Venue: Committee Room 3 - Council House. View directions
Contact: Carolyn Sinclair / Usha Patel Email: / Email:
No. | Item | |||||||||
Declarations of Interest Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor R Bailey declared an interest in the item referred to in Minute 48, below (PL/2023/0002359/RESM - Whitley Pumping Station, London) as he was supporting a petition objecting to the proposal. Councillor Bailey spoke in respect of the petition and did not take part in the discussion or voting for the above-mentioned application. |
Members Declarations of Contact on Planning Applications Members are reminded that contacts about any planning applications on this agenda must, unless reported to this meeting by the Strategic Lead for Planning, be declared before the application is considered. Additional documents: Minutes: There were no declarations of contacts on Planning Applications. |
Minutes of Previous Meeting held on 12 September 2024 Additional documents: Minutes: The Minutes of the meeting held on 12 September 2024 were agreed and signed as a true record. |
Late Representations To be circulated at the meeting. Additional documents: Minutes:
Application PL/2023/0002359/RESM - Whitley Pumping Station, London Road Report of the Strategic Lead for Planning Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee considered a report of the Strategic Lead for Planning detailing the above application for submission of Reserved Matters for details of appearance, layout, scale and landscaping of 149 new dwellings with public open space, drainage, car parking and other associated works pursuant to planning permission OUT/2020/2521 for Hybrid planning application comprising: 1) Outline planning for erection of up to 195no dwellings (Use Class C3), new vehicular access onto London Road with associated access works, parking, landscaping and ancillary works. All matters reserved except access. 2) Full planning for the renovation of the existing Lodge Building to provide one dwelling house (Use Class C3); Change of use of the existing Pump House to provide four flats (Use Class C3), associated access works, parking, landscaping and ancillary works granted 12/05/2023. The application was recommended for approval.
The Committee considered a petition objecting to the application bearing 167 signatures sponsored by Councillor R Bailey, a Cheylesmore Ward Councillor. Councillor Bailey and the petition spokesperson spoke in respect of the petition and another registered speaker attended and spoke in respect of her objections to the application. The applicant’s agent spoke in support of the application.
RESOLVED that planning permission be granted in respect of Application PL/2023/0002359/RESM subject to conditions. |
Application PL/2024/0001179/FUL - 40 Ansty Road Report of the Strategic Lead for Planning Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee considered a report of the Strategic Lead for Planning, detailing the above application for the erection of two-storey front and rear extension with first floor side extension and single storey side and rear extensions to accommodate an increase from 6no. bedroom Care Home (Use Class C2) to 9no. bedrooms with ancillary facilities, with the erection of outbuilding and ancillary landscaping and parking provision including improvements to existing vehicular access. The application was recommended for approval.
Councillor R Singh, a Lower Stoke Ward Councillor, attended and spoke in respect of his objections to the application. The applicant and the applicant’s agent spoke in support of the application.
RESOLVED that planning permission be granted in respect of Application PL/2024/0001179/FUL subject to conditions including the addition that the management plan be updated and that contact details be made accessible to the public. |
Outstanding Issues There are no outstanding issues. Additional documents: Minutes: There were no outstanding issues. |
Any other items of public business which the Chair decides to take as matters of urgency because of the special circumstances involved Additional documents: Minutes: There were no other items of public business. |