Agenda and minutes

Cabinet Member for Business, Enterprise and Employment - Monday, 19th October, 2015 10.00 am

Venue: Committee Rooms - Council House. View directions

Contact: Suzanne Bennett  Tel: 024 7683 3072 Email:

No. Item


Declaration of Interests


There were no disclosable pecuniary interests.


In relation to Minute 37 below, it was noted that Councillor Crookes was a City Council representative on the Whitefriars Housing Group.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 54 KB


The minutes of the meeting held on 7 September, 2015, were signed as a true record.


Exclusion of the Press and Public

To consider whether to exclude the press and public for the items of private business for the reasons shown in the reports.


RESOLVED that approval be given to exclude the press and public under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 for consideration of the private reports indicated below on the grounds that those items involve the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined in Paragraphs 3 and 4 of Schedule 12A of the Act, as they contain information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information) and that in all circumstances of the cases, the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information:-


Minute No  Subject Matter  Relevant Paragraphs     of Schedule 12A


40  Long Leasehold: Land Disposal at  3 and 4

  Hales Street, Coventry


41  Canley Regeneration Programme -  3 and 4

  Freehold Disposal of Development




Freehold Disposal: Land at Deedmore Road, Henley pdf icon PDF 355 KB

Report of the Executive Director of Place


The Cabinet Member considered a report of the Executive Director of Place which indicated that, following a review of the Council’s property holdings, a piece of land, approximately 4 acres in size, at Deedmore Road is no longer required for operational purposes. The report sought approval to dispose of the site for the construction of medium density residential dwellings to support the Council’s capital receipts.


The Cabinet Member noted that the report proposed that the site be marketed with outline permission for the development of affordable 2-3 bed medium density dwellings, suitable for first time buyers to maximise the value of the site. The Cabinet Member discussed a range of options for this site, recognising possible alternatives, including the provision of larger properties.


RESOLVED that the Cabinet Member for Business, Enterprise and Employment:-


  (1)  Authorises the freehold disposal of the land by tender

  process to generate a best value consideration for the

financial year 2015/16


(2)  Requests officers to invite tendering parties to submit

details of number, type and size of dwellings forming the

basis of their tendered amount for this site and report back

to the Cabinet Member for Business, Enterprise and Employment if other than the highest tender is to be accepted.


  (3)  Delegates authority to the Executive Director of Resources,

and in particular, officers within the Legal Services, to

complete the necessary legal documentation in this matter and collect the agreed purchase.


Disposal of Small Surplus Sites and Buildings pdf icon PDF 3 MB

Report of the Executive Director of Place


The Cabinet Member considered a report of the Executive Director of Place which indicated that a number of additional sites and buildings have been identified for disposal that are surplus to requirements, cost money to maintain, or do not contribute adequately in terms of income. The sites identified in the appendix to the report may have the potential to be developed for one or two dwellings or as part of a wider development site, including commercial uses, but are too small to be included in the Coventry Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment 2015 (SHLAA).


The sites identified are generally derelict, overgrown and do not have any strategic benefits for the Council to retain. The Council acting as planning authority is in principle supportive of the future development of the identified sites, subject to full consideration by the Council through the planning application process.


The preferred method of disposal will be via auction to guarantee the capital receipts which will be received in this financial year. The report indicated that officers will continue to review the Council’s commercial property portfolio for opportunities to identify land and buildings that do not adequately contribute to the Council’s resources and will bring forward further reports recommending disposal.


RESOLVED that the Cabinet Member for Business, Enterprise and Employment:-


  (1)  Approves the freehold disposal of the sites identified in this

 report by auction or direct negotiation.


(2)  Delegates authority to the Executive Director of Resources

to complete the necessary legal documentation and collect

the consideration for the sale.




The Burges Proposed Townscape Heritage Initiative - Application for Heritage Lottery Funding pdf icon PDF 90 KB

Report of the Executive Director of Place

Additional documents:


The Cabinet Member considered a report of the Executive Director of Place which indicated that the Lady’s Herbert Garden and Burges Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan was approved in December 2014 and included properties in the Burges, Hales Street and Palmer Lane. The Council and its heritage partner, Historic Coventry Trust, were invited to submit an application for funding to develop a Townscape Heritage Initiative (THI) proposal for the area bounded by the Burges, Hales Street and Palmer Lane to complement the recent Heritage Lottery Funded extension to the Motor Museum and refurbishment of the Old Grammar School. 


the City Council, in partnership with Historic Coventry Trust, has developed a proposed outline scheme to regenerate the Burges part of the Conservation Area and has submitted a Stage 1 (development grant) application for grant funding to the Heritage Lottery Fund, to provide the majority of the funding required to work up the detailed scheme for implementation and funding. If successful, the funding awarded, together with a small City Council matched contribution, will permit a full application for capital and revenue funding to be worked up in detail for a Stage 2 (delivery grant) application to HLF. It is proposed that the Council would act as the accountable body for the development grant. The area covered by the scheme was detailed in a plan appended to the report.


The report indicated that the outline scheme covered a number of interventions which would enhance the appearance and economic viability of the Burges, similar to the model used for Far Gosford Street Regeneration. A number of external funding applications would be sought to form a funding package to cover the project.


The activities that a full (THI) would support include:-


  ?Property improvements grants

  ?Public realm improvements

  ?Gap site intervention

  ?Community consultation and participation programme


The area covered by the proposed THI is in mixed public and private ownership , details of which were contained in a further appendix to the report.


RESOLVED that the Cabinet Member for Business, Enterprise and Employment:-


  (1)  Approves retrospectively the submission of the stage 1

appplication to Heritage Lottery Fund, Townscape Heritage Initiative for the Burges Regeneration Project for £172,000


(2)  Approves a local match contribution of £20,000 from the

Council’s own funds towards the £192,000 Stage 1 budget which will be utilised if the HLF Stage 1 application is successful

(3)  Authorises the Council to act as the accountable body for

 the Stage 1 grant award if successful


   (4)  Authorises applications to other funding providers to

develop a funding package for delivery of a phase 2



Long Leasehold: Land Disposal at Hales Street, Coventry pdf icon PDF 3 MB

Report of the Executive Director of Place


The Cabinet Member considered a report of the Executive Director of Place which indicated that following the successful redevelopment of the Coventry Transport Museum, the restoration of the Grammar School and the public realm improvements under way to Corporation Street and Whittle Arch, a further opportunity has arisen to enhance the physical environment by the development of the vacant “Millennium View” site opposite the motor museum.


Complex Development Projects (CDP) has made a formal offer, subject to planning permission, to acquire the site on Hales Street, currently the site of a temporary pocket park and site compound. CDP are proposing to develop the site for a mixed retail, bar and student housing scheme and are seeking to acquire a long leasehold interest in the site, subject to the grant of a satisfactory planning permission.


The Cabinet Member noted the importance of ensuring a sympathetic design element for this prominent site.


A corresponding private report, detailing confidential financial matters was also submitted for consideration (Minute 40 below refers).


RESOLVED that the Cabinet Member for Business, Enterprise and Employment:-


(1)  Approves the grant of a 150 year leasehold interest in the land at Hales Street to Complex Development Projects in the terms as identified in the corresponding private report, subject to the Cabinet Member being satisfied regarding the design elements of the proposal and to planning consent being granted for the proposed redevelopment.


(2)  Delegates authority to the Executive Director of Place and the Executive Director of Resources as appropriate following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Business, Enterprise and Employment to agree any variations or new requirements that are deemed necessary to give effect to the proposals.


(3)  Delegates authority to the Executive Director of Resources, and in particular Legal Services, to complete the necessary legal documentation in this matter and to collect the agreed consideration. 



Canley Regeneration Programme - Freehold Disposal of Development Land pdf icon PDF 260 KB

Report of Executive Director of Place


The Cabinet Member considered a report of the Executive Director of Place which indicated that in March, 2007, Cabinet approved in principle a programme of physical, social and economic regeneration in Canley. The report sought approval to the disposal of land to Whitefriars Housing Limited for the development of 83 houses. This land is adjacent to a site Whitefriars have already committed to purchase from the Council. Joint disposal of these sites will permit a more comprehensive development, to include existing Whitefriars’ properties, which are to be demolished and re-provided.


A corresponding private report, detailing confidential financial matters was also submitted for consideration (Minute 41 below refers).


RESOLVED that the Cabinet Member for Business, Enterprise and Employment:-


(1)  Approves the terms negotiated with Whitefriars Housing Limited for the freehold sale of land known as Site B, Papenham Green, on the terms referred to in the report.


(2)  Approves the terms negotiated with MSM Enterprises Limited regarding the surrender of the existing lease and grant of a new lease of the nursery at Papenham Green on the terms referred to in the report.


(3)  Delegates authority to the Executive Director of Place and the Executive Director of Resources to conclude the freehold and leasehold disposals on the terms set out in paragraph 2.1 of the report.



Outstanding Issues

Report of the Executive Director of Resources


The Cabinet Member noted a report of the Executive Director of Resources that identified those items which the Cabinet Member had requested further reports on.


Any Other Items of Urgent Public Business


There were no other items of urgent public business.


Long Leasehold: Land Disposal at Hales Street, Coventry

Report of the Executive Director of Place


(Listing Officer: R. Moon, Tele: 02476 832350)


Further to Minute 36 above, the Cabinet Member considered a report of the

Executive Director of Place which detailed confidential financial matters in relation to the disposal of land at Hales Street to Complex Developments projects.


RESOLVED that the Cabinet Member for Business, Enterprise and Employment:-


(1)  Approves the grant of a 150 year leasehold interest in the land at Hales Street to Complex Development Projects in the terms as identified in the report, subject to the Cabinet Member for Business, Enterprise and Employment being satisfied regarding the design elements of the proposal and to planning consent being granted for the proposed redevelopment.


(2)  Delegates authority to the Executive Director of Place and the Executive Director of Resources as appropriate following consultation with the Cabinet Member to agree any variations or new requirements that are deemed necessary to give effect to the proposals.


(3)  Delegates authority to the Executive Director of Resources, and in particular Legal Services, to complete the necessary legal documentation in this matter and to collect the agreed consideration. 




Canley Regeneration Programme - Freehold Disposal of Development Land

Report of the Executive Director of Place


(Listing Officer: D. Cass Tele: 02476 832987)


Further to Minute 37 above, the Cabinet Member considered a report of the

Executive Director of Place which detailed confidential financial matters in relation to the disposal of land to Whitefriars Housing Limited for the development of 83 houses.


RESOLVED that the Cabinet Member for Business, Enterprise and Employment:-


(1)  Approves the terms negotiated with Whitefriars Housing Limited for the freehold sale of land known as Site B, Papenham Green, on the terms referred to in the report.


(2)  Approves the terms negotiated with MSM Enterprises Limited regarding the surrender of the existing lease and grant of a new lease of the nursery at Papenham Green on the terms referred to in the report.


(3)  Delegates authority to the Executive Director of Place and the Executive Director of Resources to conclude the freehold and leasehold disposals on the terms set out in paragraph 2.1 of the report.






Any Other Items of Private Business


There were no other items of private business.