopted by Full Cabinet on the 11th February 2014 (Minute 126/13 refers) and incorporates the Public Service (Social Value) Act 2012 that came into force on 31st January 2013. The report detailed how the delivery of the Social Value Policy had been incorporated into the delivery of the Procurement Strategy and the outcomes that had been achieved.


The Scrutiny Board discussed the results of the RAG (Red, Amber, Green) ratings of the Procurement and Commissioning Service on the following four themes –


1.  Making savings

2.  Supporting local economies

3.  Leadership

4.  Modernisation


Members noted that the performance targets were set by the Local Government Association as part of the National Procurement Strategy.


The Scrutiny Board further discussed the outcomes of social value related work and in particular the reduction in carbon footprint, by encouraging suppliers to work with their employees in planning travel and use of cars.  Members requested further information on measuring the reduction of carbon footprint be sent to Members of the Board.


The Scrutiny Board discussed the case study within the report and noted that 35 young people had joined the Construction Shared Apprenticeship Scheme.  Members referred to a previous campaign by the City Council to recruit 100 Apprenticeships in 100 days and sought further information on the number of young people currently employed by the City Council as an Apprentice.


The Scrutiny Board noted that not all contracts were focussed to employ Apprenticeships.  For example, if a scheme lasted for 18 months then it would be an unsuitable length of time to complete an Apprenticeship.  Although Members noted that Apprentices can move from one scheme to another in order to complete their Apprenticeship.  


The Scrutiny Board questioned officers on the level of peer challenge that was expected if social value was not included in a contract.  Members noted that a panel for each Directorate in the Council had been established to oversee expenditure up to £50,000 and discussed the level of challenge that operated at each panel, not only relating to social value.   


RESOLVED, that the Scrutiny Board:


1.  Considered the progress report on the delivery of the Social Value Policy and the Procurement Strategy.


2.  Endorsed the recommendations of the Cabinet Member for Strategic Finance and Resources and did not make any further comments.


3.  Requested further information on measuring the impact of carbon footprint reduction and this be sent to Members of the Board.


4.  Requested information on the number of Apprentices employed by the City Council and this information be sent to Members of the Board.

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