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No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
a) To agree the minutes of the meeting held on 17th October, 2019 b) Matters arising Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 17th October, 2019 were signed as a true record. |
Extending the Section 75 Partnership Agreement for Mental Health Services PDF 113 KB Report of the Deputy Chief Executive (People) Minutes:
Further to Minute 50/18 the Cabinet Member considered a report of the Deputy Chief Executive (People) which sought permission to extend the existing Section 75 Partnership Agreement with Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership Trust (CWPT) for the delivery of integrated mental health services. Functions Delegated to the Trust and Operational delivery documents were appended to the report.
The City Council entered into a Section 75 agreement on 1 April 2014 following Cabinet approval initially for a three-year period but with provision for annual extensions. The agreement was extended from 1 April 2017 for a period of 12 months and again in April 2018 and 2019 and this report sought permission for a further extension of this agreement for an additional 24 months until 31 March 2022.
The Section 75 Partnership Agreement provided the legal framework to underpin joint working in Adult and Older People's Mental Health Services. Under this framework, joint Health and Social Care teams delivered mental health services from a single line management structure led by CWPT with designated Council staff seconded, with specific social care duties delegated to CWPT. Although the service delivery elements were integrated, the financial responsibilities for health and social care remained separate, with this separation to continue under the extended agreement.
The Section 75 provided a vehicle to deliver integrated working practices as a means for delivering joined-up support to people with mental ill health across Coventry and Warwickshire.
Over the period of the previous extensions a review of the agreement was undertaken. In summary, the review concluded that whilst there were pressures within the service that need consideration, in order to enable staff and managers to deliver the integrated health and social care service and maximise the unique contribution each professional brings, it remained the most appropriate way at present to deliver mental health services in the City. The matters that arose within the review that needed to be addressed prior to committing to a new and longer-term arrangement included:
1.Updating safeguarding services in accordance with the Section 75 2. Streamlining systems and processes in integrated services 3. Strengthening strategic governance of the arrangements 4. Services outside of the Section 75
In making the recommendation to extend the current arrangement an options appraisal considered a number of key areas under the broad headings of quality, strategic fit and finance.
Should the extension be approved then during this period the longer term demand and capacity issues would be considered for mental health services alongside the expectations of the NHS long term plan in respect of Mental Health services.
To extend the Section 75 agreement, agreement from CWPT would be required and the item would be considered by their board on 26th March 2020. It was strongly anticipated that the extension of 24 months would be well received by CWPT Board as it aligned with agreements.
The Cabinet Member and Shadow Cabinet Member discussed with officers joint working, finance and mental health support in partnerships.
RESOLVED that the Cabinet Member for Adult ... view the full minutes text for item 14. |
Adult Social Care's Approach to Promoting Independence PDF 115 KB Report of the Deputy Chief Executive (People) Additional documents: Minutes: The Cabinet Member considered a report of the Deputy Chief Executive (People) regarding Promoting Independence. The document ‘Adult Social Care, Promoting Independence – our approach’ for publication was appended to the report.
A core principle underpinning the delivery of Adult Social Care in Coventry was that of promoting independence. This had been an established and recognised approach to the delivery of Adult Social Care that enabled adults to maximise their potential to remain as independent as possible. Specific initiatives to progress this approach, that demonstrate its long standing nature were listed in the report.
This principle had, at its heart, an approach to social care that started from the premise that everyone we work with had strengths that could be built upon to promote recovery, live independent lives and be engaged with their network and the community. This approach started from when somebody initially contacted Adult Social Care and any follow-on contact and assessments of the person’s needs and the outcomes they were seeking to achieve.
In delivering this approach we used a combination of staff groups with different skills including Occupational Therapists, Social Workers, Community Care Workers, Outcome Brokers, Support Workers and direct care staff who worked together with the person, their family and carers to achieve the maximum level of independence.
By producing the ‘our approach’ document we aimed to make it much clearer to people what they could expect when they contact Adult Social Care for support, how we would work with the individual and their families and carers, and the further changes we would be making to improve our approach.
The Cabinet Member and Shadow Cabinet Member discussed the following areas with officers:
· Applying independent living principles in different ways for example for someone recovering from a stroke and for someone with a learning disability. · The removal of barriers by using interpreters and by offering travel training to build confidence · Opportunities in the community such as libraries signposting local networks and support groups
Officers agreed to investigate whether community hubs could be used to help with signposting networks and support groups.
The Cabinet Member recognised the importance of independence and that this document would be a useful reference of the approach that was applied within the service.
RESOLVED that the Cabinet Member for Adult Services approve the Adult Social Care, Promoting Independence – our approach as appended to the report for publication |
Report of the Deputy Chief Executive (Place) Minutes: The Cabinet Member considered a report of the Deputy Chief Executive (Place) that contained a list of outstanding issue items that would be submitted to future meetings and summarised the current position in respect of each item.
RESOLVED that the Cabinet Member for Adult Services approves the future consideration of matters relating to the outstanding issue items listed in the report. |
Any other public business which the Cabinet Member decides to take as a matter of urgency because of the special circumstances involved. Minutes: There were no other items of business. |