86 Transportation and Highways Maintenance Capital Programme 2024/25 PDF 677 KB
Report of the Director of Transportation, Highways and Sustainability
Cabinet considered a report of the Director of Transportation, Highways and Sustainability which detailed a £19.249m capital programme for the maintenance and improvement of the city's roads, pavements and transport infrastructure. The programme is funded through City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement (CRSTS), external funding and Citizen Housing Right to Buy receipts.
The report highlighted the ambitious range of major projects to be delivered in the city. With increased funding as a result of additional grants and CRSTS re-profiling, it is possible to further extend the successful Average Speed Enforcement programme and provide additional funding to better protect homes and communities in response to the January floods, as well as deliver an expanded programme of pavement works.
These projects support the aims of the recently adopted Transport Strategy and the One Coventry Plan to promote continued growth and investment, tackle the causes and consequences of climate change and inequalities by widening travel choice and promoting active travel.
With the continued success in attracting external funding, the Council is able to develop and deliver schemes and infrastructure that enable transformation and progression.
This report set out a detailed capital programme of all highway maintenance and transport schemes which are due to be carried out during 2024/25 and outlined individual allocations and the various sources of funding in a table in the report. Specific details of each project are detailed in Appendices 1 to 3.
As with previous programmes, there is an emphasis on making the best use of existing infrastructure. The maintenance programme will focus on ensuring that the worst affected roads and pavements across the City are properly repaired and preventative maintenance is carried out. This is a key theme in the West Midlands Strategic Transport Plan and is driven by the City Council's Highways Infrastructure Asset Management Policy and Strategy (January 2016).
RESOLVED that Cabinet:-
1) Approves the 2024/25 Programme of Transportation and Highway schemes marked ‘A’ in Table 2 of the report.
2) Delegates authority to the Cabinet Member for City Services, to approve a programme of scheme development and externally funded schemes, marked ‘B’ in Table 2 of the report.