Venue: This meeting will be held remotely. The meeting can be viewed live by pasting this link into the browser:
Contact: Carolyn Sinclair Email:
No. | Item |
Appointment of Chair Minutes: RESOLVED that Councillor C Thomas be appointed Chair for the hearing. |
Apologies Minutes: There were no apologies for absence. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Licensing Act 2003 - Application for a New Premises Licence PDF 100 KB To consider an application for a new premises licence in respect of Srimark, 646 Sewall Highway, Coventry, Upper Stoke Ward.
Note: The applicant and their representative have been invited to attend the hearing. Persons who have made representations have been invited to attend.
The City Council’s Statement of Licensing Policy is available on the Council’s website. Alternatively, please contact us if you require a hard copy. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Sub-Committee considered an application for a new Premises Licence in respect ofSrimark, 646 Sewall Highway, Coventry. The application requested the sale/supply of alcohol (off sales); Monday to Sunday 0700hrs to 2300hrs.
One objection had been received to the application, including a petition with 78 signatures from local residents.
None of the Responsible Authorities had objected although during the application process, the Applicant had liaised with the Police and agreed to a number of stringent conditions.
The Sub-Committee’s statutory duty was to consider the application and any representations and to take such steps as contained in the Licensing Act 2003 as it considered appropriate for the promotion of the licensing objectives.
The Licensing Officer began by outlining the report, confirming that the application was for a new premises licence.
The Sub Committee confirmed that they had received and read statements from both the Applicant and the Objector prior to the hearing.
The Applicant presented her case through her daughter, acting as her representative. The Applicant drew the Sub Committee’s attention to the statement submitted prior to the hearing and explained that the representation provided by the Objector has been fully considered and addressed within this statement.
Summarising the measures to be taken to alleviate the concerns of the Objector and petition signatories, the Applicant explained that the safety of children and welfare of local residents was her upmost priority. She has agreed to stringent conditions in consultation with the Police and would be putting in place Challenge 25, a refusals register, Police approved CCTV and annual training for staff.
The Applicant stated that Srimark is not the only shop within the area or surrounding areas that sells alcohol, so it would be unfair for them to be solely responsible for an individual’s behaviour and disruption. However, the Applicant will endeavour to aid in reducing any potential disruption through the refusal of alcohol sales in certain situations. Staff will be trained to look for signs of intoxication and alcohol would not be sold in these circumstances, with the refusal being recorded accordingly.
In terms of any potential nuisance associated with litter, the Applicant confirmed that staff currently make litter checks twice a day outside and also provide bins within the premises for customers to use.
Further, the Applicant explained that the objection indicated that if the premises is open until 11pm, this would be highly disruptive and would create more traffic and noise in the residential area. The Applicant stated that unlike some other licensed premises, they offer free off-road parking to help reduce traffic and congestion. The area is also covered by CCTV and there are currently, and will always be, two members of staff working until closing hours to help prevent crime and disorder, along with public nuisance and aiding in public safety.
In conclusion, the Applicant reminded the Sub Committee that she is an experienced licence holder and shop owner, currently running successful premise known as Broad Street Local, 71-73 Broad Street, Coventry, CV6 5AX.
Any Other Business To consider any other items of business which the Chair decides to take as a matter of urgency because of the special circumstances involved. Minutes: There were no other items of business. |