Agenda and minutes

Cabinet Member for Education - Tuesday, 11th March, 2014 2.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 3 - Council House. View directions

Contact: Michelle Salmon  Governance Services Tel: 024 7683 3065 E-mail:

No. Item


Declarations of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 40 KB


The minutes of the meeting held on21st January, 2014 were signed as a true record. There were no matters arising.


Co-ordinated School Admission Schemes for 2015 and Community and Voluntary Controlled School Admission Policies for 2015 pdf icon PDF 135 KB

Report of the Executive Director, People


The Cabinet Member considered a report of the Director of Education and Inclusion which provided information on the Co-ordinated School Admission Schemes for 2015 and Community and Voluntary Controlled School Admission Policies for 2015.


Each year the Department for Education requires Local Authorities to determine the co-ordination schemes for school admissions in their areas and the admissions policies for community and voluntary controlled schools which are the responsibility of the local authority, by 15th April 2014.


In April 2006, Cabinet agreed that consideration of reports on school admission arrangements would be delegated to the appropriate Cabinet Member in years where there were no significant changes to admission arrangements (their minute 196/06 refers).


All schemes and policies referred to in the report were considered by the School Admissions Forum on 7th February 2014. As there had been no significant changes to the schemes and policies since the 2013 policies, consultation was not required by the School Admissions Code.


The Cabinet Member noted that increasing the admission numbers at Edgewick Primary School was subject to a separate consultation process and was the subject of separate reports to Cabinet on 4th March and 13th May 2014.


RESOLVED that the Cabinet Member ((Education):


1.  Determined the co-ordinated admissions scheme for primary, infant and junior schools in Coventry for 2015/16 and the admission policy for community and voluntary controlled primary, infant and junior schools for 2015/16, as set out in Appendix 1 to the report.


2.  Determined the co-ordinated admissions scheme for secondary schools in Coventry for 2015/16, as set out in Appendix 2 to the report.


Appointments to the Coventry Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education pdf icon PDF 44 KB

Report of the Executive Director, People


The Cabinet Member considered a report of the Director of Education and Inclusion which sought the approval to the appointments of a representative of the Sikh faith (Group 2) and the National Association of Headteachers (NAHT) (Group 3) to the Coventry Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE).


SACRE was established under the Education Reform Act 1988 and comprised of four groups: a Church of England group (Group 1); a group representing other Christian denominations and other Faiths which reflect the principal religious traditions in the area (Group 2); a group representing teachers (Group 3) and a groups representing the City Council (Group 4).


The City Council is responsible for appointing members to the 4 statutory Groups.


The purpose of the Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education is to advise the Local Authority on matters concerning religious education in community schools and the religious education provision to be made in accordance with an Agreed Syllabus. These matters may include methods of teaching, training for teachers and, choice of materials and resources.


RESOLVED that the Cabinet Member (Education):


1.  Approves the appointment of Bimla Paul to Group 2 of the Coventry Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education for a period of four years as a representative of the Sikh faith.


2.  Approves the appointment of Angela Dawes to Group 3 of the Coventry Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education for a period of four years as a representative of the National Association of Headteachers (NAHT).


Appointment of Authority Governors pdf icon PDF 26 KB

Report of the Executive Director, People


RESOLVED that, having met the Local Authority criteria for the appointment of Local Authority school governors, the Cabinet Member (Education) approves the appointment and re-appointment of the persons listed below for the schools and terms of office indicated:-


Authority Governor: New Appointments




Term of Office

Alan East

Grangehurst Primary

10 March 2018


Authority Governor: Re-Appointments




Term of Office

Mr Keith Eales

Cardinal Wiseman Catholic School

21 April 2018

Mr R Perry

Lyng Hall School

30 March 2018

Councillor H Noonan

Whitley Abbey Primary

1 April 2018





Outstanding Issues

There are no outstanding issues


There were no outstanding issues.


Any Other Items of Public Business

Any other items of public business which the Cabinet Member decides to take as matters of urgency because of the special circumstances involved.


There were no other items of public business.