Venue: Committee Room 3 - Council House. View directions
Contact: Carolyn Sinclair Email:
No. | Item | |||||||||||||||
Declarations of Interest Additional documents: Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Members Declarations of Contact on Planning Applications Members are reminded that contacts about any planning applications on this agenda must, unless reported to this meeting by the Strategic Lead for Planning, be declared before the application is considered. Additional documents: Minutes: There were no declarations of contacts. |
Minutes of the Meeting held on 18 July 2024 Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 18 July 2024 were agreed and signed as a true record. |
Late Representations To be circulated at the meeting. Additional documents: Minutes:
Application PL/2024/0000246/RESM - Land West of Bennetts Road Report of the Strategic Lead for Planning Additional documents: Minutes:
The Late Representation report included an additional condition in respect of drainage.
A registered speaker attended and spoke in respect of his objections to the application, a further registered speaker sent a statement. The applicant’s representative spoke in support of the application.
RESOLVED: (a) That planning permission be granted in respect of Application PL/2024/0000246/RESM subject to conditions. (b) That authority be delegated to the Strategic Lead for Planning, following consultation with the Chair, to agree any amendments to the conditions which were considered necessary.
Application RMM/2022/0679 - Land at Fivefield Road and Tamworth Road Report of the Strategic Lead for Planning Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee considered a report of the Strategic Lead for Planning, detailing the above submission of Reserved Matters for 19 dwellings off Tamworth Road, for all matters outstanding pursuant to permission OUT/2019/0022 granted on 7th February 2022 for the demolition of all existing buildings and the erection of up to 550 dwellings, and creation of associated vehicular accesses to Tamworth Road and Fivefield Road, pedestrian/cycle and emergency accesses, highway improvements to Fivefield Road, parking, landscaping, drainage features, open space and associated infrastructure, with all matters to be reserved except access points into the site. The application was recommended for approval.
The Late Representation report included updated conditions.
The Committee considered a petition bearing 53 signatures relating to World War 2 artefacts within the development site. The petition was sponsored by Councillor B Christopher, a Bablake Ward Councillor, who spoke in respect of the petition. In addition, a registered speaker sent a statement objecting to the proposal and the applicant’s representative spoke in support of the application.
RESOLVED: (a) That planning permission be granted in respect of Application RMM/2022/0679subject to conditions. (b) That authority be delegated to the Strategic Lead for Planning, following consultation with the Chair, to agree any amendments to the conditions which were considered necessary.
Application PL/2023/0000167/FUL - Garage Block, Meadfoot Road Strategic Lead for Planning Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee considered a report of the Strategic Lead for Planning, detailing the above application for the demolition of existing garages and erection of 2, 2-bedroom houses and 2, 3-bedroom houses with associated access, landscaping and parking. Relocation and retention of 8 general parking spaces and 1no privately owned parking space. The application was recommended for approval.
The Committee considered a petition objecting to the application bearing 68 signatures sponsored by Councillor R Lakha, a Binley and Willenhall Ward Councillor, who spoke in respect of the petition. The applicant’s representative sent a statement in support of the application.
RESOLVED that planning permission be granted in respect of Application PL/2023/0000167/FULsubject to conditions.
Application PL/2024/0000825/FUL - 2 Grasscroft Drive Report of the Strategic Lead for Planning Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee considered a report of the Strategic Lead for Planning, detailing the above application for two-storey side and rear extensions, alterations and change of use from residential to 7-bedroom HMO. The application was recommended for approval.
RESOLVED that planning permission be granted in respect of Application PL/2024/0000825/FULsubject to conditions.
Application PL/2024/0000936/HHA - 19 Heycroft Report of the Strategic Lead for Planning Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee considered a report of the Strategic Lead for Planning, detailing the above application for a first-floor side extension, single storey side and rear extension, garage conversion, new porch, and new garage. The application was recommended for approval.
Wainbody Ward Councillor, Councillor J Blundell and two registered speakers spoke in respect of their objections to the application. The applicant spoke in support of the application.
RESOLVED that planning permission be granted in respect of Application PL/2024/0000936/HHAsubject to conditions. |
Outstanding Issues There are no outstanding issues. Additional documents: Minutes: There were no outstanding issues. |
Any other items of public business which the Chair decides to take as matters of urgency because of the special circumstances involved Additional documents: Minutes: There were no other items of public business. |