Venue: Diamond Room 2 - Council House. View directions
Contact: Carolyn Sinclair, Governance Services email:
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Minutes: The Minutes of the meeting held on 9 November 2022 were signed as a true record.
Matters Arising
The Board noted that in respect of Minute 15 (Recruitment & Selection and Tribepad): a) Recruiting for workforce diversity was being taken as a discussion item at the Member Training Panel b) A City Council structure chart and West Midlands vacancy data, which had been requested had now been circulated to members. |
ICT and Digital Update PDF 11 KB Briefing note Additional documents: Minutes: The Board considered a briefing note and presentation which provided an update on the ICT and Digital service and Strategy.
Updates were given on the following:
The following examples of progress were given:
The Board questioned Officers and received responses on a number of matters relating to the presentation including:
In addition, the Board asked officer for an update on progress on the implementation of a caseworker software programme for Members and following discussion, the Board agreed that this was a matter of priority and would make a recommendation to the Cabinet Member that this be considered as such.
Following discussion, the Board asked for further information on: · Details of the ICT budget for technology · The Customer satisfaction survey · Details of any shared IT services · Information on data collected and opportunities to use it centrally
The Board resolved: a) To note progress and future plans, including opportunities for engagement with scrutiny and for the digital inclusion workstream to enhance the lives of the City’s residents through greater use of technology. b) To recommend to the Cabinet Member for City Services that a Member casework tool be introduced as soon as possible. |
Briefing Note Additional documents: Minutes: The Board received a briefing note and presentation which provided an update on the digital inclusion element of Coventry Connects.
In January 2022, initial information was shared with the Board on the emerging thinking around Coventry Connects. The briefing had introduced a number of different themes which would change the organisations approach to engagement with residents and identified digital inclusion as a specific programme focus. The presentation provided an update on progress.
The presentation included information on:
The Board questioned Officers and received responses on a number of matters including
RESOLVED that the Board note the progress to date and future plans, including opportunities for engagement with scrutiny for the digital inclusion workstream to enhance the lives of the City’s residents through greater use of technology.
Work Programme and Outstanding Issues PDF 277 KB Report of the Scrutiny Co-ordinator Minutes: The Board noted the Work Programme.
There were no outstanding issues. |
Any other items of Public Business Any other items of public business which the Chair decides to take as matters of urgency because of the special circumstances involved Minutes: |