
Council - Tuesday, 9th September, 2014 2.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber - Council House. View directions

Contact: Carolyn Sinclair/Suzanne Bennett  024 7683 3166/3072


No. Item



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Minutes of the Meeting held on 15th July 2014 pdf icon PDF 77 KB

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Exclusion of the Press and Public

To consider whether to exclude the press and public for the items of private business for the reasons shown in the report.

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Coventry Good Citizen Award

To be presented by the Lord Mayor

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Correspondence and Announcements of the Lord Mayor

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Declarations of Interest

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Matters Left for Determination by the City Council/Recommendations for the City Council

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Formal Consultation in Respect of Further Staffing Reductions pdf icon PDF 34 KB

From the Cabinet, 5th August 2014

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Coventry Sports Strategy 2014 - 2024 pdf icon PDF 35 KB

From the Cabinet, 5th August 2014

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City Centre Sports and Public Leisure Facility Development pdf icon PDF 37 KB

From the Cabinet, 5th August 2014

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Audit and Procurement Committee Annual Report to Council 2013-14 pdf icon PDF 28 KB

From the Audit & Procurement Committee, 18th August 2014

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It is anticipated that the following matters will be referred as Recommendations from Cabinet, 2nd September 2014. In order to allow Members the maximum opportunity to acquaint themselves with the proposals, the reports are attached. The relevant Recommendations will be circulated separately.

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New Coventry Local Plan - Delivering Sustainable Growth (2011-2031) and the Updated Local Development Scheme (2014) pdf icon PDF 101 KB

Report of the Executive Director, Place

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The Coventry and Warwickshire First Wave Growth Deal pdf icon PDF 101 KB

Report of the Executive Director, Place.

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Items(s) for Consideration

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Appointments of the City Council - Membership of the Corporate Parenting Board pdf icon PDF 50 KB

Report of the Executive Director, Resources

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Question Time

(a)  Written Questions – There are no written questions


(b)  Oral Questions to Chairs of Scrutiny Boards/Chair of Scrutiny

Co-ordination Committee


(c)  Oral Questions to Chairs of other meetings


(d)  Oral Questions to Representatives on Outside Bodies


(e)  Oral Questions to Cabinet Members and Deputy Cabinet Members on any matter


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To be moved Councillor Khan and seconded by Councillor Chater

Since 2010, Coventry has been known as a City of Sanctuary and with that, the City acknowledges that it recognises the plight of asylum seekers forced to flee their home countries.


Many asylum seekers, in exercising their human right of free speech in their own countries, have received death threats, suffered beatings and threats to their family members, forcing them to abandon their homes, their country and all their possessions.  Here in Britain, if their asylum cases are refused by the Home Office, they lose all financial support and accommodation.  Current laws also prevent them from working.  This leaves them in a cycle of deprivation and poverty that is currently impossible to break.  Many are forced into homelessness on the street.  The destitution of the refused asylum seekers places increased pressure on the charities and communities that meet their most basic human needs.


The recent Children’s Society report into support for asylum seekers found widespread evidence of destitution, its negative impact on children and of the need to reform the asylum support system if it is to have regard to the safety and well-being of children.


The Council welcomes the initiatives of the 11 City Councils that have passed a motion on destitution in the UK, highlighting the concerns for refused asylum seekers and the lack of support and facilities.  Coventry, as the City of Peace and Reconciliation is complemented by the assertion that we are a City of Sanctuary but for this proud declaration to be meaningful and worthy of its fine words, we must act to improve this situation with the following actions:


  1. The Lord Mayor and the Leader to write, on behalf of the City Council, to the Secretary of State for Home Affairs deploring the Government policy that forces refused asylum seekers into destitution while they continue to fight for a safe haven from persecution.
  2. The City Council should work closely with the voluntary sector through a designated Officer to provide help, support and advice to applicants and enable a co-ordinated response to be easily available to those in need at this vulnerable time of their lives.
  3. The Lord Mayor and Leader to write to the Secretary of State for Home Affairs seeking a change of policy allowing local authorities to assist refused asylum seekers in danger of destitution and to provide equal emergency provision to refused asylum seekers as they would to any other homeless person.
  4. The City Council should request the Home Office to ensure that it continues to provide financial support and accommodation until a safe return is negotiatied or an individual leaves the UK or leave to remain is granted, and to provide good quality legal advice at all stages of the asylum process.
  5. The City Council should write to the Secretary of State for Home Affairs making clear its opposition to the use of destitution as a policy tool to force refused asylum seekers to leave the UK while they continue to state their case for a safe haven from persecution.  ...  view the full agenda text for item 17.1

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To be moved by Councillor Taylor and seconded by Councillor Skinner

We, the City Council, are deeply concerned that despite a petition of 11,299 people to retain a nationally renowned facility, that being our 50m pool, the controlling Labour Group has taken the decision to go ahead and build a new amenity, at more than it would cost to retain the 50m pool, and in doing so this will have a negative impact on Coventry’s status and prejudice our Olympic legacy.


We therefore urge Council even at this late stage to work actively with partners, including the City of Coventry Swimming Club, to ensure that the City of Coventry can keep its 50m pool.

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Private Business

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Matters Left for Determination by the City Council/Recommendations for the City Council

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City Centre Sports and Public Leisure Facility Development

From the Cabinet, 5th August 2014


(Listing Officer: David Nuttall, Tel: 024 7683 2362)