Venue: Council House, Coventry
Contact: Carolyn Sinclair/Suzanne Bennett 024 7697 2302 / 2299
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Minutes of the Meeting held on 20 February, 2024 PDF 392 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Minutes of the Meeting held on 20 February 2024 were agreed and signed as a true record. |
Exclusion of the Press and Public To consider whether to exclude the press and public for the items of private business for the reasons shown in the report. Additional documents: Minutes: |
Correspondence and Announcements of the Lord Mayor Additional documents: Minutes: As this was the final Ordinary meeting of Council of the 2023/24 Municipal Year, the Lord Mayor, Councillor J Birdi, thanked all Councillors for their attendance and support during his year as Lord Mayor.
Members paid tribute to the Lord Mayor, thanking him for his Chairmanship and wished him well for the remaining weeks of his term as Lord Mayor of the City. |
Petitions Additional documents: Minutes:
RESOLVED that the following petitions be referred to the appropriate bodies/outside organisations:
(a) Request for implementation of a residents only parking scheme and one-way traffic flow system on Holmesdale Road – 116 signatures, presented by Councillor S Nazir (b) Request for a resident only parking scheme on Stoney Stanton Road – 11 signatures, presented by Councillor S Nazir (c) Request for land at Baginton Fields to be designated as Local Green Space – 167 signatures, presented by Councillor B Mosterman (d) Request to reduce the height of trees in front of Alvin Close – 19 signatures, presented by Councillor CE Thomas (e) Objection to Planning Application PL/2023/0002662/OUT: proposed development with entrance via High Beech – 158 signatures, presented by Councillor G Ridley (f) Objection to the proposed mobile phone mast on James Green Road – 103 signatures, presented by Councillor G Ridley (g) Request that swift action be taken to address the flooding issue in Templars Avenue Alleyway and prevention of future occurrences – 127 signatures, presented by Councillor M Lapsa in Councillor A Masih’s absence (h) Request that the City Council campaign for changes to law regarding disabled parking bays – 9 signatures, presented by Councillor N Akhtar
Declarations of Interest Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor L Kelly declared a disclosable pecuniary interest in the matter referred to in Minutes 116 and 124 below (Procurement of a New Contract for the Supply of Electricity and Ancillary Services). She withdrew from the meeting during the consideration of the items.
City Centre South Additional Grant Funding PDF 296 KB From the Cabinet , 13 February, 2024 Additional documents: Minutes: Further to Minute 71 of Cabinet, the City Council a report of the Director of Property Services and Development, which sought approval to accept additional West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) Funding of up to £12.24m to facilitate the delivery of the City Centre South project.
A corresponding private report detailing confidential matters was also submitted for consideration (Minute 123 below refers).
City Centre South would deliver transformational improvements to Coventry city centre through the creation of a new residential led community providing new homes, jobs, commercial and leisure opportunities and high-quality public spaces.
The Council’s development partner, Shearer Property Regen Ltd (SPRL), led by Hill Developments were continuing to move the scheme forward and have made considerable progress since being appointed as the funding partner under the terms of the Development Agreement between the Council, SPRL and Shearer Property Group (SPG).
The report sought formal approval to the next stage of the project following the previous Council Decisions in December 2022 (their minutes 85/22 and 91/22 referred) which approved the provision of Council funding to the scheme.
Since the recommendations contained in the December 2022 reports were approved, a significant amount of work had been undertaken to progress the scheme, including the Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) being confirmed by the Secretary of State, the delivery of high-quality new premises for the Shopmobility scheme and a significant amount of ground investigations and surveys being undertaken. However, changes in fire safety regulations proposed earlier this year in the wake of the Grenfell disaster had required changes to the design of, and timescales for, the scheme resulting in viability challenges which needed to be resolved before the scheme could commence further.
These changes announced by Michael Gove, Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Communities & Housing, in July 2023, would require all residential buildings over 18m in height to incorporate dual stair cores and additional fire-fighting lifts to improve means of escape and building safety in the event of fire. This change was not anticipated at the time the previous reports were considered.
This change in regulation has had a significant, adverse effect on scheme viability due to increasing build costs and reduced sales/lettable area, thus depressing overall scheme viability. In order to address this issue and to prevent the scheme from stalling the Council had been able to successfully negotiate an additional grant assistance from the West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) of up to £12.24m (“Additional WMCA Funding”) in addition to the £98.8 million pounds already provided. The report therefore requested authority to accept the Additional WMCA Funding and delegated authority to amend the Development Agreement with SPRL and Grant Agreements with WMCA in order to be able to apply this funding towards the delivery of the scheme.
RESOLVED that the City Council:
1) Approves the acceptance of the Additional WMCA Funding of up to £12.24m to be added to the £98.8m previously secured which will be utilised to facilitate the delivery of City Centre South.
2) Delegates authority to the Director of ... view the full minutes text for item 112. |
Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme - Coventry City Council Public Buildings PDF 249 KB From the Cabinet, 12 March, 2024 Additional documents: Minutes: Further to Minute 88 of the Cabinet, the City Council considered a report of the Director of Property Services and Development, which indicated that the UK had committed to reduce the carbon emissions associated with its public buildings compared to 2017 levels by 50% by 2032 and 75% by 2037. To support this, the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero (DESNZ) had continued offering the Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme (PSDS), but now required a local match contribution. The PSDS grant scheme provided grants of up to £325 per tonne of carbon emissions saved by capital energy efficiency and heat decarbonisation projects that directly reduce fossil fuel use.
Coventry City Council had previously been successful in Phase 1 of the grant scheme which had helped the Council reduce emissions from its buildings and schools by over 1000 tonnes of carbon per year.
The Council had now submitted a bid to the Phase 3c grant scheme to support the delivery of a second phase of building decarbonisation projects. Due to the change in criteria for the PSDS grant, a smaller pipeline of buildings than in Phase 1 has been identified as suitable candidates for Phase 2. The proposed scope of works has a combined project value of up to £1.85m with a maximum grant contribution of £786k available via the PSDS grant scheme.
The report sought approval to provide match funding for the project on an “invest to save” basis. Any investment would look to be recovered through revenue savings achieved from reductions in the buildings’ energy bills. Overall, the project is targeting carbon savings of up to 174 tonnes of carbon per year and estimated net savings of £40k per year after repayment of financing costs.
The report indicated that the energy improvement opportunities were identified during the building selection process and that, by delivering all of the measures together, the Council will achieve reduced carbon emissions associated with these buildings and will deliver financial savings estimated at £40k per year, net of financing costs. The buildings proposed for improvement and the measures proposed were detailed in the report.
Cabinet had noted that Scrutiny Co-ordination Committee, had considered the report at their meeting on 11 March 2024 and a detailed Briefing Note, outlining their consideration, was circulated. Cabinet had also received assurances from the Director of Finance and Resources and the Director of Property Services and Development in relation to the financial position, how the match funding would be met and the expected savings which would be achieved by reducing property running costs, as detailed in the financial business case.
RESOLVED that the City Council:
1) Approves the proposal to allocate up to £1m of corporate capital funding, funded from prudential borrowing towards Public Building Decarbonisation Phase 2 works with a total capital value of up to £1.85m as set out in the report ("the Project"), subject to successful award of the PSDS grant.
2) Delegates authority to the Director of Finance and Resources, following consultation with the ... view the full minutes text for item 113. |
West Midlands Investment Zone PDF 741 KB From the Cabinet, 12 March, 2024 Additional documents: Minutes: Further to Minute 91 of the Cabinet, the City Council considered a report of the Director of Regeneration and Economy, which indicated that the UK Government had invited the West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) to prepare a proposal for a West Midlands Investment Zone (WMIZ). The sectoral focus for WMIZ will be advanced manufacturing, which the report indicated was an excellent fit with the One Coventry Plan ambition to increase the economic prosperity of the city and region. A total of £160m in funding is available for WMIZ over a ten-year period, and this would be used for tax incentives for investors in WMIZ sites, capital funding to prepare these sites for development, and revenue schemes designed to develop the target sector. The WMIZ proposals would also allow business rates growth on designated sites to be retained locally for 25 years for reinvestment in the development of the Advanced Manufacturing Sector. Business rates would be retained above existing levels on a “no detriment” basis such that no Local Authority would be worse off through its involvement in the WMIZ.
The WMIZ included sites in Coventry/Warwick, Birmingham and Wolverhampton. There are four sites in Coventry and Warwick District; Whitley East in Coventry and Whitley South, Coventry Airport and Segro Park in Warwick District. Whitley East had been allocated as an employment site in the Coventry Local Plan. The WMIZ £160m budget includes an initial £23m for infrastructure works to prepare the Coventry Airport site for development, and this report sought approval to accept that funding together with any additional funding that became available from the IZ budget up to a total value of £35m. The report also sought delegated approval to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding for business rates retention related to the Whitley East site.
Governance decisions for WMIZ would be taken by a WMIZ Joint Committee/ Board which Coventry City Council, Warwick District and Warwickshire County Council will all be represented on. West Midlands Universities including Coventry University and University of Warwick were also non-voting members of this group. A Coventry and Warwickshire Investment Zone office group would meet to ensure that consistent briefings are provided to Coventry and Warwickshire members of the WMIZ Joint Committee / Board.
RESOLVED that the City Council:
1) Approves acceptance of up to £35m in West Midlands Investment Zone (WMIZ) funding, noting that initially £23m will be available for infrastructure provision on the Coventry Airport site (subject to the conditions of the grant being satisfactory).
2) Delegates authority to the Director of Regeneration and Economy, following consultation with the Director of Finance and Resources, the Director of Law and Governance, and Cabinet Member for Jobs, Regeneration and Climate Change, to:
a) Undertake all necessary due diligence in relation to acceptance of the WMIZ funding allocation.
b) Continue to negotiate on all the matters associated with this report and to take such action as is deemed necessary, incidental or ancillary to or in consequence of bringing into effect the recommendations contained in this ... view the full minutes text for item 114. |
City Centre Cultural Gateway Project PDF 334 KB From the Cabinet. 12 March, 2024 Additional documents: Minutes: Further to Minute 92 of the Cabinet, the City Council considered a report of the Director of Regeneration and Economy which sought approval for additional capital funding to cover an increase in cost for the main construction works to the former IKEA building which would be known as the City Centre Cultural Gateway (CCCG). The CCCG will be a landmark destination that will be home to a Collections Centre of national significance and will bring together multiple partners and investors across creative, cultural and technology sectors to engage local people.
Approval had previously been given for the acquisition and development of the CCCG, however currently the economic conditions and volatility within the construction market had returned tender prices from a selected Contractor that take the overall project cost beyond the approval by Council in March 2023 (Minute 127/23 refers).
A corresponding private report detailing commercially sensitive confidential matters was also submitted for consideration (Minute 125 below refers).
The report also sought future additional capital (under delegation once there has been a developed and approved business case for future tenancies), for the basic fitting out of Floors 1 and 2 to enable them to earn future rental income. The following amendment was moved by Councillor G Ridley, seconded by Councillor P Male and lost: “That, in order to proceed with Option 3 (Approve the Additional Capital, without Future Capital Investment into Floors 1 and 2) as detailed in the report, Recommendation 2 (as detailed below) be deleted:
2) Delegate authority to the Director of Finance and Resources, following consultation with the Director of Regeneration and Economy, the Director of Law and Governance and the Cabinet Member for Housing and Communities, to approve capital expenditure of a further sum in the amount set out in the private element of the Report to be financed from prudential borrowing to fund the construction and professional fees to be utilised towards the delivery of further works to Floors 1 and 2 , only once there has been a developed and approved business case for future tenancies.
(Recommendations 1, 3 and 4 as set out in the report to remain)”
RESOLVED that the City Council:
1) Approves capital expenditure of a further sum in the amount set out in the private element of the Report to be financed from prudential borrowing to fund the construction and professional fees for delivery of the City Centre Cultural Gateway Project.
2) Delegates authority to the Director of Finance and Resources, following consultation with the Director of Regeneration and Economy, the Director of Law and Governance ... view the full minutes text for item 115. |
Procurement of a New Contract for the Supply of Electricity and Ancillary Services PDF 336 KB From the Cabinet, 12 March, 2024 Additional documents: Minutes: Further to Minute 93 of Cabinet, the City Council considered a report of the Director of Regeneration and Economy, which indicated that electricity spending fluctuated due to various factors like global events affecting energy markets. The current Council’s electricity contract ends on 30 September 2024 and covered electricity for over 250 Council facilities and around 100 other places like schools. By starting the process early, the chosen supplier could buy energy over time instead of all at once, which helped avoid sudden price increases in the market.
Since 2016, the Council had been using the Eastern Shires Purchasing Organisation (ESPO) framework to buy electricity. ESPO acted as an intermediary, allowing the Council to access wholesale markets typically only available to large buyers. While this framework had helped manage market volatility to some extent, it was not very flexible and historically had not taken full advantage of renewable energy and new market opportunities.
By partnering with E.ON as the new Strategic Energy Partner, the Council could access a customized supply arrangement that opened up opportunities to save costs and generate revenue from new energy market mechanisms. This partnership allowed the Council to tap into E.ON's expertise and resources in ways that were not possible before.
The recommended option presented the best available opportunity for the Council to minimise the costs associated with the supply of electricity. Besides potential cost savings and flexibility, this new approach also aimed to deliver more social value directly related to the Council's electricity needs.
A corresponding private report detailing commercially sensitive confidential matters was also submitted for consideration (Minute 124 below refers).
The report sought approval to enter contracts with E.ON UK PLC and its subsidiaries, Npower and E.ON Next, as part of the Strategic Energy Partnership contract procured via competitive dialogue, in compliance with Procurement Regulations 2015, signed on September 12, 2023.
In accordance with the Constitution, the report also informed Council of the decision undertaken by the Chief Executive on 19th December 2023 to exercise emergency functions to secure an immediate hedging of energy using an interim 12-month standard flex contract which would be superseded by the supply contract in the report should the recommendations be approved.
RESOLVED that Cabinet recommends that Council:
1) Approves the proposal to enter into an electricity supply contracts pursuant to the Strategic Energy Partnership for the supply of electricity up to 31st March 2030.
3) Delegates authority to the Head of Energy Services, following consultation with the Director of Regeneration and Economy, to oversee the ongoing management of the wholesale purchasing strategy during the term of the contract.
4) Notes the exercise of the emergency functions by the Chief Executive on 19 December ... view the full minutes text for item 116. |
Proposed Amendments to the Constitution PDF 256 KB From the Cabinet Member for Policing and Equalities, 18 March, 2024 Additional documents: Minutes: Further to Minute 17 of the meeting of the Cabinet Member for Policing and Equalities, the City Council considered a report of the Director of Law and Governance which set out how the Council carried out its business and made decisions. It was a living document and was reviewed and updated from time to time to ensure that it met changing legislative requirements and reflected changes in practise within the Council.
The Constitutional Advisory Panel at its meeting on 26 February 2024 considered proposed changes to the Constitution. These were:
a) Amendments to the Contract Procedure Rules as set out in Part 3G of the Constitution
b) Amendments to the Financial Procedure Rules as set out in Part 3F of the Constitution
In relation to the Contract Procedure Rules, the report indicated that the Health Care Services (Provider Selection Regime) Regulations 2023 (“PSR”) was a new set of rules which governed the arrangement of healthcare services in England, introduced by regulations made under the Health and Care Bill, and which came in to force as of 01 January 2024. The PSR must be followed for all applicable procurement activity by Integrated Care Boards (ICBs), the NHS and Local Authorities. Relevant authorities must follow one of seven (7) processes when procuring health care services. In addition, there was no threshold to the PSR, meaning that all applicable activity, regardless of value, must follow the new Regulations.
The proposed amendments to the Contract Procedure Rules (“CPRs”) were the second of three changes being considered by Council following the inclusive procurement changes in December 2023 and anticipated changes with the introduction the new Procurement Act coming in summer 2024.
The proposed amendments reflected new governance arrangements specific to procurement activity captured by the PSR and was summarised in the report.
The Constitutional Advisory Panel agreed that all of the proposed amendments, as detailed in Appendix A in the report, be recommended to the Cabinet Member for Policing and Equalities for approval.
In relation to the Financial Procedural Rules the report indicated that Legal Services, in consultation with the Council’s Financial Services, had conducted a review of the approval requirements for grant income and grant expenditure set out in the Constitution following feedback from its officers. The Council was regularly under extreme pressure to accept and administer grants in short timescales imposed by funding bodies. If such timescales were not complied with the Council may not be able to accept the grant.
It was considered that the current constitutional requirements affected the Council in efficiently accepting and administering grant in the necessary timescales. Currently the approval requirements for grant income and grant expenditure could, at times, lead to unnecessary complication and inefficient governance. It was considered that the approval requirements for grant income and grant expenditure should be amended so that (where relevant) approval can be sought for both the acceptance of the Grant Income and delegated authority to facilitate the Grant Expenditure at the same time where possible and drive efficiency in the ... view the full minutes text for item 117. |
Annual Pay Policy Statement 2024/25 PDF 330 KB Report of the Director of HR Additional documents: Minutes: The City Council considered a report of the Director of HR which recommended the approval of the Annual Pay Policy Statement which was appended to the report.
Local Authoritiesare requiredby sections 38and 39of theLocalism Act 2011 toproduce anannual Pay Policy Statement. The statement must articulate the City Council’s policies towards a range of issues relating to the pay of the workforce, particularly the most senior staff (or “chief officers”) and the relationship of their pay to the lowest paid employees.
RESOLVED that the City Council approves the Annual Pay Policy Statement 2024/25.
(a) Written Question – Booklet 1
(b) Oral Questions to Chairs of Scrutiny Boards/Chair of Scrutiny Co-ordination Committee
(c) Oral Questions to Chairs of other meetings
(d) Oral Questions to Representatives on Outside Bodies
(e) Oral Questions to Cabinet Members and Deputy Cabinet Members on any matter
Additional documents: Minutes: Councillors Brown, Welsh, O’Boyle and AS Khan provided written answers to the questions set out in the Questions Booklet, together with oral responses to supplementary questions asked at the meeting.
The following Members answered oral questions put to them by other Members as set out below, together with supplementary questions on the same matters:
Statements Additional documents: Minutes: There were no Statements. |
Debate - Programme of Road and Pavement Repairs "We note that Coventry City Council has released a programme of road and pavements repairs for the forthcoming municipal year. However, we would strongly urge that priority continues to be given to these important works to ensure that the physical infrastructure of Coventry’s Highways is maintained in a safe, secure and accessible condition for all.”
Additional documents: Minutes: The following Motion was moved by Councillor J Blundell and seconded by Councillor B Mosterman:
"We note that Coventry City Council has released a programme of road and pavements repairs for the forthcoming municipal year. However, we would strongly urge that priority continues to be given to these important works to ensure that the physical infrastructure of Coventry’s Highways is maintained in a safe, secure and accessible condition for all.”
The following amendment was moved by Councillor P Hetherton and seconded by Councillor G Lloyd and carried:
At the end of the sentence add the following “in spite of the Conservative Group voting against the proposals contained in the Budget in February 2024”.
The amended Motion now to read:
“We note that Coventry City Council has released a programme of road and pavements repairs for the forthcoming municipal year. However, we would strongly urge that priority continues to be given to these important works to ensure that the physical infrastructure of Coventry’s Highways is maintained in a safe, secure and accessible condition for all in spite of the Conservative Group voting against the proposals contained in the Budget in February 2024”
RESOLVED that the amended Motion, as set out above, be adopted.
Debate - Spring Budget 2024 - Funding for Local Authorities “This Council notes the Spring Budget 2024 and is dismayed that the Chancellor did not see fit to announce plans for an increased settlement nor any plans for long term funding settlements for Local Authorities, leaving Councils unable deliver a number of very necessary services needed for their Communities nor are they able to put in plans for the long term delivery and sustainability of those services.
We believe that a direct result of the choices that have been made in this budget, will leave more and more Councils in danger of having to issue S114 notices in the next few years.
Therefore, we call on the Prime Minister to call a General Election now and let the people pass judgement on his failing Government. “
Additional documents: Minutes: The following Motion was moved by Councillor M Mutton and seconded by Councillor CE Thomas:
“This Council notes the Spring Budget 2024 and is dismayed that the Chancellor did not see fit to announce plans for an increased settlement nor any plans for long term funding settlements for Local Authorities, leaving Councils unable deliver a number of very necessary services needed for their Communities nor are they able to put in plans for the long term delivery and sustainability of those services.
We believe that a direct result of the choices that have been made in this budget, will leave more and more Councils in danger of having to issue S114 notices in the next few years.
Therefore, we call on the Prime Minister to call a General Election now and let the people pass judgement on his failing Government.”
The following amendment was moved by Councillor G Ridley, seconded by Councillor T Sawdon and lost:
That the Debate as set out on the agenda be amended as follows: In the first line, delete the word “dismayed” and replace with the word “disappointed”
Delete paragraphs 2 and 3.
The amended Motion now to read: “This Council notes the Spring Budget 2024 and is disappointed that the Chancellor did not see fit to announce plans for an increased settlement nor any plans for long term funding settlements for Local Authorities, leaving Councils unable deliver a number of very necessary services needed for their Communities nor are they able to put in plans for the long term delivery and sustainability of those services.”
RESOLVED that the substantive Motion, as set out above, be adopted. |
City Centre South Additional Grant Funding Minutes: Further to Minute 74 of the Cabinet, and Minute 112 above, the City Council considered a private report of the Director of Property Services and Development, which set out the commercially confidential matters relating to proposals for City Centre South additional grant funding.
RESOLVED that the City Council:
1) Approves the acceptance of the Additional WMCA Funding of up to £12.24m to be added to the £98.8m previously secured which will be utilised to facilitate the delivery of City Centre South.
2) Delegates authority to the Director of Property Services and Development, following consultation with the Chief Operating Officer (Section 151 Officer), the Chief Legal Officer, the Cabinet Member for Jobs, Regeneration and Climate Change, the Cabinet Member for Strategic Finance and Resources and the Cabinet Member for Housing and Communities, to undertake the necessary due diligence and approve and enter into the legal agreements and undertakings necessary to give effect to recommendation 1) above.
3) Agrees to add the Additional WMCA Funding to the Council’s 5 Year Capital Programme. |
Procurement of a New Contract for the Supply of Electricity and Ancillary Services Minutes: Further to Minute 93 of Cabinet and Minute 116 above, the City Council considered a report of the Director of Regeneration and Economy, which set out the commercially sensitive confidential matters relating to the procurement of a new contract for the supply of electricity and ancillary services.
RESOLVED that the City Council:
1) Approves the proposal to enter into an electricity supply contracts pursuant to the Strategic Energy Partnership up to the value as identified in the private report for the supply of electricity up to 31st March 2030.
3) Delegates authority to the Head of Energy Services, following consultation with the Director of Regeneration and Economy, to oversee the ongoing management of the wholesale purchasing strategy during the term of the contract.
4) Notes the exercise of the emergency functions by the Chief Executive on 19th December 2023 pursuant to Paragraph 3.8 (a) of Part 2M of the Constitution to secure an immediate hedging of energy using an interim 12-month standard flex contract. |
City Centre Cultural Gateway Project Update Minutes: Further to Minute 97 of Cabinet and Minute 115 above, the City Council considered a private report of the Director of Regeneration and Economy, which set out the commercially sensitive confidential matters relating to the City Centre Cultural Gateway Project Update.
RESOLVED that the City Council:
1) Approves capital expenditure of a further sum in the amount set out in the private report to be financed from prudential borrowing to fund the construction and professional fees for delivery of the City Centre Cultural Gateway Project.
2) Delegates authority to the Director of Finance and Resources, following consultation with the Director of Regeneration and Economy, the Director of Law and Governance and the Cabinet Member for Housing and Communities, to approve capital expenditure of a further sum in the amount set out in the private report to be financed from prudential borrowing to fund the construction and professional fees to be utilised towards the delivery of further works to Floors 1 and 2, only once there has been a developed and approved business case for future tenancies.
3) Notes that the Agreement for Lease between Coventry City Council and Arts Council England, British Council and Culture Coventry in respect of the Collection Centre Development will include a mechanism that facilitates the ability for a request to be made to the City Council to deliver Partner Variations (including fit-out works) on their behalf with the cost being repaid to the City Council.
4) Delegates authority to the Director of Finance and Resources, following consultation with the Director of Regeneration and Economy, the Director of Law and Governance and the Cabinet Member for Housing and Communities, to undertake the necessary due diligence including approving any incidental and ancillary actions required to bring into legal effect the recommendation set out in Recommendation (3) above.