Agenda item

Dog Control Orders

Report of the Executive Director, People


The Cabinet member considered a report of the Executive director, People which indicated that during the last twelve months, the Council had received complaints concerning dogs in public places which were not adequately supervised by their owners. The City Council can adopt Dog Control Orders to assist in dealing with this issue and most neighbouring local authorities have taken this route.


The report explored the various “Orders” available and proposed that the City Council conduct a public consultation exercise to determine which “Orders” should be adopted and over which areas of land.


The Scrutiny Co-ordination Committee had considered this report at their meeting on 16th July, 2014, and a copy of a Briefing Note detailing the Committee’s consideration of this issue was attached to the report. The Committee had welcomed the report and supported the recommendations on the approach to consultation on the adoption of the four additional Dog Control Orders and the increase in the level of the fixed penalty to £80 for breach of any of the Dog Control Orders, with provision for this to be reduced to £50 if paid within 10 days of issue. In addition, the Committee recommended that the Cabinet Member to:-


a)  Lobby the government to seek an increase in the maximum level of the fixed penalty notice for dog fouling, considering that it is a biohazard.


b)  Encourage local authorities to adopt the same policies in relation to dealing with irresponsible dog owners to ensure consistency of approach.


RESOLVED that the Cabinet Member (Policing and Equalities): -


1)  In light of the recommendations made by the Scrutiny Co-ordination committee, agrees to: -


a)  Lobby the Government to seek an increase in the maximum level of the fixed penalty notice for dog fouling, considering that it is a biohazard and asks the Shadow Cabinet Member (Policing and Equalities) to write to the Government in similar terms.


b)  Encourage local authorities to adopt the same policies in relation to dealing with irresponsible dog owners to ensure consistency of approach.


2)Instructs Officers to publically consult: -


a)  On a proposal to adopt the following four Dog Control Orders (in addition to the current “Fouling of land by Dogs” Order): The Dogs on Leads Order; the Dogs on Leads by Direction Order; the Dogs (Specified Maximum) Order and the Dogs Exclusion Order.


b)  On the question of whether the five proposed Dog Control Orders should apply to all areas of the City or only some and if so which.    


3)Approves the increase in the level of the fixed penalty to £80 for breach of any of the Dog Control Orders, with provision for this to be reduced to £50 if paid within 10 days of issue. This is an increase from the current level of £75, reduced to £50 if paid within 10 days of issue.


4)Requests that the findings of the public consultation be reported to a future meeting of the Cabinet Member (Policing and Equalities) on or before the Cabinet Member meeting scheduled for 18th December, 2014. 




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