Agenda item

Increased Support through Telecare, Aylesford Consultation and Transition to a New Model of Short Term Support

Briefing Note and Presentation of the Executive Director, People


Sue Davies, Head of Partnerships, Coventry and Rugby Clinical Commissioning Group has been invited to the meeting for the consideration of this item


The Scrutiny Board received a presentation and briefing note of the Executive Director, People which informed of the outcome of the focused consultation regarding the proposed closure of the Aylesford, including identifying any changes to the impacts identified and the impact of the cessation of the service. Information was provided on the increased support through Telecare and the progress of the transition to the new model of short term support. Sue Davies, Head of Partnerships, Coventry and Rugby Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) attended the meeting for the consideration of this item.


The briefing note indicated that Cabinet, at their meeting on 17th June, 2014 had agreed that a focused consultation be carried out to re-visit opinion around the potential closure of the Aylesford. A copy of the report considered by Cabinet was attached at an appendix. Initial consideration of the responses indicated that the pertinent points of the feedback were not materially different to the original consultation undertaken in the Autumn of 2013. The Board were informed that a detailed response to the consultation and the transition to the new model of short term support was due to be considered by Cabinet on 4th November, 2014.


The note detailed the actions already underway to support the implementation of the high level strategy to move away from using residential beds as a primary short term solution for people with health and social care needs by refocusing support to a model that wherever possible people were supported in their own homes or in similar settings. 


The presentation set out how the current system was not working as efficiently as it could; detailed the recent usage of the Aylesford and the short term domiciliary services; outlined the short term solutions should the Aylesford close; and highlighted the costs associated with bed based short term support.


Members questioned the officer and the representative present and responses were provided. Matters raised included:


·  The financial implications associated with the proposals

·  Information about the past, current and proposed arrangements relating to the use of residential care, transfers and reablement

·  Concerns about delayed transfers or discharge and inappropriate referrals being made for a higher level of support than was actually required

·  Why there had not been effective management to deal with these issues

·  A request for reassurance that the proposed approach was the best solution available

·  Reassurance that lessons had been learnt and that all organisations had signed up to the whole system approach with the appropriate leadership being in place

·  Information about the operation of the telecare service and its appropriate use, including the effectiveness of the responder element

·  The impact of the proposals on other services including Accident and Emergency and General Practitioners

·  The impact of telecare charges on take up and how this would be managed if cost was a barrier

·  Concerns that there would be the appropriate level of support for people with dementia returning or remaining in their own homes and how this would be monitored to respond to changing needs. 




(1) The outcome of the consultation process and progress to date implementing the ‘High Level Short Term Strategy’ be noted.


(2) Cabinet, at their meeting on 4th November, 2014 be informed of the Board’s considerations.


(3) A progress report be submitted to a future Board meeting in twelve months detailing:

(a) the number of people enabled to live in their home as a result of support from the new service and the number of people who have to return to residential care because the service cannot meet the level of support required, including specifically those with dementia; and

(b) the wider impact of the proposed changes on other services, especially out of hours, such as Accident and Emergency and General Practitioners.


(4)  A demonstration of the Telecare Service be provided for all members.

Supporting documents: