Issue - meetings

Adoption of Open Spaces Supplementary Planning Document

Meeting: 15/03/2022 - Cabinet (Item 94)

94 Open Space Supplementary Planning Document - Adoption pdf icon PDF 135 KB

Report of the Director of Streetscene and Regulatory Services

Additional documents:


The Cabinet considered a report of the Director of Streetscene and Regulatory Services, that sought approval to adopt the Open Space Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) following public consultation which was undertaken between 30th November 2021 and 18th January 2022.


SPDs add further detail to the policies in the development plan but could not introduce new policy.  SPDs provide additional guidance for development and would be capable of being a material consideration when making decisions on planning applications.


The purpose of the Open Space SPD was to set out the Council’s approach towards the provision of public open space in new residential development. It supplements Policy GE1 of the adopted Local Plan, which states that: “new development proposals should make provision for green infrastructure to ensure that such development is integrated into the landscape and contributes to improvements in connectivity and public access, biodiversity, landscape conservation, design, archaeology and recreation”.


The additional guidance provided within the SPD aimed to provide clear information for applicants about policy requirements, which developments would trigger a requirement for open space provision, how much open space should be provided, what kind of open space would be needed, and clear expectations in terms of design and delivery.


Responses to the consultation had been analysed and taken account of when amending the SPD.  The proposed final version was attached at Appendix 1 of the report and a summary of representations along with responses and proposed amendments was provided at Appendix 2.


RESOLVED that the Cabinet:


1.  Adopt the Open Space Supplementary Planning Document (SPD).


2.  Delegate authority to the Strategic Lead (Planning), following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing and Communities, any necessary further non-substantive (minor) changes to the document.