Meeting documents

Scrutiny Co-ordination Committee
Wednesday, 15th June, 2011 10.00 am

Committee Rooms 2 and 3, Council House, Coventry


Councillor John Blundell Councillor John Blundell attended this meeting Councillor John Blundell was not absent Councillor John Blundell did not send apologies Not applicable to Councillor John Blundell
Councillor Kevin Foster Councillor Kevin Foster did not attend this meeting Councillor Kevin Foster was not absent Councillor Kevin Foster sent apologies Councillor Kevin Foster was substituted (Councillor Hazel Noonan)
S Hanson S Hanson did not attend this meeting S Hanson was absent S Hanson did not send apologies Not applicable to S Hanson
Councillor Ram Parkash Lakha OBE Councillor Ram Parkash Lakha OBE attended this meeting Councillor Ram Parkash Lakha OBE was not absent Councillor Ram Parkash Lakha OBE did not send apologies Not applicable to Councillor Ram Parkash Lakha OBE
Councillor Rachel Lancaster Councillor Rachel Lancaster attended this meeting Councillor Rachel Lancaster was not absent Councillor Rachel Lancaster did not send apologies Not applicable to Councillor Rachel Lancaster
Councillor Ann Evelyn Lucas Councillor Ann Evelyn Lucas attended this meeting Councillor Ann Evelyn Lucas was not absent Councillor Ann Evelyn Lucas did not send apologies Not applicable to Councillor Ann Evelyn Lucas
Councillor John Douglas McNicholas Councillor John Douglas McNicholas attended this meeting Councillor John Douglas McNicholas was not absent Councillor John Douglas McNicholas did not send apologies Not applicable to Councillor John Douglas McNicholas
Councillor Mal Mutton Councillor Mal Mutton did not attend this meeting Councillor Mal Mutton was not absent Councillor Mal Mutton sent apologies Not applicable to Councillor Mal Mutton
Mr R Potter Mr R Potter did not attend this meeting Mr R Potter was absent Mr R Potter did not send apologies Not applicable to Mr R Potter
Councillor Ed Ruane Councillor Ed Ruane attended this meeting Councillor Ed Ruane was not absent Councillor Ed Ruane did not send apologies Not applicable to Councillor Ed Ruane
Councillor Timothy Winspear Sawdon Councillor Timothy Winspear Sawdon attended this meeting Councillor Timothy Winspear Sawdon was not absent Councillor Timothy Winspear Sawdon did not send apologies Not applicable to Councillor Timothy Winspear Sawdon
Councillor Kenneth John Taylor OBE Councillor Kenneth John Taylor OBE attended this meeting Councillor Kenneth John Taylor OBE was not absent Councillor Kenneth John Taylor OBE did not send apologies Not applicable to Councillor Kenneth John Taylor OBE
Councillor David Stuart Welsh Councillor David  Stuart Welsh attended this meeting Councillor David  Stuart Welsh was not absent Councillor David  Stuart Welsh did not send apologies Not applicable to Councillor David  Stuart Welsh

Other Attendees

No visitors were present at this meeting.

Meeting Documents

 AgendasApprox. Size
Adobe PDF document Additional Information Letter 0
Adobe PDF document Agenda - 15th June, 2011 0
 MinutesApprox. Size
Adobe PDF document Minutes - 15th June, 2011 0
 ReportsApprox. Size
Adobe PDF document 03 - Minutes - 27th April 2011 0
Adobe PDF document 04 - Innappropriate Call-in - TRO Public Realm and Olympic Legacy 0
Adobe PDF document 04 - Objections to TROrders Coventry 2012 Public Realm and Olympic Legacy 2012 with appendix. 0
Adobe PDF document 05 - Scrutiny Boards' Annual Report to Council 2010-2011 0
Adobe PDF document 06 - Council Plan 2011-2014 (incl. part 1 and 2) 0
Adobe PDF document 07 - Customer Management Review - Task and Finish Group 0
Adobe PDF document 08 - Report Back on Attendance at Conference - Lord Mayor's Visit to Dresden 0
Adobe PDF document 09a - Report on Outside Body - CSW Leaders Board 2010-2011 0
Adobe PDF document 09b - Report on Outside Body - Enterprising Coventry Partnership Board 2010-2011 0
Adobe PDF document 09c - Report on Outside Body - Grace Academy 2010-2011. 0
Adobe PDF document 09d - Report on Outside Body - PATROLAJC and BLASJC 2010-2011. 0
Adobe PDF document 09e - Report on Outside Body - Special Interest Groups of Municipal Authorities SIGOMA 2010-2011. 0
Adobe PDF document 09f - Report on Outside Body - West Midlands Superannuation Committee 2010-2011. 0
Adobe PDF document 09g - Report on Outside Body - Cov & Wks Local Enterprise Partnership 0
Adobe PDF document 09h - Report on Outside Body - Coventry Citizens Advice 2010-2011. 0
Adobe PDF document 09i - Report on Outside Body - Coventry Partnership 2010-2011. 0
Adobe PDF document 09j - Report on Outside Body - Coventry Refugee Centre 2010-2011. 0
Adobe PDF document 09k - Report on Outside Body - WM Intergrated Transport Authority 2010-2011. 0
Adobe PDF document 09l - Report on Outside Body - Older Peoples Partnership Board 2010-2011 0
Adobe PDF document 09m - Report on Outside Body - WM Leaders Board - Member Development Steering Group 2010-2011. 0
Adobe PDF document 09n - Report on Outside Body - Coventry School Admissions Forum 2010-2011 0
Adobe PDF document 09o - Report on Outside Body - Belgrade Theatre Trust 2010-2011. 0
Adobe PDF document 09p - Report on Outside Body - Local Government Association Urban Commission 2010-2011. 0
Adobe PDF document 09q - Report on Outside Body - Cov and Solihull Waste Disposal Company - Shareholders Panel 2010-2011. 0
Adobe PDF document 09r - Report on Outside Body - University of Warwick Science Park 2010-2011. 0
Adobe PDF document 09s - Report on Outside Body - Coventry Heritage and Arts Trust 2010-2011. 0
Adobe PDF document 09t - Report on Outside Body - Birmingham Airport Holdings Limited - Board of Directors 2010-2011. 0
Adobe PDF document 09u - Report on Outside Body - Mental Health Partnership Board 2010-2011. 0
Adobe PDF document 09v - Report on Outside Body - Governing Body of Sidney Stringer Academy 2010-2011. 0
Adobe PDF document 09w - Report on Outside Body - New Deal for Communities Partnership Board 2010-2011. 0
Adobe PDF document 09x - Report on Outside Body - Whitefriars Housing Group 2010-2011. 0
Adobe PDF document 09y - Report on Outside Body - Governing Body of City College 2010-2011 0

NOTE: All documents open in a new window.

Declarations Of Interest

NameItem NumberAction TakenDetails
Councillor Rachel Lancaster 9hShe remained in the meeting for condideration of the matterPersonal Interest - in so far as the report related to advice services, as Councillor Lancaster had an employment link with these services
Councillor Hazel Noonan 9gAs the detail of the report was not dicsussed, she remained in the meetingPrejudicial Interest - in so far as the report related to the Baginton area, as Councillor Noonan was a land owner in this area.