Venue: Diamond Room 1 - Council House. View directions
Contact: Usha Patel Governance Services Officer, Tel: 024 7683 3198, Email:
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
a) To agree the minutes of the meeting held on 18th June, 2018
b) Matters arising Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 18 June 2018 were agreed and signed as a true record. There were no matters arising. |
Air Quality Supplementary Planning Document - Draft PDF 147 KB Report of the Deputy Chief Executive (Place) Additional documents: Minutes: The Cabinet Member considered a report of the Deputy Chief Executive (Place) which sought approval to consult on the Draft Air Quality Supplementary Planning Document, as attached at Appendix 1 of the report. The Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) is intended to provide technical guidance and support to Environmental Policy EM7 set out in the new Local Plan. The Local Plan provides the framework for determining planning applications across Coventry following its adoption on the 6th December 2017. This SPD was developed in partnership between the Council’s Planning, Environmental Protection and Public Health functions and is intended to support ongoing joint working on all matters of air quality through the planning process. The report summarised the principles set out in the draft Air Quality Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) and sought approval for a period of statutory public consultation. Officers tabled an addendum note that provided clarity over a number of proposed technical changes to the Air Quality SPD to ensure clarity between this document and the Coventry Connected SPD also presented at the meeting. The changes would be made to the document in advance of the document being issued for consultation on 8th August 2018. Following consideration of the report and matters raised at the meeting, Members requested that a copy of the Defra report on “Impacts of Vegetation on Urban Air Pollution” and statistical information on how much air pollution is removed by vegetation be circulated to Members for information.
RESOLVED that the Cabinet Member for Housing and Communities approves the draft Air Quality Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) for a period of public consultation. The consultation is proposed to run for just over 6 weeks between Wednesday 8th August 2018 and Friday 21st September 2018. |
Coventry Connected Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) PDF 98 KB Report of the Deputy Chief Executive (Place) Additional documents:
Minutes: The Cabinet Member considered a report of the Deputy Chief Executive (Place) which sought approval to consult on the Coventry Connected Supplementary Planning Document (SPD). This SPD is intended to provide technical guidance and support to the Accessibility policies set out in Chapter 10 of the new Local Plan. The Local Plan provides the framework for determining planning applications across Coventry following its adoption on the 6th December 2017. This SPD was developed in partnership between the Council’s Planning and Highways functions and was intended to support ongoing joint working on all matters of transport considerations through the Planning process. The Coventry Connected SPD was attached at Appendix 1 of the report.
The SPD was structured to cover each of the Accessibility policies in turn (Policy AC1-AC7). This covers supporting technical detail around matters of:
Alongside the SPD, the Parking Standards Appendix to the Local Plan would be re-issued as an appendix to the SPD.
RESOLVED that the Cabinet Member for Housing and Communities:
1. Notes the consultation statement included at Appendix 3 of the report.
2. Approves the final round of consultation on the Coventry Connected SPD. The consultation is proposed to run for just over 6 weeks between Wednesday 8th August 2018 and Friday 21st September 2018. |
Draft Hot Food Takeaway Supplementary Planning Document PDF 93 KB Report of the Deputy Chief Executive (Place) Additional documents:
Minutes: The Cabinet Member considered a report of the Deputy Chief Executive (Place) which sought approval to an initial round of consultation on the draft Hot Food Takeaway Supplementary Planning Document.
Following a period of public examination of the Coventry Local Plan and the issuing of the Inspector’s report in November 2017, the Coventry Local Plan was approved at Cabinet on 28th November 2017 and adopted by Council on 5th December 2017. The Coventry Local Plan became the basis for determining planning applications from 6th December 2017.
This SPD is intended to provide technical guidance and support to Policy R6 (Restaurants, Bars and Hot Food Takeaways) of the new Local Plan. This would contribute to delivering one of the overall objectives of the Plan which is to recognise the commercial element of hot food takeaways and their role within community provisions but to balance that with helping improve the health and wellbeing of Coventry people.
The Hot Food Takeaway SPD explained the requirements, relevant thresholds and measures that may need to be taken to ensure that a hot food takeaway is acceptable in planning terms and satisfies policy R6. The requirements consist of:
· Concentration of Hot Food Takeaways; · Proximity to Schools; · Litter and Waste Disposal; · Odour Extraction; · Highway Safety; · Opening Times; and · Conservation Areas and Listed.
The Hot Food Takeaway Supplementary Planning Document and the accompanying appendices were attached as Appendix A(i) of the report.
RESOLVED that the Cabinet Member for Housing and Communities approves an initial round of consultation on the draft Hot Food Takeaway Supplementary Planning Document. The consultation is proposed to run for just over 6 weeks from 8th August 2018 to 21st September 2018. |
Health Impact Assessment Supplementary Planning Document PDF 99 KB Report of the Deputy Chief Executive (Place)
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Cabinet Member considered a report of the Deputy Chief Executive (Place) which sought approval to the final round of consultation on the Health Impact Assessment SPD.
Following a period of public examination of the Coventry Local Plan and the issuing of the Inspector’s report in November 2017, the Coventry Local Plan was approved at Cabinet on 28th November 2017 and adopted by Council on 5th December 2017. The Coventry Local Plan became the basis for determining planning applications from 6th December 2017.
The Coventry Local Plan includes Policy HW1, stating that “..All major development proposals will be required to demonstrate that they would have an acceptable impact on health and wellbeing..” and that “..All Health Impact Assessments shall be undertaken in accordance with the Council’s Health Impact Assessment Supplementary Planning Document..”.
This SPD is intended to provide technical guidance and support to Policy HW1 of the new Local Plan and the delivery of Health Impact Assessments. This would help deliver one of the overall objectives of the Plan which is to help improve the health and wellbeing of Coventry people.
The Health Impact Assessment Supplementary Planning Document and the accompanying appendices were attached as Appendix A(i).
RESOLVED that the Cabinet Member for Housing and Communities:
1.Notes the consultation statement included at Appendix 3 of the report.
2.Approves a final round of consultation on the Health Impact Assessments SPD. The consultation is proposed to run for just over 6 weeks between Wednesday 8th August 2018 and Friday 21st September 2018.
Draft Urban Extensions Design Guidance Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) PDF 101 KB Report of the Deputy Chief Executive (Place) Additional documents:
Minutes: The Cabinet Member considered a report of the Deputy Chief Executive (Place) which sought approval to an initial round of consultation on the draft Urban Extensions Design Guidance SPD. The draft Urban Extensions Design Guidance SPD and Indicative Keresley Masterplan were appended to Appendix 1 of the report. This SPD is intended to provide technical guidance and support to the relevant policies within the new Local Plan that relate directly to the Allocated Urban Extensions at Keresley and Eastern Green. For the avoidance of doubt this primarily relates to Policies DS4 and H2. The Design Guidance can also be applied to other site allocations within Policy H2, especially those situated within the wider Arden landscape. The Local Plan provides the framework for determining planning applications across Coventry following its adoption on the 6th December 2017. This SPD has been developed in partnership with various Council departments, including Highways, Drainage and Public Health and is intended to support ongoing joint working to support all infrastructure and design matters going forward.
The SPD is structured to provide specific design guidance around key areas of development. This primarily includes new homes, but also relates to employment provision and community/commercial buildings. The design guidance also covers green infrastructure, highways and parking provisions.
Alongside the SPD a specific appendix is being issued to provide a high level, Indicative Masterplan for the Keresley Sustainable Urban Extensions (SUE). This reflects the fact that this SUE is split across multiple land ownerships and numerous development phases. The Indicative Masterplan is reflective of the original shortlisted development plots in the Council’s Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) (2016) and the discussions that were held around this at the Local Plan examinations. It is intended to help site promoters and developers link these respective phases together through design, access and infrastructure. It also highlights key infrastructure features including the green corridor, protected ancient woodlands and a high-level interpretation of the link road.
RESOLVED that the Cabinet Member for Housing and Communities approves an initial round of consultation on the draft Urban Extensions Design Guidance SPD. The consultation is proposed to run for just over 6 weeks between Wednesday 8th August, 2018 and Friday 21st September 2018. |
Draft Trees & Development Guidelines for Coventry Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) PDF 107 KB Report of the Deputy Chief Executive (Place) Additional documents:
Minutes: The Cabinet Member considered a report of the Deputy Chief Executive (Place) which sought approval to an initial round of consultation on the draft Trees and Development Guidelines for Coventry supplementary Planning Document (SPD) and associated appendix. This SPD is intended to provide technical guidance and support to the Green Environment policies set out in Chapter 7 of the new Local Plan, in particular policies GE3 and GE4. To a lesser extent, it also builds upon some of the policies included in chapters; 9 (Heritage), and 11 (Environmental Management). The Local Plan provided the framework for determining planning applications across Coventry following its adoption on the 6th December 2017. This SPD was developed by the Council’s Planning and Housing Policy team, and is intended to provide a comprehensive overview of the requirements for applicants in the planning process where trees are involved.
The SPD is structured in a sequential order for an applicant preparing to submit a planning application which involves trees. It covers supporting technical detail around matters of:
RESOLVED that the Cabinet Member for Housing and Communities approves an initial round of consultation on the draft Trees and Development Guidelines for Coventry SPD and associated appendix. The consultation is proposed to run for just over 6 weeks between Wednesday 8th August 2018 and Friday 21st September 2018. |
Report of the Deputy Chief Executive (Place) Minutes: The Cabinet Member noted a report of the Deputy Chief Executive (Place) that identified those issues on which further reports had been requested and were outstanding so that progress could be monitored.
Any other item of public business which the Cabinet Member decides to take as matters of urgency because of the special circumstances involved Minutes: There were no other items of business. |