Agenda and minutes

Cabinet Member for Business, Enterprise and Employment - Monday, 1st December, 2014 10.00 am

Contact: Suzanne Bennett 

No. Item


Declaration of Interests


There were no declarations of interest.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 24 KB

Additional documents:


The Minutes of the meeting of the Cabinet Member held on 20th October, 2014 were signed as a true record. Further to Minute 26, in relation to correspondence he had received, the Cabinet Member noted that there would be a period of public consultation once the planning application for the Canley and Whitworth site had been lodged.

The Minutes of the Joint Meeting of the Cabinet Members for Business, Enterprise and Employment and for Policing and Equalities held on 3rd November, 2014 were noted.  Officers were requested to provide the Cabinet member with an update in relation to this matter.



Exclusion of the Press and Public

To consider whether to exclude the press and public for the items of private business for the reasons shown in the reports.


RESOLVED that approval be given to exclude the press and public under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 for consideration of the private reports detailed below on the grounds that the items involve the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined in Paragraphs 3 and 4 of Schedule 12A of the Act, as they contain information relating to the identity, financial or business affairs of an organisation (including the authority holding that information) and the amount of expenditure proposed to be incurred by the Council under a particular contract for the supply of goods or services: and that in all circumstances of the cases, the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information:-


  47  Freehold Disposal: The Curriers Enterprises Unit, 2   Curriers Close, Canley

  48  Leasehold Disposal: Land off Primrose Hill Street/Bath    Street

  49  Land and Premises at Shultern Lane, Cannon Park



Delivering the Jobs and Growth Strategy - Half Year Progress (April 2014 - September 2014) pdf icon PDF 2 MB

Report of the Executive Director of Place


  The Cabinet Member considered a report of the Executive Director of Place, which summarised the progress made to deliver the Jobs and Growth Strategy in the last six months from 1 April to 30 September, 2014. The Strategy, which was in its first year of delivery, supports the vision and priorities of the Council’s Plan – Coventry Open for Business: Globally connected and locally committed, and articulates how the Council will use its resources to make Coventry a city open for business and growth, providing jobs and prosperity for local people.

  The report indicated that news was very positive, with many performance measures on track to meet or exceed the readjusted higher targets set for the year. Key achievements included:-

  ?The Council’s services have directly contributed to creating 1206 new jobs opportunities within Coventry against a target of 1270 set for the year.

  ?Over £48.9 million pounds of business investment has also been secured for the benefit of the City.

  ?The number of people engaging with the Council’s Employment Team is far exceeding targets set. In the past 6 months 4618 people have accessed employment support. 1011 people who have engaged with the services provided have progressed into work. This is a significant achievement. The majority of these individuals are engaging through the Council’s city centre Job Shop located in Bull Yard.  

  The Cabinet Member reiterated the importance of working with a range of partners to deliver the Strategy. The importance of continuing to secure European Funding was also noted and the Cabinet Member asked to be kept updated in relation to bids for the new programme of grants, which will commence at the end of 2015. 

    RESOLVED that the Cabinet Member for Business, Enterprise and Employment, having considered the report submitted, endorses the progress made by the Jobs Strategy for Coventry between April – September 2014.



Livingstone Road - Authority to Negotiate pdf icon PDF 59 KB

Report of the Executive Director of Place


  The Cabinet Member considered a report of the Executive Director of Place which sought authority to negotiate with Arden Estates Partnership (AEP) for the redevelopment of the former Foleshill Leisure Centre site at Livingstone Road to provide consolidated health and doctors’ accommodation and supported housing accommodation.

  AEP is the exclusive developer of NHS primary care accommodation in Coventry and the proposed redevelopment of the site has the support of the Coventry and Rugby Clinical Commissioning Group and NHS England. AEP requires the comfort of exclusivity and commitment from the Council that the site will be made available for this purpose to take its proposals to the next stage of worked up proposals, viability and commitment from potential users and funders. 

  Foleshill Leisure Centre was vacated in August 2014 when the leisure facilities housed there were reprovided at Centre AT7 nearby. Officers reported at the meeting on the significant increase in the take up of sporting facilities at AT7, which despite only being open for 14 weeks had seen a 10 fold increase in the number of swimmers. Tenders have been obtained for the demolition of the former leisure centre to minimise the health and safety responsibilities of managing a void building pending redevelopment and authority was sought to commence demolition of the site at a recoverable cost of £360,000.

  Officers reported at the meeting on an approach received from a local temple who were keen to acquire the site to provide sports and health facilities. The Cabinet Member asked that their interest be acknowledged and that AEP be requested to liaise with the local temple to see if their objectives could be achieved within the scheme.  The Cabinet Member also requested that any further report on this issue provides information regarding how the development of such health centres has impacted on other areas in the City.

  RESOLVED that the Cabinet Member for Business, Enterprise and Employment:-

(1)  Authorises negotiations for the disposal of the site of the former Foleshill Leisure Centre at Livingstone Road to Arden Estates Partnership Limited and receives a report back on the terms agreed for any disposal.

(2)  Authorises the demolition of the premises at a cost of £360,000 pending redevelopment. 



Freehold Disposal: The Curriers Enterprises Unit, 2 Curriers Close, Canley pdf icon PDF 792 KB

Report of the Executive Director of Place


The Cabinet Member considered a report of the Executive Director of Place, which sought approval to dispose of the Curriers Enterprises Unit, which had been declared surplus to Council requirements and earmarked for disposal as part of the Council’s capital receipts programme for 2014/15. Following a six month marketing campaign, three offers had been received and the report sought approval to dispose of the property to a local engineering company.


A corresponding private report, detailing confidential financial matters was also submitted for consideration (Minute 47 below refers).


  RESOLVED that the Cabinet Member for Business, Enterprise and Employment:-


  (1)  Authorises the freehold disposal of the property to a local

engineering company in the terms as detailed in the private

report (Minute 47 below refers)


(2)  Delegates authority to the Assistant Director for City Centre and Development Services, following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Business, Enterprise and Employment, for any subsequent variation in terms.


   (3)  Delegates authority to the Executive Director of Resources,

and in particular officers within Legal Services, to complete

 the necessary legal documentation in this matter and

 collect the agreed consideration.


Leasehold Disposal: Land off Primrose Hill Street/Bath Street pdf icon PDF 198 KB

Report of the Executive Director of Place


The Cabinet Member considered a report of the Executive Director of Place which indicated that Sidney Stringer Education Trust (SSET),following the success achieved at their secondary school academy in Hillfields, have in conjunction with the Education  Funding Agency (EFA),approached the Council with the proposal to deliver a new primary school on land between Primrose Hill Street and Bath Street. The site extends to circa 1.7 acres and has been identified as the preferred location.


The report sought authority to dispose of the land by a long leasehold interest for the development of a new primary school. A corresponding private report, detailing confidential financial matters was also submitted for consideration (Minute 48 below refers).


The Council owned land was acquired, along with other parcels of land, for educational purposes with financial assistance from the regional development agency Advantage West Midlands (AWM). Any land transaction will be subject to approval by AWM’s successor body, the Homes and Community Agency (HCA). Approval for the transaction has been sought and in principle is acceptable. Formal approval in writing from the HCA will be issued following the Council’s approval to proceed and the detailed documentation. 


RESOLVED that the Cabinet Member for Business, Enterprise and



(1)  Authorises the leasehold disposal of the subject land to Sidney Stringer Education Trust subject to planning consent being granted.


(2)  Delegates authority to the Assistant Director for City Centre and Development Services following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Business, Enterprise and Employment, for any subsequent variation in terms.


(3)  Delegates authority to the Executive Director of Resources, and in particular officers within Legal Services, to complete the necessary legal documentation in this matter and to agree an apportionment of the capital receipt between the Council and the Homes and Community Agency in accordance with funding agreements between the Council and the Homes and Community Agency.



Land and Premises at Shultern Lane, Cannon Park pdf icon PDF 54 KB

Report of the Executive Director of Place

Additional documents:


The Cabinet Member considered a report of the Executive Director of Place which indicated that the Council is the freeholder of land and premises at Shultern Lane, Cannon Park, Coventry. The Council granted a 125 year lease in 1989 to High Cross Garage (Balsall) Ltd for use as a car showroom. The lease was granted at a peppercorn rent without provision for review.


The Tenant wishes to surrender the existing lease and be granted a new 125 year lease at a market rent with provision for upward rent reviews on each fifth anniversary of the term to enable the premises to be redeveloped as a supermarket. The Tenant in turn wants the ability under the terms of the new 125 year lease to sub-let the whole of the site to a retail user for a period of 20 years. This will enable the Council to obtain an annual income (subject to upward only rent review) whereas under the existing lease agreement the Council is not receiving any income.


A corresponding private report, detailing confidential financial matters was

also submitted for consideration (Minute 49 below refers).



RESOLVED that the Cabinet Member for Business, Enterprise and Employment:-


(1)  Subject to the grant of planning permission, approves the surrender of the existing 125 year lease to High Cross Garage (Balsall) Ltd to the Council and;


(2)  Approves the grant of a new 125 year lease to High Cross Garage (Balsall) Ltd with the ability within the terms of the new lease to sub-let the whole of the premises


(3)  Delegates authority to the Executive Director of Resources, and in particular officers within Legal Services to effect the surrender of the existing lease and immediately complete the new 125 year lease upon the terms set out in this report.



Outstanding Issues

There are no outstanding issues


There were no outstanding issues.



Any Other Public Business


   There were no other items of public business.



Freehold Disposal: The Curriers Enterprises Unit, 2 Curriers Close, Canley

Report of the Executive Director of Place


Further to Minute 42 above, the Cabinet Member considered a report of the   Executive Director of Place which detailed confidential financial matters in   relation to the freehold disposal of the Curriers Enterprises Unit, 2 Curriers Close, Canley


  RESOLVED that the Cabinet Member for Business, Enterprise and Employment:-


(1)   Authorises the freehold disposal of the property on the lines now indicated in the report submitted.


(2)  Delegates authority to the Assistant Director for City Centre and Development Services following consultation with Cabinet Member for Business, Enterprise and Employment for any subsequent variation in terms.


(3)  Delegates authority to the Executive Director of Resources, and in particular officers within Legal Services, to complete the necessary legal documentation in this matter and collect the agreed consideration.



Leasehold Disposal: Land Off Primrose Hill Street/Bath Street

Report of the Executive Director of Place


Further to Minute 43 above, the Cabinet Member considered a report of the Executive Director of Place which detailed confidential financial matters in relation to the leasehold disposal of land off Primrose Hill Street/Bath Street to Sidney Stringer Education (Trust) in connection with a proposal to deliver a new primary school on this land.


  RESOLVED that the Cabinet Member for Business, Enterprise and Employment:-


(1)  Authorises the leasehold disposal of the subject land for the minimum sum now indicated in the report submitted to Sidney Stringer Education Trust, subject to planning consent being granted. 


(2)  Delegates authority to the Assistant Director for City Centre and Development Services, following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Business, Enterprise and Employment, for any subsequent variation in terms.


(3)  Delegates authority to the Executive Director of Resources, and in particular officers within Legal Services, to complete the necessary legal documentation in this matter and to agree an apportionment of the capital receipt between the Council and the Homes and Communities Agency in accordance with funding agreements between the Council and the Homes and Community Agency.



Land and Premises at Shultern Lane, Cannon Park

Report of the Executive Director of Place


Further to Minute 44 above, the Cabinet Member considered a report of the Executive Director of Place which detailed confidential matters in relation to the surrender of the existing lease and the granting of a new 125 year lease for land and premises at Shultern Lane, Cannon Park to enable the premises to be redeveloped as a supermarket.


  RESOLVED that the Cabinet Member for Business, Enterprise and Employment:-


(1)  Subject to the grant of planning permission, approves the surrender of the existing 125 year lease from High Cross Garage (Balsall) Ltd to the Council and;


(2)  Approves the grant of a new 125 year lease to High Cross Garage (Balsall) Ltd with the ability within the terms of the new lease to sub-let the whole of the Premises.


(3)  Delegates authority to the Executive Director of Resources, and in particular officers within Legal Services, to effect the surrender of the existing lease and immediately complete the new 125 year lease upon the terms set out in the report submitted.  




Any Other Private Business


There were no other items of private business.