Agenda and decisions

Cabinet Member for Children and Young People - Tuesday, 22nd January, 2013 2.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 3 - Council House. View directions

Contact: Usha Patel  Tel: 024 7683 3198

No. Item




There were no apologies.


Declarations of Interests


There were no declarations of interest.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 35 KB

(a)  To agree the minutes of the meeting held on 16th October, 2012


(b)   Matters Arising


(a)  The minutes of the meeting held on 16th October 2012, were signed as a true record.


  (b)  There were no matters arising.



Annual Statement of payments to Coventry City Council Foster Carers

Report of the Director of Children, Learning and Young People


RESOLVED that after due consideration of the report and the matters raised at the meeting, the Cabinet Member (Children and Young People) approved the recommended payments to Coventry City Council Foster Carers, set out in the Foster Carers Letter in Appendix 1.


  This included:


·  A 2% increase in fees to foster carers.

·  A 5% increase in maintenance payments and all other child care allowances.

·  Deleting the Mainstream 1 fee payment foster carers and replacing it with Mainstream 2.

·  Aligning Friends and Family weekly allowance with internal Foster Carers fees.

·  Any Foster Carer who is currently receiving the Mainstream 2 fee (who has completed the relevant training), who has 5 years or more experience to receive the Mainstream 3 payment from April 1 2013. 




The Placement Sufficiency Strategy for Children and Young People's Placements pdf icon PDF 259 KB

Report of the Director of Children, Learning and Young People


RESOLVED that after due consideration of the report and the matters raised at the meeting, the Cabinet Member (Children and Young People):


1.  Endorsed the Strategy as the means for developing sufficient provision of placements for looked after children and ensuring value for money on the types of provision sourced by the Council.


2.  In particular, endorsed the priorities detailed in section 3 of the Strategy and the action plan as a means of developing sufficient provision.



Report back from Scrutiny Task & Finish Group on Looked After Children and Apprenticeships pdf icon PDF 71 KB

Report of the Chair of Jobs, Skills and Growth Scrutiny Board (Scrutiny Board 3)


RESOLVED that after due consideration of the report and the matters raised at the meeting, the Cabinet Member (Children and Young People) agreed:


1.  That the Council widens the target pool of Care Leavers from those currently Not in Education, Employment or training (NEET) to include those in learning and on track to successfully complete Level 2 and Level 3 courses in FE colleges and schools.


2.  That the Council continues to work with those Looked After Children and Care Leavers who are NEET to develop their skills and personal resilience through provisions such as European Social Fund, the Young Persons' Employment Placement Scheme, work experience in the City Council, whilst recognising that for many of these young people the transition from NEET to accessing and sustaining an apprenticeship will not be achieved quickly or easily.


3.  To provide a financial incentive to those Care Leavers on apprenticeship programmes, for example, through a bonus at the end of the first three months of an apprenticeship to be paid through the After Care Service. The financial incentive would be £1200 per year per Looked After Child, the same as a care leaver remaining in education receives the 16-19 Bursary.


4.  To continue to provide ongoing support to Care Leavers to help them find appropriate work at the end of their apprenticeship programme.


5.  That Care Leavers who start an apprenticeship with the City Council, are supported not only by the Council's Entry to Employment Team, but also by a nurturing/peer support mentor within the employing service in addition to links with the relevant Personal Advisor or Social Worker.


6.  That City Council departments who take on a Care Leaver as an apprentice, use the support available to them from the Entry to Employment Team, After-Care Service and the Participation Team to maximise opportunities for the apprenticeship to succeed.


7.  That the Care Leaver and Personal Advisor work with the appointing manager to decide whether preparation may be beneficial for the team who will be working with and supporting the young person.


8.  That the Council actively negotiate with Partners to encourage them to offer apprenticeships, employment and work experience to Care Leavers.



Outstanding Issues Report pdf icon PDF 50 KB

Report of the Customer and Workforce Services


RESOLVED that after due consideration of the report and the matters raised at the meeting, the Cabinet Member (Children and Young People): -


1.  Item 1 headed "Implementation of Multi-Systemic Therapy and Keep be deleted as this was launched last year.


2.  Item 2 headed "Adoption Services Annual Report and Statement of Purpose" be scheduled into the Children, Learning and Young People's Directorate's forward planner.



Any Other Business

To consider any other items of business which the Cabinet Member decides to take as a matter of urgency because of the special circumstances involved.


There were no other item of public business.