Agenda and minutes

Scrutiny Co-ordination Committee - Wednesday, 29th July, 2015 11.30 am

Venue: Committee Rooms 2 and 3 - Council House. View directions

Contact: Liz Knight  Tel: 024 7683 3073 Email:

No. Item


Declarations of Interest


There were no disclosable pecuniary interests declared.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 82 KB


The minutes of the meeting held on 8 July, 2015 were signed as a true record.


Further to Minute 5/15, the Committee noted that information in relation to under 18 conception rates would be circulated to them shortly.


The Committee also noted that work was in hand in relation to providing an update on the current position at The Coventry Foyer.


Council Plan Performance 2014-15 and Revised Council Plan 2015 pdf icon PDF 127 KB

Report of the Chief Executive


Councillor Gannon, Cabinet Member for Strategic Finance and Resources has been invited to the meeting for the consideration of this item

Additional documents:


Prior to the meeting, all Members of the City Council had been invited to attend a Seminar where they had received a comprehensive presentation on the Council Plan Performance 2014-15 and Revised Council Plan 2015. Members had also been given an opportunity to question officers on the presentation.


The Committee reviewed the issues raised at the Members’ Seminar, noting that a number of those issues were already included on either their or the Scrutiny Boards’ Work Programmes.


RESOLVED that the following additional issues to be added to the Work Programmes indicated:-


  1)  Top 10 Cities – To include information on criteria, indicators

  and progress - Scrutiny Co-ordination Committee


2)   Air Quality – To consider possible additional indicators – To

 be included as part of Scrutiny Co-ordination Committee’s

 consideration of this issue at their meeting on 4 November, 2015


3)  Coventry Investment Fund – Finance and Corporate

 Services Scrutiny Board (Scrutiny Board 1)


4)  Performance Management Across the Council – Initially to

 be considered as part of the Education and Children’s Scrutiny Board’s (Scrutiny Board 2) Task and Finish Group on Performance Management  


Outstanding Issues

All Outstanding Issues have been included in the Work Programme


The Committee noted that all outstanding issues had been included in the Work Programme for the current year.


Scrutiny Co-ordination Committee Work Programme 2015/2016 pdf icon PDF 73 KB

Report of the Scrutiny Co-ordinator


The Committee considered their Work Programme for 2015/16 and noted that it would be updated in light of Minute 14 above.



Any Other Items of Public Business

Any other items of public business which the Chair decides to take as a matter of urgency because of the special circumstances involved.


There were no other items of public business.